Orange Oil – Boost Your Mood

Orange Oil To Boost Your Mood, Immune System

Using Orange oil to boost your mood, your immune system, your skin, and even clean your home.  We all know that eating an orange is good for your health but did you know how versatile this citrus oil extracted from the fruit and or peel of an orange is?

Orange has a wide range of therapeutic properties and uses. And there are a variety of different species of orange trees that are used to extract and distill orange essential oil. These include the most popular Sweet Orange Essential Oil that is extracted from Citrus Sinensis species and Bitter Orange from the Citrus Aurantium trees.

Sweet Orange takes up approx 70% of the production of citrus species in the world.  “C. sinensis is consumed all over the world as an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant that builds the body’s immune system [].


History Of Orange Oil

Although we don’t know the precise origin of Citrus sinensis many botanists believe that it is the result of cross-pollinating of the Citrus maxima and Citrus reticulata (the mandarin) from the Himalayas and South-West Areas of China. We know Columbus carried orange seeds on his voyage to America and the Caribbean. In China, orange is regarded as a symbol of good fortune.

And we know the extracted and distilled oil of oranges has been widely used in history for thousands of years. 

Benefits Of Orange Oil Infographic - The World of Health


Benefits Of Orange Essential Oil In Medicine and Food

Orange essential oil is widely used in medicine, food, and cosmetics industries. An important ingredient of many natural remedies in eastern and ayurvedic medicine.


The oil of orange is used to treat ailments such as bronchitis, cold, cough, flu, tuberculosis as well as anxiety, stress exhaustion, fatigue, low mood, depression, low libido, poor circulation, menstrual disorders, hypertension, and angina. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Citrus sinensis Feb 2016. T


It is also widely used to sweeten food, especially confectionery, cakes, desserts, and drinks.


Some clinical research has demonstrated the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of Orange Oil . While other research suggests anti-typhoid activity in the extract of the peel of sweet orange.


 C. sinensis is a very rich source of phytochemical  which are highly reputed to protect cells from carcinogens.


The Use Of Sweet Orange Essential Oil In Skincare

Sweet Orange as oil is widely used in cosmetics and skincare products, especially for its astringent, boosting, and cleansing properties.

It is in one of my favourite natural foundations and skincare products such as Tropic Beauty Booster Sheer Foundation.   It is also in their Face Smooth Brightening Polish, and Cleansing Body Pebble all made from totally natural ingredients.


Safe Use Of Sweet Orange Essential Oil On Skin

Pure essential oil of orange should never be directly applied to the skin without being added to a carrier oil or base ingredient.


Contraindications Of Orange Essential Oil

 As a citrus essential oil, it is photosensitive so you should avoid direct sunlight after topical application for 12 hours especially to the face, arms, hands, etc.

Never use orange oil on babies or young children.

It is suggested that consuming sweet orange juice might interfere with and lower how much ivermectin the body absorbs, so when taking invermectin it is recommended to avoid the use of orange and its essential oil.


Orange Essential Oil Blends Well With

Essential Orange oil blends well with Frankincense, Patchouli, and other citrus oils.

Also orange oil with cinnamon or clove oil is a great warming Christmas scent for the diffuser, but please do not apply cinnamon to the skin.


Natural Cleaning Ingredient

The extracted oil of the orange fruit and peel is a popular ingredient and scent in many household and industrial cleaning products.  The sweet fresh scent of orange alongside its antimicrobial, antiseptic, and high limonene concentration makes it popular as a natural home cleaning product, a green pesticide, and exterminator of Drywood Termites.

Below is a variety of ways you can make your own toxin-free home cleaning products using orange oil.2



Orange Oil for mood, immune system, skin


Naturally, Freshen Up Your Sink Drain

  • Add approx 6 drops of pure orange oil
  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • Drain Cleaning Instructions

Gently shake the cup of Baking Soda into the sink drain, then pour in the White Vinegar.

Give the drain time to unblock approx 30 minutes then add hot water until clear and fresh.

Then simply add the Orange Essential Oil into the drain for a clean fresh scent.



Natural Orange Wood Furniture Polish Recipe

  • Add 10 drops of pure essential orange oil
  • 1 Cup of linseed oil.
  • Apply a small amount of the solution to a cloth, then wipe over the furniture.

It is important to cover the surface evenly with just enough to clean.

Leave it for a few minutes then buff it with another cloth to shine.



Natural Leather Furniture Polish Recipe

  • 1/2 Cup Of Flaxseed Oil
  • 1 Cup of White Vinegar
  • 2 – 3 drops of orange essential oil

Mix the ingredients in a sealed glass and always shake well before using. 

Apply a tiny amount of the polish to a soft, clean cloth, rubbing one small area of the leather at a time.

Leave it for a few minutes and buff it until the surface dries.


As an aromatherapist and NYR Organic Ambassador, I highly recommend you always purchase a high-quality pure essential oil.

Would you love to learn more about using Essential Oils for better health and well-being?

Check out my Essential Oils Guide For Home Use E-book






Eileen Burns
Eileen Burns
Stress Management Expert, Meditation Teacher, Coach, Healer and therapist owner of Stress Coach Training.

Eileen Burns

Stress Management Expert, Meditation Teacher, Coach, Healer and Therapist owner of Stress Coach Training.

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