Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home

Common Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home?

Some of the most common household toxins that could be making you sick. Toxins in your cleaning products, your skin, and body care, in your furniture, bedding even clothes.


The Dangers Of Common Household Toxins

One of the things I started to become aware of in my early twenties was how much we are surrounded by industrial and household toxins. Toxins can have a serious impact on our health and wellbeing. But even though we have seen a dramatic increase in not just household toxins over the last 50 years but also toxic medical treatments. Very few seem to want to do anything about it. It seems we have created a world and society that seems to put money, power, and convenience over health.

With such a dramatic increase in indoor and household toxins no wonder so, many of us end up with allergies, cancers, unexplained illnesses, and disease. The reality is a highly toxic body makes it difficult for the body to function and heal.

My Own Journey Into Toxins

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At the age of 17, I studied Clothing & Fashion at college and went on to work for two different dressmakers and designers. The first was a small business, the second a designer for high-end evening wear and wedding dresses.

During both of these experiences, I started to develop symptoms from the toxic effects of toxic substances on the fabrics. Especially in the Glasgow job where the fabrics would come into the fabric with some sort of fabric coating


The Dangers Of Mercury

Now a year before I took this job my health had taken a bit of a battering after an incident when an elderly dentist put mercury up a root canal instead of my actual tooth  Within a few days my

health deteriorated

very quickly, at first it seemed like a very severe flu plus a lot of other very strange symptoms.  Muscle weakness, complete exhaustion, in fact I was so weak, my body was trembling, I became extremely breathless, I suffered Parasthesia and my first experience of temporary paralysis from the neck down. I also suffered extreme muscle and joint pain, extremes in temperature, and digestive issues.

Sadly a lot of the fatigue and exhaustion never left me. It made walking between my train and bus journeys very difficult. But I also started to become overly sensitive to a lot of products, scents, cleaning products around me, and what I consumed.

The Dangers of Fluorescin

Not long after the mercury accident, my sight in my left eye started to seriously deteriorate. So I was given a Fluorescein angiography in which I took a serious allergic reaction collapsing at the hospital.

A ” fluorescein angiography is a medical procedure in which a fluorescent dye is injected into the bloodstream. The dye highlights the blood vessels in the back of the eye so they can be photographed. This test is often used to manage eye disorders.”

For over, a week I was very yellow, several weeks I felt breathless and had a fast heart-rate.

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The Dangers Of Isopropyl Alcohol

About a year later I manage to get some of my health back and went on to study music at college but then I kept collapsing in the recording studio. No one could understand the cause especially me, until years later. When I would find out how toxic isopropyl was, something that was used to clean the reel to reels in the recording studio at the time. And something we all carried in a bottle when working in the study.

Now Isopropyl Alcohol is regarded as a hazardous substance

it is known to have serious side-effects and is actually widely used in the cosmetic industry.

Sadly my health declined so much so, I ended up having to come home and stay with my parents, spend large chunks of the rest of my twenties largely housebound and bedbound. During this period I researched, learned, and met many practitioners who opened my eyes to how toxic our world had become.

These experiences made me aware of the level of toxicity that is around us. It was also one of the reasons I choose to go on a more clean diet, to eliminate a lot of toxic products in my foods. One of the reasons I trained in holistic therapies.

Common Household Toxins That Could Be Making You Sick

Toxic Products in your homeFungal And Mold Toxins – Other common household toxins that most people are unaware of is all the different types of mold and fungi, which are highly toxic. It is said that 1 in 3 people form an allergy to mold in their life.

*3Myotoxins can be a contributor to all sorts of health conditions and diseases, especially those related to the immune system and lungs.

Heavy Metals – Heavy Metals such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury can be extremely toxic to the body. It is commonly found in, amalgam fillings, antiperspirants, building materials, lead paint, pesticides, some seafood, tap water, vaccines…

They can contribute to neurological diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, a reduction in the biology of red and white blood cells.

VOC’s Volatile Organic Compounds – According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency VOC’s are “Volatile organic compounds are compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility.

Many VOCs are human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. “

They are products that vapourize easily and emit gases. Examples of VOC household toxins include electronics, building materials, carpets, furnishings; sofas, mattresses, paint, plastic. As well as craft materials, air fresheners, cleaning products, varnishes, deodorants, shampoo, and cosmetics.

Pesticides – Sadly a lot of pesticides are used in the growing of a lot of the fruit, vegetables, and meat you may buy. One reason which you should always clean your fruit and vegetables when you buy.  See Recipe For Cleaning.

Pesticide household toxins are also in different types of pest control sprays, as well as lawn and garden treatments.

PVC And Phalates. Polyvinol Chloride and Phalates are another commonly known household toxin that is commonly seen in plastic wrap ( clingfilm) plastic food storage products, plastic bottles, shower curtains, children’s toys, cosmetics. Because phthalates chemically act like hormones they can alter the hormones, alter the endocrine system so can be very harmful to the development of children.

Living In A Toxic World

I think most people today have no idea how toxic modern living is, how toxic many foods are, how toxic our home is, and even how toxic many medicines are. But there are many documentary films and movies written around about the horrendous dangers of toxins in our world and our households. But for a variety of reasons they are never encouraged and promoted.

You just need to look a the film The Devil We Know and Dark Waters to see not just the serious health dangers of perfluorooctanoic acid  (PFOA, also known as C8), the key ingredient in Teflon. A highlight to the types of corruption that surrounds a lot of manufacturing who know they are selling potentially highly toxic products.

This is one of the reasons I am a big advocate for a reduction in toxic products, I am a big consumer of a lot of natural and organic products especially those that I use to support my health, wellbeing, and self-care. It is one of the reasons I am a distributor for NYR Organics and an Ambassador for Tropic.


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