Healthy Eating
What does healthy eating actually mean? In many ways, healthy eating is eating a wide range of nutrient-filled foods that support and encourage the body into a more balanced and healthier state of being. Foods that nourish and fuel your body with more energy and vitality. Foods that help repair, heal and restore the body a balance of water, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats.
Today when we refer to healthy eating, we often talk about clean eating. Clean eating refers to a clean healthy diet free from processed, toxic and unhealthy foods. A clean diet is free from foods that have additives and e- no’s, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. A diet free from unhealthy and processed fats.
Getting help from a Dietician or Nutritionist can help you make healthier eating choices, especially if you have specific dietary requirements such as being diabetic, coeliac, suffer from many food allergies. Many people visit a dietician or nutritionist when they want to lose weight in a more healthy way.
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