The 9 Essential Amino Acids Vegans Need In Their Diet

9 Essential Amino Acids For Vegans and Plant-Based Eaters

The 9 Essential Amino Acids Vegans Need In Their Diet


Why Vegans Need To Eat A Combination Of Essential Acids

Eating the full spectrum of essential amino acids is a vital part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Foods that combine all essential amino acids are beef, buckwheat, chicken, dairy, eggs, fish, quinoa, soya. Because most plant based foods don’t have all these essential amino acids. Vegans particularly need to make sure they are including all the essential amino acids in each meal.



Histidine is one of the essential amino acids that helps manufacture the brain chemical histamine in the body. Vital to maintain a healthy digestive system, immune system, and sleep.

Histidine is found in cantaloupe melon, legumes, potatoes, rice and wheat.



Isoleucine as an essential amino acid produces hemoglobin in the body and controls muscle metabolism, and energy levels in the body.

Isoleucine can be found in beans, brown rice, cabbage, oats, quinoa, rye and soya,



Leucine is another branched amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis and supports better recovery after exercise. It is also has been researched as being helpful in balancing glucose levels and reducing obesity.

Leucine is rich in peas, pumpkins, seaweed, sesame seeds and whole grain rice.



Lysine is one of the main essential amino acids that help with Hormone production, energy, and immune function. Lysine assists the body in absorbing calcium and decreases the amount of calcium lost in urine.

Lysine can be found in beans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, seitan and soya,



Methionine essential amino acid assists the body with detoxification, growth of muscle tissue, and metabolism. Methionine is an antioxidant that is said to protect the body from the damage of ionizing radiation and help prevent fat deposits in your liver.

Methionine is found in Chia seeds, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds.



Your body can convert phenylalanine into the amino acid tyrosine, which helps produce happy and healthy neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine).  L-There are 2 forms phenylalanine and D-phenylalanine, the body cannot produce enough L-phenylalanine on its own so requires it from food.

Phenylalanine is found in almonds, avocado, beans, seaweed, spirulina and rice.



Threonine is one of the vital essential amino acids, it is involved in fat metabolism, protein synthesis, and good intestinal health. Threonine has an important role in collagen and elastin. It also supports sleep and helps form blood clots to stop bleeding.

Threonine is rich in chia seeds and hemp seeds, leafy greens, spirulina and watercress.



Tryptophan is a necessary essential amino acid that is used to produce serotonin, melatonin and niacin ( vitamin b3). As well as being an important requirement to help produce enzymes, proteins and muscle tissue.

Tryptophan is found in oats, soya, spinach, sweet potatoes,



Valine enhances energy and endurance, helps lower elevated blood sugar levels, and increases growth hormone production. An important amino acid for muscle growth and tissue regeneration.

Valine is found in broccoli, hemp seeds, legumes, sesame seeds and spinach.

9 Essential Amino Acids For Vegans to make a full complete protein


Importance Of Combining Essential Amino Acids

Our mind, body, emotions and the ability for our body to rest,sleep and repair depends on the right combination of essential amino acids. So many vegans eat very unhealthily because they don’t eat the right foods or don’t ensure they are getting the right combination of amino acids at each meal.


Complete Protein Combinations

Easy Essential Amino Acid Combinations that make up a full protein meal or snack.

  • Rice and beans make up a full protein
  • Beans on wholewheat toast
  • Peanut butter on wholewheat toast
  • Dahl  ( lentils and rice)
  • Chickpea Salad with Sprouts
  • Kidney Bean Pasta Salad
  • Pea Pasta Salad
  • Pea Rice Salad
  • Pita Bread and Humous



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Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Top tips on how to find the right help when you have suffer from complex or chronic health conditions.

Exploring some of the biggest challenges getting the right help or wellbeing support when you have a chronic illness, chronic disabilities or a complex medical history.

One of the biggest problems many people face with chronic health conditions face is the length of time it takes them to get the right diagnosis or the right help.

Without having to waste a lot of time, energy and money or all of their life savings on the wrong type of help, wrong therapists, doctors or wellbeing professionals.

Navigating The Holistic Wellbeing Arena With Chronic Health Conditions

Now more than ever the healthcare system and the holistic wellbeing system can be a bit of a minefield to navigate through.

I know as someone who at 54 years of age, dealt with a complex health history and wide range of rare and chronic health challenges and medical harm from a young age.

I spent over 30 years investing in peoples, courses and programs that were not an ideal fit for a variety of reasons. But often because of over zealous or naive therapists who assumed they were the right fit when they weren’t really.

The last thing anyone needs with a long-term health condition is waste more time, energy and emotions on someone or something that is not a perfect fit for your needs.

Chronic Health Conditions - 5 Tips To Finding The Right Help

5 Things To Consider When Trying To Finding The Right Help With Chronic Health Conditions


No 1 – Identify What Kind Of Support You Want:

It is so important to get clear what kind of support and help you really want or feel you need. If you are not specific enough and very vague just looking for any sort of help, you will often attract a lot of help that is not an exact march for your specific needs. Think about your biggest challenges or those tricky aspects of your wellbeing you struggle to shift. Particularly the main issues that if yo get help with are more likely to help and make a better impact on other areas of your life or  health.

Identifying those things that maybe the root of the problem or the things that can make the biggest shifts should always be considered a priority.

One of my best investments was getting tests and nutritional support around gut health, intolerances, and nutritional deficiencies this helped address some very serious issues with my health when my health was dramatically declining. I chose to go with a naturopath and nutritionist who were highly experienced and qualified in the areas I had problems in, they both had many years of experience working with complex issues.


No 2 – Identify What Level Of Support You Need And Can Afford:

Think of what level of support do you need and can afford for support or help with your chronic health conditions. No matter if that is practical support or health and wellbeing education or support.

For example today we have so many online coaching, therapy programs designed to help the masses. But the reality is group programs are not always ideal for those with complex or chronic health challenges.

Sometimes you can have so much going, so many conflicting medical and therapeutic opinions or challenges you don’t know where to start. Unless you invest in a course with someone who is definitely an expert in your problem and has a tried and tested program that demonstrates a high success rate with hundreds of similar clients. It can be difficult to be assured if it will help you. Sometimes it can better to invest in more one to one support even if it is just initially, if you can afford it.

But the problem is most people with chronic health condition have often spend so much time and energy on the wrong things that they can struggle to find the money for the right things. It is one of the reasons why I always think therapists and wellbeing practitioners should always be really honest and realistic with their clients.


No 3 – Asking The Right Questions

It is so important for anyone with a chronic health condition to be able to ask the right questions from anyone they are getting medical, health or wellbeing advice or support from. Depending on what type of support or help your seeking one of the questions is usually important is checking the health professional does have the right experience and qualification.

And please never assume if someone has a certificate that it actually equates to the right training or right level of expertise. Ask, ask, ask, consider things like how long was their training, who did they train with, is their qualification recognised with and by who.

Never be shy about asking direct questions to the practitioner about their expertise, depth of training, where and when they studied, how many clients they have helped with similar challenges, how many of these clients improved. When it comes to your health and wellbeing you should know.


No 4 – When Will I Start Seeing Serious Health Improvements

Another thing many people suffering from chronic health conditions fail to do is ask how long they should need to wait or invest before seeing results from the help or support they are investing in.

This will obviously depend on the type of help or support your investing in.

I spent years in my twenties going to therapists and one homeopathic doctor who encouraged me to keep coming to them for years.When I wasn’t seeing any results or actually was having constant relapses or chronic healing crises that didn’t seem to heal anything. This is so unhealthy and in sometimes it creates co-dependency issues or you just become someone’s cash cow.

On the other hand I went to other practitioners expecting the results to take months and had instant relief or problems permanently solved in one session. This made me question a lot about so many types of modalities and therapies how they were being sold. And how important it was to value a lot of investments not on the cost of the session but how quickly, deeply and permanently was the result.


No 5 – Look For Testimonials From Other Chronic Health Suffers

Testimonials and reviews especially those that have been submitted on social media are a great way to ensure that testimonials are actually from real live people. And have not been falsified or adapted in anyway. If you can see any evidence on your specific issue.

Sometimes therapists have previous clients who are willing to share their experiences. Of course for many reasons this may all not be appropriate for the therapist, healer, coach or medical professional to ask. But it doesn’t mean you cannot inquire if there is someone willing to share their experience working with this person, especially if you are investing a lot of money or time into a program or a certain amount of sessions.


Chronic Health Conditions And Self-Responsibility For Your Health

One of the most important thing that anyone with a chronic health condition can do is take as much self-responsibility for their own healing, their own health and wellbeing.

The daily lifestyles choices you make everyday that help reduce or increase those chronic health conditions, your mental and emotional wellbeing. Can make a huge impact in the quality of your life.


Chronic Health Conditions And Stress

Managing your anxiety and stress, creating healthy boundaries, especially saying NO to what isn’t right for you. Is a vital aspect of any wellbeing approach.

I learned early on how important it was for me to manage my anxiety and stress levels, Also the importance of a clean and healthy diet, and to reduce as much toxins from my environment as they were having a considerable impact on my general every day functioning. Especially being someone who had gut issues since infanthood and all sorts of toxicity exposure.


Chronic Health Conditions And Listening To Your Own Body

And began to learn how to listen to my own body and not be bullied by medical and wellbeing practitioners who tried to gaslight or bully me into taking medication or approaches that were more likely to cause me more harm than good.


Why I Choose Therapists Who Really Understand Chronic Health Challenges

It is one of the reasons when I can, I choose therapist, healers and other wellbeing professionals who have had some sort of similar challenge. Who really know what they are talking about, walk the talk, have just not read in a book or magazine some sort of theory or perspective.

Have experienced some of those challenges themself, have tried and tested approaches, have a more wider holistic approach in the way the work, than be too stuck or fixed on one perspective or a few modalities,

Because they often have a higher degree of awareness, insight and experience, as well as greater empathy and compassion. So tend to not to be as quick to make pre-judgements about you or your situation.


If you are struggling with the anxiety and stress of living with complex chronic health conditions and would love access to some powerful anxiety and stress reducing tools that help reduce chronic pain, improve sleep and support general wellbeing check out my Stress Management Program For Sufferers of Chronic Health Conditions as someone who has suffered from fibro, M.E, suspected Late Stage Lyme and a whole list of rare and complex symptoms I can’t recommend highly enough how much managing your anxiety and stress helps improve your health.


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Symptoms Of Late-Stage Lyme Disease

Symptoms of Late Stage Lyme Disease

Symptoms Of Late-Stage Lyme Disease

Symptoms of Lyme, late-stage Lyme disease, and Lyme Co-Infections.  What is Lyme Disease? And my own story of undiagnosed Late-Stage Lyme Disease, suffering from Lyme for over 35 years.


What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a multisystem bacterial infection that can be spread to animals and humans by bites from infected ticks. 

In the USA Lyme disease is a manifestation of the bacterial spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Asia and Europe, Lyme disease is mostly from Borrelia burgdorferiBorrelia afzelii, and Borrelia garinii.


Lyme Disease Co-Infections?

Those infected with Lyme disease are also usually infected by a variety of co-infections; different co-infections are more common in certain countries and parts of the world than others.

In the USA these include “Lyme borreliosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Powassan virus, and B. miyamotoi infection”

In Europe, these include Babesia, Bartonella, Brucella, Q Fever, and Tick-borne Encephalitis. These co-infections can cause a wide range of devastating impacts on the immune and central nervous system when not treated early enough.


What is Stage 1 Of Lyme Disease?

Stage 1 of Lyme Disease is the transmission of the tick bite. This is where one normally would find a tick and then a bull’s eye rash. Although it is reputed that many people do not see the tick and may never get or see the rash. At this stage it is important to remove the tick. Note not all ticks are infected.


What is Stage 2 Of Lyme Disease?

Stage 2 of Lyme Disease is when the patient begins to feel sick or unwell this tends to occur within weeks or months, and the person experiences flu-type symptoms;   chills, fatigue, pain, weakness, rashes, heart problems, facial paralysis, eye problems.


What is Late-Stage Lyme Disease?

Late-stage Lyme disease is unhealed or untreated Lyme disease (late-stage disseminated lyme) it is known as the great imitator as it mimics so many other diseases. Its impact on the central nervous system makes some of the symptoms resemble conditions like A.LS., brain tumours, Guillaine-Barr, M.S., and Parkinson’s Disease.


Late-stage Lyme disease symptoms include

Arthritic Lyme

Balance Issues

Bladder Dysfunction

Brain Fog

Chronic Fatigue and Severe Fatigue


Eye Complications and Vision Changes

Exhaustion and Fatigue,

Gut Issues

Hormonal Issues

Hyperacusis and Noise Sensitivity Challenges

Immune system disorders

Insomnia and other sleep disorders

Lyme Carditis, Heart Murmur, Heart Inflammation, Palpations, Tachycardia

Lymphocytic Meningitis,

Palsies of The Cranial Nerves,

Pelvic Pain,

Muscle Weakness,

Myocarditis, Pericarditis,


Nervous system issues,

Nerve damage,



Sensitivity To Light

Shortness Of Breath

Swollen Glands



Infographic Lyme Disease - Symptoms Of Late-Stage Lyme Disease


Untreated Late-Stage Lyme Disease

Untreated late-stage Lyme disease is when someone does not receive treatment within a specific time or does not fully recover from the standard treatment of antibiotics, such as doxycycline or amoxicillin.

Treating late-stage Lyme is often a longer treatment of intravenous antibiotics.

Recovery is said to depend on the amounts years, the co-infections, and the level of late-stage complications. Sadly some untreated symptoms can be life-threatening.


My Own Story Around Untreated Late-Stage Lyme Disease

At the age of 14, I was bitten by something what appeared to be very similar to a bulls-eye rash. I had a lot of swelling in my legs, feet, and ankles which meant I couldn’t wear my shoes and go to school. My GP identified it as some sort of strange insect bite but didn’t know what.


Over the next few years, I would begin suffering from a lot of odd unexplained low-level health challenges, including a lot of bladder and kidney infections, light sensitivity and just a general feeling of being unwell.

I had keratitis and some eye issues, plus a few other rare eye phenomena supposedly related to a rare medical challenge known as parry rombergs disease that I was diagnosed as a child, which appeared to be congenital.

At the age of 19, after being an unfortunate victim of mercury toxicity, where a dentist accidentally put mercury up my root canal instead of my tooth.

My health quickly and seriously declined, initially appearing as a very seriously debilitating flu and a whole host of other rare medical symptoms.


Suspected Late-Stage Lyme Symptom

Over the next 30 years, I would experience bouts of extreme exhaustion, brain fog, muscle weakness, and tremors, suffer chills, fevers, strange rashes, constant sore throats, throat infections, and so many stomach issues and what appeared to be like menopausal flashes (even though I was only 21 years of age) .

Aswell as all sorts of weird eye and neurological issues.

I went from a young fit active 19-year-old who walked several miles a day, had 2 jobs, loved to dance and sing, with many hobbies. Too within a few days hardly was able to lift my head.

Even though I recovered a bit from this initial episode, I struggled to get any stamina back, I would have constant relapses and a low immune system, prone to all sorts of virus, bacteria, and digestive issues.

At 21 I was diagnosed with M.E. and at 22 I got so ill, that I had no choice but to give up college and return home to be looked after by my parents and siblings.

In my late twenties, I was hospitalised after what appeared to be very large welts all over my body and joints, rheumatic fever, and what I was told was rheumatoid arthritis. Even though the symptoms seem to disappear.

One of the doctors at the time suspected I had Lyme Disease because of the amount of unusual symptoms I had that were not associated with M.E. or rheumatic fever, but for some reason, it was never mentioned again until my 40’s.


Eye Complications Of Late-Stage Lyme Disease

I became very much a medical mystery, especially to eye specialists all over the UK who would come to examine me eye in research and clinical studies. My specific case was included in a medical research publication.

A long list of eye complications including dangerously low eye pressure, a hypotonic eye, choroidal folds, retina detachment issues, optic nerve damage, light sensitivity, dilated pupil, keratitis alongside a hole in my eye.

Now although I thought the hole in my eye, seemed to be directly related to the mercury injury I suffered. As it was in line with the very nerve that went down that tooth.

I would later find out that many of the other eye conditions and rare eye symptoms  I had not usually seen in someone so young were seen in certain co-infections of Lyme, especially untreated late-stage Lyme disease.

Over 30 years I had so many strange symptoms and other chronic health conditions that didn’t add up, a massive amount of abscesses in the bone cavity above my mouth, cysts, and a benign tumour.

A fatty liver when I hadn’t drunk alcohol since my early twenties, when I didn’t eat meat, rarely ate fatty foods being mostly vegeterian and lactose intolerant.

I developed sorts of weird and wonderful allergies, and sensitivities to all sorts of things from perfumes, household toxins, foods, and alcohol intolerance, and became very unwell if I consumed processed sugar...

In my 40’s began to develop jerking movements, extreme hyperacusis in one ear,  a complex movement disorder; myoclonus dystonia, chorea, and so many other symptoms that would be too long to mention.

Doctors and Medical Experts were baffled with my weird and wonderful symptoms and chronic health conditions until in my late 40s while I was on holiday with a friend in the medical profession. Did he seriously begin to question some of the symptoms I had?

He questioned if it could be Lyme Disease. After taking a quiz I was shocked to discover that out of 350 symptoms related to Lyme disease. There were less than a handful of the symptoms I hadn’t suffered from, since I had those bites.


Challenges Around NHS Lyme Testing And Treatment

I would discover that according to worldwide Lyme Experts the NHS Lyme test was not fit for purpose and most likely would not be able to detect Late-Stage Lyme Disease.

I was advised by a variety of health professionals to get tested abroad, which did suggest I had late-stage Lyme and quite a few of the co-infections which very much aligned with many of the symptoms I had been suffering from for years.

Especially the very rare and unusual neurological and eye symptoms and a persistent unexplained cough I had since my teens.

Sadly even though some of the Doctors I saw agreed that it appeared to be highly likely it was Late-Stage Lyme Disease.

Unfortunately due to UK guidelines I was not allowed to be treated by late-stage treatment of intravenous antibiotics and was given no help or hope.

Now at the time, the testing I chose to get was the Elis-spot and the PCR. Interestingly, when I submitted my results to an infectious disease doctor in the NHS I was mocked at the time because I went for a PCR test.

And was told at the time a PCR  test would never be used to diagnose any virus or disease in the UK because of its level of inaccuracy. Hmm, extremely interesting when we look at what was used to test a certain virus over the last few years.

Now because of this, I looked into PCR testing at the time, and let’s say what I learned was interesting.


What I Learned Living With Untreated Chronic Health Challenges

On one level I was very disappointed I was not allowed to be given the recommended intravenous antibiotic for late-stage Lyme here in the UK. Even though my GP and a couple of specialists felt it was too late to make any difference.

I was told by neurologists and GPs that I had just to live and accept my symptoms and life situation, by this stage I had become housebound due to the severity of sound sensitivity that was triggering non-epileptic seizures .

Like most of the health challenges I had, I was rarely given any support or help.

Out of this situation I learned young how easy it is to take our health for granted. How quickly and how easily our health can be taken away.

But also how important it is to take as much self-responsibility for our health and well-being as we can. Most people today put their health and well-being at the lower end of their priorities.

Living with any chronic, life-changing, or life-limiting health condition is extremely challenging. But it can also teach us great gifts, and help us value life itself on a level that so many other people cannot.

I spent a large part of my life being gaslighted and judged, by so many medical professionals, healers, and therapists that on some level I became tainted by what was supposed to be healthcare and well-being support.

But I thank god, that I aligned with a holistic approach to life and my health early on. I honestly believe if I hadn’t taken a more natural approach, and started to live a more clean healthy life, I wouldn’t be here today.

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7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

nut protein high in amino acids that are a good source of protein for vegans

7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

Some of the best nut sources of protein, amino acids, minerals and nutrients for vegans, vegetarians and clean eaters. Why protein plays such an important part in making and repairing cells in the body.

What is Protein?

Protein is one of the body’s biggest building blocks of the body, every cell in the body contains protein. Protein is a chain of amino acids. We need protein to grow and repair the body, it is especially important for children, teenagers, and during pregnancy.

What Are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are molecules used to make proteins.

20 different amino acids are needed for us to function healthily.

9 amino acids known as essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by the body so must come from the food we eat.


The 9 Amino Acids That Are Essential are tryptophan

Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.


Nut Sources Of Protein

The total protein content in nuts is very high which is why nut sources of protein are one of the most common sources of proteins for many vegans, vegetarians, and those on a clean plant-based diet.

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7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

Some of the best nut sources of protein and amino acids easy to source


Almonds are reputed to be the best nut source of protein, and high levels of vitamin e, calcium and phosphorus. Almonds contain over 130 antioxidants, help lower HDL levels, low-density lipoprotein and are said to help reduce sugar spikes so a great snack for diabetes sufferers as well as supporting a healthy gut.

Almond provides only 7 of the 9 essential amino acids paired with buckwheat, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, or carrots to get all 9 amino acids.

21 grams of protein in 100 grams of Almonds.



Pistachios are another good source of protein. Pistachios are said to have a high level of amino acids, the highest percentage of branched-chain amino acids compared to many other types of nuts. They are full of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, fibre especially beta carotene, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine), and Vitamin B6. Pistachios have the greatest phytosterol content among other nuts.

A serving of pistachios is said to have the equivalent of protein that one egg has. Accompany with buckwheat, quinoa or rye to ensure you are getting a complete combination of amino acids in one meal.

Did you know pistachios are one of the oldest nut trees in the world?

20 grams of protein in 100 grams of Pistachios.



Cashews are a good quality nut source of protein, copper, and magnesium. As well as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc. Cashews are also a high source of unsaturated fats.

Did you know over 80% of the world’s cashews are eaten by Americans?

To make sure you are getting a full spectrum of all amino acids in one meal combine cashews with non-GMO soya beans, buckwheat, quinoa, and pita bread.

Nut Sources Of Protein Infographic


Hazelnuts are a healthy source of protein, vitamin E and calcium, manganese, copper, omega 3, and omega 6. Hazelnuts also have very high levels of antioxidants.

Combine hazelnuts with chia seeds, buckwheat, rye bread, non-GMO soya.

15 grams of protein in 100 grams of Hazelnuts


Walnuts (English or Persian Walnut)

Walnuts have the highest sources of Omega 3’s, other than being a good nut source of protein and calcium they have a  higher level of antioxidants than most food.

Not all walnuts are edible, but the common walnut also known as english walnut or persian walnut is grown all over the world and reputed to have many great health benefits which include reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and great for brain health.

To get a full complete meal of protein using almonds consider combining with for example chick peas, quinoa, rye break.

15 grams of protein in 100 grams of Walnuts.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a good source of protein, selenium, and calcium. They have several antioxidants, including vitamin E and phenols. Known to help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body they are said to be good for heart health, and diabetes and help reduce the risk of cancer.

Brazil nuts should be eaten with baby portobello mushrooms, cauliflower, carrots, cranberry, or watermelon.

14 grams of protein in 100 grams of Brazil Nuts.


Pine Nuts

Pine nuts although viewed as a nut are actually seeds. Pine nuts are high in protein and high unsaturated fats, rich in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, protein and zinc. Reputed as good brain food, also great for the heart and can help reduce risk of diabetes.

Pine nuts contain Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Zinc

Eat with cranberry, carrot, cauliflower or watermelon to get all amino acids.

14 grams of protein in 100 grams of Pine nuts


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Clary Sage Oil – Female Balancing Essential Oil

Pure Essential Clary Sage Oil

Clary Sage Oil – Female Balancing Essential Oil

The Therapeutic benefits of clary sage essential oil, why it is known as a gift for female health and well-being by holistic and modern medicine.

What is Clary Sage? And why is clary sage widely regarded as a hormone-balancing essential oil for many female hormone-related issues? To help reduce anxiety and stress, a supportive muscle relaxant and antidepressant.


What is Clary Sage? (Salvia sclarea)


Clary sage also known as salvia scalrea is a purplish blue flower/plant that is cultivated worldwide although it is native to Southern Europe. Its extensive therapeutic properties make it regarded as a high-value essential oil which is used in cosmetics, perfume and for medicinal use.

Each species of clary sage grown in different countries demonstrates different biological activity and chemical composition as documented by

History Of Clary Sage

Clary sage  also known as ‘clear eye’ and ‘Oculus Christi’ (Eye of Christ) has been used since the middles ages for its medicinal properties. The flowers of clary sage were added to salads and are still used as a herbal tea. It is widely used in herbalism, ayurveda, allopathic medicine, cosmetics and perfumes.


Clary Sage Infographic Essential Oils

Therapeutic Properties Of Clary Sage Oil


Clary sage is a well-known antispasmodic, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory that has antifungal and antiseptic, and anti-infectious properties.

Clary sage oil helps alleviate insomnia, lowers cortisol levels, encourages deeper quality sleep, and acts as a natural sedative and nerve tonic.

A great antispasmodic and muscle relaxation it is widely used to treat muscular cramps, muscle tension, and muscle painand increase circulation.

As an essential oil Clary Sage helps regulate the endocrine system as it is potent in natural “phytoestrogens”  that mimic the effects of oestrogen in the human body and are reputed to slow down osteoporosis.

It helps alleviate menstrual cramps, it is widely used to reduce PMT premenstrual tension and PMS premenstrual symptoms.



It is widely used by clinical aromatherapists to help boost mood, reduce anxiety and stress levels. It is reputed to be a natural antidepressant.






clarysage oil, essential oils for relaxation pms

Use Of Clary Sage Oil In Modern Medicine

Clary sage has been used extensively in the pharmaceutical and perfumery industry for many years.


Research Into The Use Of Clary Sage Oil

“Effect of clary sage oil as an aromatherapy on cardiac autonomic function among patients with premenstrual syndrome – A randomized controlled study” S. Geethanjali, V. Venugopal, S. Poonguzhali, K. Maheshkumar.

“Changes in 5-hydroxytryptamine and Cortisol Plasma Levels in Menopausal Women After Inhalation of Clary Sage Oil”  Kyung-Bok LeeEun ChoYoung-Sook Kang

“The effect of clary sage oil on staphylococci responsible for wound infections” Monika Sienkiewicz 1Anna Głowacka 1Katarzyna Poznańska-Kurowska 2Andrzej Kaszuba 2Anna Urbaniak 3Edward Kowalczyk 3 Pubmed

“Effect of aromatherapy on symptoms of dysmenorrhea in college students: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial” – Sun-Hee Han 1Myung-Haeng HurJane BuckleJeeyae ChoiMyeong Soo Lee

The Bioactivites Of Scalereol”

Contraindications Of Clary Sage

Clary sage shouldn’t be used in pregnancy, on infants and children as an inhalant, it should always be diluted.

How To Purchase Clary Sage Oil In The UK

As a qualified aromatherapist, and ambassador of NYR Organics I highly recommend their Organic Clary Sage Essential Oil


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Trauma and the Physical Body

Trauma And Physical Pain. Why Chronic Pain Can Be our Physical Response To A Traumatic Event

Trauma and the Physical Body by Dr Melanie Salmon

Chronic pain is not always the result of physical injury, it may be the body’s response to a traumatic event

Not only damaging to our mental health, trauma can also have an incredible impact on our physical body. Some chronic pain complaints, for example, can be attributed to residual trauma, our body responding to past events through muscle tensing.

So, what is chronic pain? What types of chronic pain are psychological? And how can past trauma affect our current physical state? 

What is chronic pain?

In the UK, around 28 million adults are affected by some type of chronic pain (42% of the population) and globally, more than 1.5 billion (American Academy of Pain Medicine). That’s 18% of the world’s population. 

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for at least 12 weeks, although it may in fact last for several years. It can limit your mobility and reduce your flexibility, strength, and endurance, making it challenging to get through daily tasks and activities. 


Collectively, we can categorise chronic pain as somatogenic pain (the cause is found within the structure of the body, the ‘soma’) and psychogenic pain, with the most common types of pain (across both categories) including headache; post-physical trauma pain; lower back pain; arthritis pain; neurogenic pain (pain caused by nerve damage); and psychogenic pain. The latter describes pain that isn’t caused by disease or nerve damage, the cause is thought to be in the mind. 

Trauma and the physical body: psychogenic pain

Psychogenic pain is chronic, disabling pain that is primarily caused by psychological factors. Factors such as beliefs, emotions, fears, or mental illness – like depression or anxiety – can trigger, exacerbate, or maintain pain that started in an innocuous way, such as an accident or fall.

Dr Robert Scaer (amongst others) has shown that chronic stress and trauma has a profound impact on the entire mind-body system, resulting in disease, sometimes decades later. 

Scaer studied the ‘diseases of the freeze’ – those diseases originating from a dysregulated autonomic nervous system – as a result of trauma. This includes chronic psychogenic pain. 

He showed that the majority of what we consider to be ‘arthritis’ of the neck and back is in fact myofascial pain associated with stress and trauma. An MRI scan shows no relationship with pathology. 

Trauma and The Physical Body by Dr Melanie Salmon. Trauma and the Physical Body by Dr Melanie Salmon Chronic pain is not always the result of physical injury, it may be the body’s response to a traumatic event Not only damaging to our mental health, trauma can also have an incredible impact on our physical body. Some chronic pain complaints, for example, can be attributed to residual trauma, our body responding to past events through muscle tensing. So, what is chronic pain? What types of chronic pain are psychological? And how can past trauma affect our current physical state? 

Trauma and the physical body: myofascial pain syndrome 

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a description of muscle pain: pain and inflammation in the body’s soft tissues. A chronic condition that affects the fascia (connective tissue that covers the muscles), it may involve either a single muscle or a muscle group. 

Myofascial and related chronic pain is often traceable to complex childhood trauma and is always distributed through the back. This can be explained by understanding the back’s role in protecting us from physical trauma or threat.

When threatened with violence, the back will step in to protect the body; the muscles of the core are intensely activated, pulling the body into a contracted foetal position for self-defence. 

Picture a five-year-old child who waits for her father to come home. A bully, her father often threatens to beat the children when they’re naughty and walks through the door shouting. Immediately her body reacts by moving into a defensive position. 

If she’s safe enough to do so, she’ll curl up into a foetal position to get the best protection she can. However, if she is unable, she will form an incomplete foetal position. Her body will still want to contract but can’t. This incomplete foetal position will be stored in her muscle memory: tense and trying to contract without being able to. 

The emotional memory of this event is stored in the muscle groups involved in the defence forever afterwards; the emotional memory of trying to defend. The neural pathways are set, and in later life when the body experiences chronic stress – any stress – all these muscles will contract as they always did before, pulling tight into the same type of protective response. Instead of pulling the body into a foetal position, however, the muscles of the back and neck ache with widespread myofascial pain. 

This type of pain is uniquely stress-related.

Neglect and the physical body: example case study

Trauma may lead to a life of low-grade sustained vigilance, sensitive to environmental as well as internal triggers. 

If you can imagine a child that was repeatedly bullied from the age of six years old, while trying to find their place in the world and connect with society, they are rejected and lack social bonding. At home, parents are absent because they work all the time and therefore don’t offer sufficient care-giver support.

The child grows up with low self-esteem, feeling unworthy and unsafe in the world; trust in them and others is diminished. They may develop an inability to express themselves and repress their emotions for fear of punishment, judgement, or rejection. 

When confronted with a difficult situation, they bottle their emotions and feel internal anguish, repeatedly releasing toxic stress chemicals into the body. 

Their immune system is compromised, making them more susceptible to illness. Over time, they develop chronic pain. 


Healing trauma: body and mind

What has emerged from pioneers in the field of epigenetics and neuroscience, is an understanding of the importance of healing past trauma – and doing so by working with the subconscious mind.

While we cannot go back in time and ‘un-experience’ a traumatic event, our history is imprinted within us, crystallizing as our core beliefs or “truths”. To effectively heal from our past we must bypass the rational mind and access the source of our belief systems. 


Using the QEC method, we are able to change the belief systems and conditioning that no longer serve us. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows us to ‘rewire’ our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.

In this way, we can fundamentally change the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us.

Most commonly used for working with trauma, depression, grief and loss, stress, health and relationships, you can learn more about QEC here


Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Your Health Your Responsibility - Is Your Health Your Doctors Or Governments Responsibility

Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Is your health your responsibility, or is your health your Dr’s responsibility?

Are we as a society giving over too much responsibility and control around our health to allopathic medicine and governments? Should governments or medical professionals be able to force medical interventions or take away a persons right to choose?

Is Your Health Your Government’s Responsibility?

One of the things we are seeing around the world today is situations where governments are forcing their people to have medical interventions, more specifically vaccinations without the right to choose.

Is this a step too far in taking away our human rights and body autonomy?

Could this be a step towards a more serious agenda where governments start to take more control over what they think is right for your health and wellbeing?

As someone who has been on more than one occasion being a victim of damage from mainstream medical intervention. And as a therapist who sadly has worked with a variety of people harmed by modern medicine.

I find it extremely disturbing how much control over your health is being pushed, advised by governments officials and advisors, some who are not really the most qualified to do so.

So many top Scientists, Virologists and Immunologists around the world are being censored or being silenced from sharing their alarming concerns or opinions. Concerns on not just how this so called Pandemic has been dealt with but questions around the statistics, the testing, the choice of therapeutic interventions and the psychological media that has accompanied this.

I could go more deeply into my concerns around not just the lack of expertise by some of these people behind the decisions. But perhaps the most serious concerns should be the money trails, the conflict of interests by many who have shares or received financial gifts in some form or another by the companies that are being used to roll out their preferred management of this pandemic.

Such as the choice of testing, the experimental vaccines that they cannot possibly guarantee is safe or that will be effective in the long-term. Especially when certain types of disease was excluded from the first phases of trials and the fact we don’t or can’t possibly know the long-term effects in a few months, few years and a few decades.

The reality is most decisions at the moment are not being made right now by the most qualified people in their field but by people in power or who will make financial or other types of large gain from these decisions.

Sadly by too many people in power who have horrendous reputations for putting their own agendas first.  A situation where millions around the world are having their human rights, their rights of personal autonomy being taking away from them. Too many being forced, manipulated, even shamed and bullied into have an experimental vaccine who are at an extremely very very low risk of dying from Covid 19 from a situation according to one paper in the Lancet is more asyndemic than a pandemic.


Ready To Live A More Holistic Life

Should We Trust Recommended Or Forced Jabs?

Should we ever allow our governments to force any sort of medical treatment or medical invasive intervention without someone’s agree consent and permission?

And should we be informed honestly about the possible risks. So many of the family and friends that I have spoken to had no idea that we were still in trial phases.

Even medical professionals I know are shocked at how many of their co-workers are ill informed.To me our health is mostly our responsibility, our health choices is our responsibility, we all should have choice. I mean you choose if you eat healthy or you don’t? You choose if you exercise or if you don’t? You can choose to have an operation or not.

The reality is we keep getting told about the facts, we keep getting implications that getting the vaccine is more safe, But it is? How can we possibly know so early on. Sadly I personally know of one person who has had a very serious reaction to one of vaccines one and a friends aunt who felt very ill after the vaccine and then died.

In this case they could not prove it was the vaccine like many cases even though the person had no health issues before. Now I know we are faced with difficulties choice there is a virus that is life threatening to some, especially to those with certain types of pre-existing conditions.

But I also wonder why people are not being given other options, why our governments ae not looking at other medical interventions. Or even providing everyone with supplements that are known to support the immune system.Why has our government never mentioned throughout this

Pandemic the basic fundamental importance of good nutrition, healthy eating? Do our governments really want to promote health and wellbeing or do they just want to promote big pharma interventions, especially at a time when profits in big pharma were starting to decline. Especially when so many government officials who make these decisions actually have shares or links to these companies.


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So Should We Totally Trust Big Pharma?

Now the reality is yes many scientists, will have worked very hard, made many sacrifices in their own life to create these vaccines. But the reality is these vaccines have been fast tracked, most are still in experimental stage till 2023. But many people don’t realise that, they don’t actually realise they in many ways they are part of the experiment. Most people have no idea of the amount of scientists in this field who have had deep concerns about these vaccines and that some of these jabs are created with a new type of new science that has never been used before.

Unfortunately we know governments and modern medicine have made horrendous mistakes throughout the years. I became shocked on my own journey on how little many Doctors and Nurses knew about the medication they prescribed and the vaccines they promoted, Most never do their own research, most only check out the information they are told by their supervisors or basic information provided because they trust the NHS and trust that these companies have the patients interests at heart. But what is more important in the world today health or money? Also is saving money on certain types of treatments put before what is actual more safe or best for someone’s health?

The wiser more experienced Doctor who has sadly seen the other side of the coin tends to do their own medical research. They tend to ask questions and challenge what they are told.  But even that today has become harder in approx October 2019 google started to lower the SEO rankings of many medical research papers and holistic research papers that didn’t suit certain agenda. Meaning it would be much harder for people to find certain articles and medical papers that didn’t align with what the medical and pharmaceutical industry wanted you to read. So basically it became even harder for the patient, the clinician and even experts to find information that wasn’t pharmaceutically or politically bias.

Well lets say they took that bias to a whole new level in 2020 and 2021 through such unbelievable censorship that we have come to question if we are indeed living in a communist country. We just need to see the amount of censorship on Social Media and TV, to see the amount of influence our governments and organisations linked to pharma have on the media and the narrative they want to serve.

But should we be surprised? Perhaps more alarmed we all know that big pharma has a certain reputation for being more about profit than genuine public health interest. And its attempted cover ups of so much harm and damage throughout the years, the source of the Opioid Crisis, and so many cover ups in vaccine damage especially in 3rd world countries. And even more horrendous involvement in human experimentation during World War 2. The “statistically significant correlation between Thimerosal exposure via vaccines and several neurodevelopmental disorders ” and the deaths Of Indian Girls who got the HPV Vaccine that was again attempted to be covered up.

Is Your Health Your Responsibility or your Dr's responsibilityWhy Your Health Is Your Responsibility And Your Choice

I believe your health has to start as your responsibility and it is so important to become informed about your health and wellbeing so you can make educated choices. After a long list of horrendous medical experiences on my own journey. I came to realise how little many medical professionals know about the possible harm and damage of many of things they prescribe or use in modern medicine, And in the modern world we give our power over to many times to people we assume know best.

So how much does your medical practitioners honestly know about the dangers, allergies and serious side effects of so many medical interventions and vaccines today? Many don’t ever see the correlation, the short- term and long-term damage. But sadly some of my work involved supporting families dealing with children disabled by vaccine damage.

Most people have no awareness today how much vaccine damage there is and actually more concerning how much is not reported or published. I know through personal experience that most Doctors rarely report serious allergies or harm by medication or medical interventions using the yellow card.

The Biggest Causes Of Disease Today

We know the biggest causes of disease today are lifestyle choices and toxins. So what you eat, what you do or don’t do, what you drink, smoke or how you manage your life and stress will impact your health and wellbeing. Alongside things like poverty, bad housing, certain occupations, education, culture and environment can all impact our health. But many chronic health challenges today that makes us more vulnerable to certain diseases that are caused by own health choices and our exposure to modern day toxins.

In-fact in our modern world many people are under nourished simply because of poor and unhealthy eating. They have a poor immune system, inflammation, digestive issues because of what they consume and don’t consume. Many diseases today can be eliminated by a more healthy clean diet and lifestyle, so yes the medical system are often trying to treat the symptoms rather than prevent the most life-threatening diseases.

These words and thoughts are only my thoughts and wonders around my experiences and many of the people I have worked with. Experiences of my own, my clients, colleagues and friends in the holistic industry, the Dr.s, Nurses, Pharmacists and Scientists who have left mainstream modern medicine who believe in Do No Harm First.

Modern medicine, modern science is an incredible thing, modern medicine says millions of life’s every day.  There are many government officials, doctors and nurses who genuinely care are faced with many difficult dilemmas and challenges every single day. But I believe when we give our body, our health autonomy to anyone else, especially our government, or medical field we are basically handing over our personal freedom, our personal human rights. A very very frightening step towards giving them so much more control to do as they will.



Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health







Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home

Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home

Common Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home?

Some of the most common household toxins that could be making you sick. Toxins in your cleaning products, your skin, and body care, in your furniture, bedding even clothes.


The Dangers Of Common Household Toxins

One of the things I started to become aware of in my early twenties was how much we are surrounded by industrial and household toxins. Toxins can have a serious impact on our health and wellbeing. But even though we have seen a dramatic increase in not just household toxins over the last 50 years but also toxic medical treatments. Very few seem to want to do anything about it. It seems we have created a world and society that seems to put money, power, and convenience over health.

With such a dramatic increase in indoor and household toxins no wonder so, many of us end up with allergies, cancers, unexplained illnesses, and disease. The reality is a highly toxic body makes it difficult for the body to function and heal.

My Own Journey Into Toxins

natural make up toxic free makeup natural cosmetics

At the age of 17, I studied Clothing & Fashion at college and went on to work for two different dressmakers and designers. The first was a small business, the second a designer for high-end evening wear and wedding dresses.

During both of these experiences, I started to develop symptoms from the toxic effects of toxic substances on the fabrics. Especially in the Glasgow job where the fabrics would come into the fabric with some sort of fabric coating


The Dangers Of Mercury

Now a year before I took this job my health had taken a bit of a battering after an incident when an elderly dentist put mercury up a root canal instead of my actual tooth  Within a few days my

health deteriorated

very quickly, at first it seemed like a very severe flu plus a lot of other very strange symptoms.  Muscle weakness, complete exhaustion, in fact I was so weak, my body was trembling, I became extremely breathless, I suffered Parasthesia and my first experience of temporary paralysis from the neck down. I also suffered extreme muscle and joint pain, extremes in temperature, and digestive issues.

Sadly a lot of the fatigue and exhaustion never left me. It made walking between my train and bus journeys very difficult. But I also started to become overly sensitive to a lot of products, scents, cleaning products around me, and what I consumed.

The Dangers of Fluorescin

Not long after the mercury accident, my sight in my left eye started to seriously deteriorate. So I was given a Fluorescein angiography in which I took a serious allergic reaction collapsing at the hospital.

A ” fluorescein angiography is a medical procedure in which a fluorescent dye is injected into the bloodstream. The dye highlights the blood vessels in the back of the eye so they can be photographed. This test is often used to manage eye disorders.”

For over, a week I was very yellow, several weeks I felt breathless and had a fast heart-rate.

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The Dangers Of Isopropyl Alcohol

About a year later I manage to get some of my health back and went on to study music at college but then I kept collapsing in the recording studio. No one could understand the cause especially me, until years later. When I would find out how toxic isopropyl was, something that was used to clean the reel to reels in the recording studio at the time. And something we all carried in a bottle when working in the study.

Now Isopropyl Alcohol is regarded as a hazardous substance

it is known to have serious side-effects and is actually widely used in the cosmetic industry.

Sadly my health declined so much so, I ended up having to come home and stay with my parents, spend large chunks of the rest of my twenties largely housebound and bedbound. During this period I researched, learned, and met many practitioners who opened my eyes to how toxic our world had become.

These experiences made me aware of the level of toxicity that is around us. It was also one of the reasons I choose to go on a more clean diet, to eliminate a lot of toxic products in my foods. One of the reasons I trained in holistic therapies.

Common Household Toxins That Could Be Making You Sick

Toxic Products in your homeFungal And Mold Toxins – Other common household toxins that most people are unaware of is all the different types of mold and fungi, which are highly toxic. It is said that 1 in 3 people form an allergy to mold in their life.

*3Myotoxins can be a contributor to all sorts of health conditions and diseases, especially those related to the immune system and lungs.

Heavy Metals – Heavy Metals such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury can be extremely toxic to the body. It is commonly found in, amalgam fillings, antiperspirants, building materials, lead paint, pesticides, some seafood, tap water, vaccines…

They can contribute to neurological diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, a reduction in the biology of red and white blood cells.

VOC’s Volatile Organic Compounds – According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency VOC’s are “Volatile organic compounds are compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility.

Many VOCs are human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. “

They are products that vapourize easily and emit gases. Examples of VOC household toxins include electronics, building materials, carpets, furnishings; sofas, mattresses, paint, plastic. As well as craft materials, air fresheners, cleaning products, varnishes, deodorants, shampoo, and cosmetics.

Pesticides – Sadly a lot of pesticides are used in the growing of a lot of the fruit, vegetables, and meat you may buy. One reason which you should always clean your fruit and vegetables when you buy.  See Recipe For Cleaning.

Pesticide household toxins are also in different types of pest control sprays, as well as lawn and garden treatments.

PVC And Phalates. Polyvinol Chloride and Phalates are another commonly known household toxin that is commonly seen in plastic wrap ( clingfilm) plastic food storage products, plastic bottles, shower curtains, children’s toys, cosmetics. Because phthalates chemically act like hormones they can alter the hormones, alter the endocrine system so can be very harmful to the development of children.

Living In A Toxic World

I think most people today have no idea how toxic modern living is, how toxic many foods are, how toxic our home is, and even how toxic many medicines are. But there are many documentary films and movies written around about the horrendous dangers of toxins in our world and our households. But for a variety of reasons they are never encouraged and promoted.

You just need to look a the film The Devil We Know and Dark Waters to see not just the serious health dangers of perfluorooctanoic acid  (PFOA, also known as C8), the key ingredient in Teflon. A highlight to the types of corruption that surrounds a lot of manufacturing who know they are selling potentially highly toxic products.

This is one of the reasons I am a big advocate for a reduction in toxic products, I am a big consumer of a lot of natural and organic products especially those that I use to support my health, wellbeing, and self-care. It is one of the reasons I am a distributor for NYR Organics and an Ambassador for Tropic.


Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

Alzheimer’s Diet -How to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline


The Alzheimer’s Diet: How to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline by Amylee Amos


Worldwide, about 50 million people are suffering from dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and the emotional and financial toll of this disease is monumental. Alzheimer’s disease is now considered to be the 3rd leading cause of death with no pharmaceutical drugs available to effectively treat the disease, though not for lack of trying on the part of the pharmaceutical industry.

Alzheimer’s drug development has the highest failure rate of any other disease, at 99.6%. That equates to billions of dollars thrown into potential treatments that do shockingly little to slow the progress, reverse the symptoms, or even prevent the disease. The five drugs that have been approved for Alzheimer’s treatment do very little to help the millions of people suffering from the cognitive losses and devastation associated with Alzheimer’s.   

Fortunately, recent research demonstrates that Alzheimer’s is not the idiopathic disease it was once believed to be. In fact, the causes and contributors of an individual’s Alzheimer’s disease can be pinpointed and treated.

Contributors to the programmatic downsizing of the brain that is Alzheimer’s disease include physiological processes such as chronic inflammation, imbalanced oxidative stress, and impaired glycemic control.

These factors are all highly influenced by our diet. Thus, adopting an Alzheimer’s diet is critical in the attempt to prevent and reverse cognitive decline. 

Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Prevented and Reversed?


The mainstream medical community is always quick to comment that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. This just means that no silver bullet approach to preventing or reversing Alzheimer’s exists. You can’t just pop a pill and reverse your Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, because their outdated approach to treating chronic diseases fails in the case of Alzheimer’s, the conventional medicine community remains steadfast in their misguided claim that there is no effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. 

The truth is that through a targeted therapeutic approach, Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented and the symptoms can be reversed. In 2018, practitioners from multiple clinical sites published the reversal of cognitive decline in 100 patients while following a multi-targeted approach.

This approach, which adheres to the functional medicine model of addressing the underlying root causes of disease is known as the Bredesen Protocol. Through the Bredesen Protocol practitioners are able to identify the individual metabolic imbalances of each patient and use a systems based approach to treat each imbalance, thereby identifying and treating the root cause of the imbalance, rather than simply masking the symptoms. The result is the reversal of cognitive decline. 

What Is The Alzheimer’s Diet?

Alzheimer's Diet Dr Bredesen Protocol To Reverse Cognitive Decline In Alzheimers

The ideal Alzheimer’s diet to prevent and reverse cognitive decline must be individualized to the patient to ensure that it addresses the root cause of that person’s metabolic imbalances.

However, there are some nutritional components that all those wishing to prevent cognitive decline should adopt. Adjusting one’s nutritional habits to reflect the Alzheimer’s diet is the first step in preventing cognitive decline. 

The foundation of the Alzheimer’s diet is whole, predominantly plant-based foods including non-starchy vegetables, low glycemic fruits, quality proteins, and healthy fats.

Clients following the Alzheimer’s diet are encouraged to eat foods that have been well-studied for their cognitive benefits including leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, berries, low mercury fatty fish, extra virgin olive oil, and walnuts.

Eliminating Processed Fats and Refined Carbohydrates


The diet eliminates highly processed packaged foods, simple and added sugars, processed meats, and refined carbohydrates.

Animal products in general are minimized depending on the specifics of an individual’s drivers of inflammation.

Consuming adequate amounts of the recommended foods provides the nutrients, specifically the micro and phytonutrients that the brain needs to support neuronal and synaptic growth and function. Avoiding the foods not recommended prevents ongoing inflammation and resolves oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction.

Fasting On The Alzheimer’s Diet

Additionally, clients following the Alzheimer’s diet are encouraged to fast for a period of at least 12 hours overnight, with the first three hours occurring between finishing dinner and going to bed. This fast allows for the client to reap the full physiological benefits of sleep, including the natural clearance of beta-amyloid plaques from the brain.

How To Implement The Alzheimer’s Diet

The Alzheimer’s diet should be tailored to meet the unique needs of the individual in order to receive the most enhanced cognitive benefit. At the Amos Institute, clients receive an immersive and individualized nutrition plan that incorporates the major components of the Alzheimer’s diet, with specifications related to their personal drivers of cognitive decline, genetics, and biochemistry.

This is particularly important when considering the genetic variant ApoE4, the genetic variant most commonly associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals with this variant demonstrate what is known as decreased cerebral glucose utilization, meaning that their brains do not effectively utilize carbohydrates as a fuel source.

To bypass these impaired metabolic pathways, individuals with this genetic variant are encouraged to achieve a state of mild ketosis

Creating a ketogenic diet based largely on plant foods can be challenging, which is why seeking the help of functional medicine-trained dietitians is so critical for proper implementation. This is where partnering with a program and practitioners such as those from the Amos Institute is so beneficial to success in recovery.

Reversing The Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Reversing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline is incredibly difficult, but the research shows that it can be done. If you believe you are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, start implementing the Alzheimer’s diet right away.

If you are already suffering from cognitive decline, seek the expertise and structure of a cognitive health program to begin optimizing your nutrition and lifestyle to reverse your cognitive decline. In the words of Dr. Dale Bredesen, if we all start to implement an Alzheimer’s diet and other lifestyle factors, “Alzheimer’s disease should be- and shall be- a rare disease.” 


Writer Bio – Amylee Amos Dietician and Nutritionist


Amylee Amos MS, RDN, IFMCP founded the Amos Institute to specialize in the implementation of the Bredesen Protocol. She graduated with a Master of Science in Nutrition, Healthspan, & Longevity from the University of Southern California’s Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.

She has trained under Dr. Dale Bredesen and received certification in the Bredesen Protocol from MPI Cognition. She is one of the only dietitians in the United States who is certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine, a new high-level achievement for leading medical providers.


Natural Makeup Or Toxic Makeup?

natural make up toxic free makeup natural cosmetics

Natural Makeup or Toxic Makeup? What are the toxins in makeup, toxins in our cosmetics, and skincare products? 

Why more women are turning to more organic and natural makeup, more natural skincare products.

Over 25 years ago I started to ditch many different types of cosmetics and skin care products for health reasons. During this period a wide range of extreme health challenges led me to become not just more educated about what we eat but we actually consume. I started to get more insight and information about products I had been using on my body and in the environment that was highly toxic. I remember when studying singing at college how I kept getting really ill in the recording studio I actually nearly passed out on more than one occasion. It wasn’t till years later did I discover that the isopropyl alcohol we used to clean the studio, was also used in makeup and was actually highly toxic. Especially for someone with my health challenges.

So I started on a journey for more natural makeup, more natural skincare products. Initially, it was very difficult to get natural makeup until mineral makeup came along. It was a lot easier to get natural skin care products or even make your own. I eventually took training in natural cosmetic making and could make up my own face creams and skin balms. It complemented my knowledge as an aromatherapist. I also stopped using normal deodorant sprays and normal roll deodorants that were also highly toxic.

natural makeup and most toxic ingredients in makeup and comsetics


Some Of The Toxic Ingredients In Make-Up and Skincare PRODUCTS
  • Aminophenol, Diaminobenzene, Phenylenediamine (Coal Tar) …
  • BHA
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Parabens. …
  • Petroleum distillates.
  • Polyethylene/PEGs. …
  • Retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate. …
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate. …
  • Triclosan and triclocarban. …


Aminophenols are on the hazardous substances list even though they are used in hair dyes. And are known in some cases to cause asthma-type allergies and kidney issues when absorbed or breathed in. It is suggested aminophenols may cause genetic changes, (mutation) with increases cancer-causing risk. According to the State of New Jersey Government Website

BHA Butylated Hydroxyanisole, according to The National Toxicology Program it classifies butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” Even the EU has deemed it unsafe as a fragrant. “In animal studies, BHA produces liver damage and causes stomach cancers such as papillomas and carcinomas and interferes with normal reproductive system development and thyroid hormone levels.”

Isopropyl Alchohol is actually considered toxic to humans even though it is widely used in cleaning, cosmetics, and other personal care products, eye, hair and nail products, aftershave lotions, and body care products. It is extremely absorbable through the skin and inhalation. MSDS Online

Parabens are commonly found in deodorants, makeup, moisturizer, shaving gel, shampoo, spray tan products. But according to Tasha Stoiber, PhD, Senior Scientist “scientific studies suggest that parabens can disrupt hormones in the body and harm fertility and reproductive organs, affect birth outcomes, and increase the risk of cancer. They can also cause skin irritation. Moreover, studies have detected parabens in nearly all urine samples taken from adults in the U.S., regardless of demographic (Ye 2006).” 

“Given the endocrine disruption capacity and documented female and male reproductive harm, coupled with the potential for repeated lifelong exposure, it is clear that long-chain parabens (isobutyl-, butyl-, isopropyl- and propylparaben) should not be used in personal care or cosmetic products. Further, products can be made without these chemicals.” The Environmental Working Grou

Petroleum Distillates are manufactured in oil refineries commonly used in the production of mascara. Petroleum extracted skincare and cosmetics ingredients not only have a reputation of having “cancer-causing impurities” but are associated with some skin irritations and conditions such as dermatitis. Consider a petroleum-free mascara such as

Retinyl Products are found in many anti-aging and sunscreen products, lip products, and moisturisers. Also reputed to be possibly cancer-causing at certain levels and skin issues. 

Retinyl Acetate found in sunscreen products, according to research in certain does “skin tumor-induction, adverse effect reports of skin irritation, and even death have been associated with topical RA therapy (Fischer et al.,1985; McCormick et al., 1987; Samuel et al., 2005; Weinstock et al., 2009)”. Both Bakuchiol and Frankincense are regarded as natural alternatives for retinol.


SLS Sodium lauryl sulfate is found in baby wash, facewash, foundation, mouthwash, shampoo, and toothpaste. It has been linked to being a contributor to acne particularly cystic acne., canker sores, eye, and skin irritation. There are now a lot of natural body wash and shampoo alternatives and chemical-free toothpaste. I use dOTERRA’s On Guard Toothpaste

Triclosan was in many antibacterial products that became very fashionable in the 1990’s. Triclosan and triclocarban are reputed to be linked to muscle and immune function issues, allergies, hormonal issues. Tea-tree has become a more natural and healthier option in antibacterial skincare products,


Common Natural Makeup Ingredients Include

Aloe Juice,  bio-retinol, bisabolol, cocoa butter, coconut, fruit enzymes, jojoba oil, olive squaline, plant peptides, resveratrol, shea butter, white tea leaf, black tea leaf, green tea leaf.

And various essential oils such as Chamomile, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Mandarin, Rose, Rosemary

Natural Makeup Options

Recently on my search for natural make-up, natural foundations, and a new natural lipstick, I decided to try out Tropica’s range of natural makeup and natural skincare. For a while, I had been hearing a lot of positive things about not just their natural skincare range and natural makeup but the ethics and values of the company. They use a lot of natural ingredients in their products which are commonly used in both ayurvedic and herbal medicine.

At first, I purchased a Tropica natural foundation and natural lipstick, on this occasion a natural sheer foundation. I soon found myself becoming a Tropica Ambassador.

natural mineral makeup for vegans suitable for sensitive skin

Natural Makeup – MINERAL MAKEUP

Mineral Powders and Mineral Foundations have become some of the most widely used natural makeup, mineral makeup generally contains fewer fillers than other types of makeup or foundations. Tropic has a wide range of mineral foundation shades

PORCELAIN, BARELY NUDE, WARM BEIGE, SOFT HONEY, SMOOTH CARAMEL, RICH MOCHA contains Mica, Bismuth Oxychloride, Silica, Extracts of Chamomile, Olive Leaf, Sea Buckthorn and Açaí Berry, Zinc Oxide, Colourants from Mineral Oxides

MAPLE, ESPRESSO contain Natural Mica, Bismuth Oxychloride, Silica, Extracts of Chamomile, Olive Leaf, Sea Buckthorn and Açaí Berry, Colourants from Mineral Oxides

natural makeup foundation tropic sheer foundation


Tropic’s sheer foundation shades include porcelain, barely nude, warm beige, soft honey, smooth caramel, rich mocha, maple, espresso


Natural Makeup Mascara

Even their mascara and eye lines are totally natural

Natural Mascara ingredients 
Purified Water, Polymer, Candelilla Wax, Carnauba Wax, Stearic Acid, Plant Derived Emulsifiers, Soybean Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Palmitic Acid, Plant Glycerin, Vitamin B5, Corn Sugar Gum, Benzyl Alcohol, Polypeptide, Dehydroacetic Acid, Colourants from Mineral Oxides





Top Tips For A Happy And Healthy Christmas

tips for a happy healthy christmas season

Tips For A Happy And Healthy Christmas

How to have a happy and healthy Christmas Season and New Year. How to keep the fun, joy, and magic in Christmas, with less anxiety and stress. Sadly many people tread the-pre Christmas, Christmas and New Year Season. For some, they associate a lot of emotional pain and loss with this time of year. For others, they experience a high level of anxiety and stress linked to internal and external pressure. Trying to live up to certain types of perceived expectations associated with this time of year. The Christmas Season certainly brings up a mixture of emotions and fear. Especially when the whole message of Christmas and giving has got lost in commercial overspending and certain expectations.

But if we take a step back from the media, the adverts, your child’s long list from Santa, and even the office secret Santa. The true meaning is simply about showing up and spending time with our friends, family, and our fellow man. It is a time to forget about our opinions, our differences, and even fall out’s. And to show kindness to one other. In many ways, Christmas is just another day. But a day we get an opportunity to say thank you and appreciation to those and the world around us.

10 Top Tips For A Happy And Healthy Christmas

Give From An Open Heart

Open your heart to the wonder of giving and receiving at this beautiful time of year. Give some magic and allow in some magic. Open your heart to all sorts of miracles and blessings.

Be Grateful

Christmas is a time to be grateful for the small things, the large things, even the challenges. Appreciate all the blessings around you, they come in all sorts of disguises. Appreciate the love, kindness, and generosity at this time of year.

Be In The Moment

The Christmas season is a time to be fully present, fully in the here and now. Stop stressing about tomorrow or dwelling on yesterday. The greatest gift you can give anyone is being fully with those you spend time with, friends, family even strangers.

top tips to a happy healthy christmas infographic

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. This is a busy time of year, where we tend to get out of our normal routine and put ourselves under extra pressure. Don’t be tempted to burn the candle at both ends with too many late nights.

Drink More Water

Water helps us flush out those extra toxins. It can help stop us from overindulging in alcohol and food. Dehydration puts extra stress on the body. So it is important to stay hydrated through long journeys, Christmas shopping and stressful family visits.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

Alcohol consumption can not only affect our health and wellbeing, but it can also seriously reduce our ability to make healthy decisions. Under the influence of alcohol, we are more likely to get emotional, act irrationally or take risks  Just SAY NO or bring alcohol-free wine or beer to stressful work or family events.

Eat Healthy Food

It is so easy to overindulge at this time of year. To minimise those extra pounds, inches and high sugar levels. Eat more mindfully. Choose at least some of the healthier options on the menu. So you can enjoy those favourite treats with less guilt.

We at The World Of Health wish you a Happy and Healthy Christmas Season and New Year.




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Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms And Treatment

symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms And Causes

Magnesium deficiency symptoms and treatment depend on the severity of the deficiency. We always talk about how minerals like Calcium and Iron are so important for our bodies. Magnesium, the 4th most common mineral in the body, is gaining a lot of attention these days. That’s because more and more people are ingesting less than the Lower Reference Nutrient Intake (LRNI) and hence are prone to Magnesium deficiency.  [Derbyshire] Magnesium deficiency symptoms could be treated by increasing the intake of magnesium by taking magnesium supplements, including Magnesium-rich foods and correcting dietary habits. This essential mineral is very demanding and you will agree with me as you read further. Let’s learn more about Magnesium deficiency symptoms, causes, and treatment.

What is Magnesium good for?

Magnesium is needed for some of the most basic processes such as energy production and synthesis of RNA and DNA. There are over 300 enzyme systems that require Magnesium for protein synthesis, muscle contraction, blood glucose control, nerve function and many more!

How much Magnesium do I need?

As per the British Nutrition Foundation, 2016, males who are 15 years old and above need 300 mg/day.  15- 18 yr old females need 300 mg/day, while those 19 years and above require 270 mg/day. 

The US FDA has set higher requirements (RDA) of magnesium. 

Magnesium deficiency:

The normal concentration of Magnesium in serum is 75–95 mmol/L. Research shows that serum levels of Magnesium less than 85 mmol/l indicate a Magnesium deficiency. 

Why does magnesium deficiency often go undetected?

Serum magnesium does not amount for the intracellular magnesium i.e. magnesium inside the cell, which in fact makes up for most of the magnesium in the body. This is the reason why magnesium deficiency goes undetected in most cases. [DiNicolantonio et al.]

What are the causes of Magnesium deficiency?

Many of us are deficient in this essential mineral as a result of chronic diseases and many other reasons listed below:

  1. Cooking and boiling vegetables leads to loss of magnesium content in food
  2. Reduced levels of magnesium in processed foods
  3. Meat, sugar, white flour provide less than 20% of the Magnesium required daily
  4. Alcohol, coffee, tea, soft drinks, salt, and sugar increase the excretion of Magnesium.
  5. Increased excretion of Mg is seen in case heavy menstruation, excessive sweating, increased stress
  6. Disease involving increased Mg excretion: Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, prolonged vomiting/diarrhea, severe sunburns, hypoparathyroidism, gastrointestinal disorders such as gluten sensitivity, ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 
  7. Other diseases: Cancer (increased demand for Mg), liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hemochromatosis (iron overload) etc. (leading to Vitamin  D deficiency and therefore reduced Mg absorption), viral, fungal or bacterial infectious agents that cause widespread tissue death, renal transplantation, etc (depleting Mg)  [S Johnson]
  8. Cigarette smoking reduced the plasma concentration
  9. Soil depletion of nutrients due to some fertilization methods and agricultural techniques
  10. Use of pesticides- some of the pesticides have the ability to bind minerals such as Magnesium thereby lowering its content in the soil and produce. Consider eating clean or eating organic
  11.  Aging- another cause for reduced absorption
  12. Medications such as diuretics, antacids, antibiotics, etc. diminish Mg absorption. [Schwalfenberg et al.]

Yes…it is surprising how so many factors influence magnesium levels and at least one of them is bound to go wonky at some point. No wonder magnesium deficiency is becoming so common these days.

Common Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:

Clinical signs of magnesium deficiency may not be seen in most cases as it is in the latent stage. You may experience general weakness, tiredness, leg pain, irritability and so on.

Severe Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:

  1. Neuromuscular- weakness, tremors, facial twitching, muscle spasm of the hand and forearm
  2. Central Nervous system- increased risk of depression, agitation, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus), seizures
  3. Cardiac- irregular heartbeat

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms And Treatment In Relation To The Level Of Deficiency Of Magnesium In The Body


Benefits of Magnesium supplement:

The upper tolerable limit for Mg supplementation is 350 mg/day.

Research indicates that supplementing with magnesium can help alleviate some ailments and help improve general well-being as well. However, further research for some of the benefits is needed.

Reduces hypertension:

-Magnesium helps prevent the blood vessels from constricting which reduces blood pressure. [Jee et al., Zhang et al.]

Bone health:

-Suppresses bone turnover (which in very simple terms means bone is broken down and re-made) in post-menopausal women and young men and can thereby prevent osteoporosis [Aydin H et al., Dimai HP et al.]

Halves the risk of eclampsiain pregnant WOMEN [The Magpie Trial Collaborative Group]:

-Eclampsia –meaning convulsions in pregnant women with high blood pressure. This is again due to the ability of Magnesium to reduce blood pressure.

Magnesium is strongly recommended for migraine-

-In this case, Magnesium citrate has been shown to be effective in migraine without aura. Whereas, Magnesium sulfate may be useful in migraine patients with aura. [Bigal ME et al.]

Reduces the risk of diabetes:

 -Magnesium helps improve glucose control and insulin levels. [Kim DJ et al., Hruby A et al.]

Used in Treating Depression and may help prevent depression [Derom ML et al.]

-Magnesium plays a vital role in brain health. In that, it controls the neurotransmitters which send signals throughout the body. For example, Magnesium is essential to produce Serotonin, the happy hormone.

Helps improve symptoms of insomnia:

– This is because Magnesium plays a key role in sleep regulation.[Abbasi B et al.]


– Magnesium supplementation reduced the risk of colorectal cancer. [Wark et al.]

Premenstrual symptoms:

-Magnesium helps decrease premenstrual symptoms. [Walker et al., Facchinetti et al.


-Magnesium helps reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. [Nechifor et al.]


-Few studies show Magnesium can actually help increase exercise capacity in athletes during periods of stress and increases oxygenation. [Golf SW et al.]


What is the best form of magnesium?

The answer to this question is debatable.  However, I will list some of the research that’s been done or is on-going. 

Magnesium citrate:

Studies show that Magnesium citrate (MgC) has higher bioavailability as compared to MgO. A review by Rylander et al. shows more than one study supporting this fact. I found this interesting article where Anna Bolton O’Byrne talks about the study they conducted on Magnesium citrate v/s Magnesium glycinate (MgG). Their results show that  MgC is better than MgG in terms of increasing magnesium concentration in blood serum and urine. MgC could help improve overall magnesium levels in the body. MgC is also beneficial in migraine without aura.[Bigal ME et al.]

Magnesium glycinate (also known as Magnesium bisglycinate)  and Magnesium taurinate:

There are rumors that Magnesium glycinate (MgG) is the most bio-available. However, upon researching, I found that it lacks enough evidence to prove it. There are a few case studies discussed in this paper by Eby GA et al.  which say that MgG and Magnesium taurinate (MgT) assist in recovering from depression. Interestingly, Glycine and Taurine are neurotransmitters which explain their beneficial effects on depression. Not only that, Magnesium is mostly deficient in depressed individuals. If you are stressed out, MgG may help you better as it contains Glycine which is known for its soothing effect. 

(By the way, MgG is the one I use. I take it in combination with pyridoxine and it works well for me. I have found it beneficial in reducing premenstrual symptoms such as bloating, pain and abdominal discomfort.)

Magnesium chloride:

Magnesium chloride (MgC) has greater bioavailability as compared to MgO. It is proved to be effective in the treatment of mild-to-moderate depression. [Tarleton et al.] But it has gastrointestinal (GI) side-effects such as bloating and diarrhea.

Magnesium sulfate:

This is also known as Epsom salt, which is used for a relaxing bath. Some papers talk about the intravenous use of Magnesium sulfate (MgS) in pregnancy blood pressure and eclampsia. In fact, the WHO recommends MgS for the prevention and treatment of eclampsia. There’s evidence for its use in migraine with aura. [Bigal ME et al.]

Magnesium threonate:

This form of Magnesium has been studied in patients with mild-to-moderate dementia. The patients showed improved cognitive abilities after 12 weeks of supplementation.

Magnesium oxide:

Magnesium oxide (MgO) has very low bioavailability and has GI side-effects such as diarrhea. However, it is occasionally used as a laxative.

How should I take a magnesium supplement?

In my case, taking 2 capsules at a time increases bowel movement. So, I take my magnesium supplement twice a day, one in the morning/afternoon and one at night. 

Note: Please consult a physician to decide upon the dosage you need since diseases and a host of other factors come into play when Magnesium is concerned and when suffering chronic health conditions.

What should you take with magnesium?

Magnesium goes well with:

  1. Magnesium with Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) showed a greater effect on people under severe stress. [Pouteau et al.
  2. Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin is a must for the absorption of Magnesium. It is better to get yourself checked for vitaminD deficiency and correct it.


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Magnesium Rich Foods:

Hemp seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Flax seeds, Cacao, and Brazil nuts are super-rich in this mineral. Almonds, Spinach, Cashews, Peanuts, Cereals, Soy-milk and Edamame are some good sources of Magnesium.

Improve Magnesium Absorption:

    1. High calcium intake may decrease magnesium absorption. Ideally, avoid taking calcium-rich foods or supplements 2 hrs before and after Magnesium-rich food or supplements. 
    2. Cut down on or if possible avoid the consumption of Sodas, Alcohol, Tea, and Coffee
    3. Treat Vitamin D deficiency
    4. Consume raw vegetables and reduce consumption of processed foods
    5. Quit smoking.
    6. Try including “clean” or organic foods in your diet since they contain higher amounts of nutrients including Magnesium. [Crinnion WJ]

magnesium rich super foods infographic


  • Magnesium is essential for basic processes such as energy production and for the proper functioning of 300 enzyme systems.
  • As per The British Nutrition Foundation, the requirement of magnesium is 300 mg/day, varying as per gender, age, nationality, and in case of deficiency.
  • The signs and symptoms of Magnesium deficiency are often unseen. They manifest depending on the severity of the deficiency. Some of the symptoms are facial twitches, neuromuscular weakness, tremors, seizures, irregular heartbeat, depression, etc.
  • Magnesium absorption and elimination are influenced by several factors including medications,  gastrointestinal and renal diseases, other nutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin D, stress, some agricultural practices, and cooking resulting in the foods’ Magnesium content.
  • Magnesium can aid in alleviating migraine, depression, hypertension/eclampsia in pregnancy, insomnia, premenstrual symptoms, and stress; reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer; improving exercise capacity and helping reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.
  • Among the many forms of Magnesium supplements, Magnesium citrate seems to be the most bio-available and safe. Magnesium glycinate is another great option if you are looking for relief from stress. 
  • Hemp seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Flax seeds, and Brazil nuts are super rich in magnesium. Almonds, Spinach, Cashews, and Peanuts are also good sources of magnesium.
  • Consider consulting a physician to decide upon the dosage since magnesium metabolism is affected by a ton of other factors. 
  • Magnesium goes well with Pyridoxine and vitamin D.

Some Simple Tips To Increase Magnesium Levels are:-

  1. Leave a gap of 2 hrs before and after Magnesium-rich foods 
  2. Treat Vitamin D deficiency
  3. Reduce the consumption of processed foods and have more raw veggies
  4. Try cutting down on sodas (soft drinks), alcohol, tea, and coffee
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Try including “clean” or organic foods in your diet



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