Yoga Gift Ideas For Yoga Students

Yoga Gift Ideas - Christmas Gift Ideas For Yoga Lovers,

8 Yoga Gift Ideas For Yoga Students.

A variety of yoga gift ideas, yoga Christmas gifts for your family or friend who loves yoga.


Spa Diffuser for yoga studios, yoga teachers

Aromatherapy Diffuser

Aromatherapy diffusers are a safe way to diffuse essential oils in any private or public space.

The Chi Aroma Diffuser from NYR Organics has beautiful zen like design globe diffuses up to 6 hours of calming aromatherapy mist, perfect for any meditation or yoga space. It is so nice it would look great in any yoga studio or holistic spa.

The Chi Aroma Diffuser kit contains

  • Mist duration of up to 6 hours with two settings
  • Soothing breathing light with three different breathwork practices (Balance, Release and Clarity)
  • Ambient relaxing light
  • Night mode
  • Remote Control
  • Bonus built in ‘breathwork coach’ to guide you through a series of three breathwork sequences.




Blankets and Meditation Blankets

During something like hot yoga or yoga stretches our body temperature increases.

When we begin to relax our body during more relaxing yoga such as Yoga Nidra or other meditative poses our body temperature drops.

That is why every yoga student and meditation student should have a warm comfortable yoga blanket, and yoga towel.

The organic cotton yoga blankets and organic cotton yoga towels from Ekotex Yoga are of high grade quality and make a lovely gift for yogi friend.


Calming Candle Yoga Gift Idea


A beautiful candle never goes wrong with meditation and yoga lovers especially those with 100% natural fragrance with essential oils and organic wax.

This Balancing Aromatherapy Candle from NYR Organics is a great yoga gift as it is both grounding, calming and gently uplifting.

Their Calming Aromatherapy Candle is completely natural and has a gorgeous scent of rose and geranium.

Both candles are 190 grams and have approx 36 hours burning time and are made of essential oils, beeswax and plant oil.



Cushions And Yoga Bolsters

Yoga cushions and yoga bolster cushions help provide support and comfort for stretching, deep breathing and attaining certain postures.

The best yoga cushions tend to be of a very high quality cotton or organic cotton. Check out this gorgeous colours in these organic cotton yoga bolsters filled with buckwheat or spelt.

Yoga Gifts Eco Friendly Yoga Cushions and Yoga Bolsters


Essential Oils For Meditation

There are so many different essential oils used for meditation and yoga practice. Frankincense Oil is commonly used for yoga practice, sacred rituals, meditation, grounding and warding off negative energies.

NYR Organics also have their own meditation blend and meditation remedies to roll, which is easy to directly apply to the skin, pulse points and temples.


Yoga Bags

Yoga bags and yoga straps are another great yoga gift for the yoga fanatic who loves to take their yoga mat everywhere they go. These range of yoga bags are made of organic cotton,  lightweight and portable designs for easy convenience.


Yoga Mat

Every yoga student needs a yoga mat. There is so many different types of yoga mats to choose from but the main things that most students look for is a yoga mat that has a good grip, is eco friendly and has good cushioning. You can choose from jute yoga mats, cork yoga mats, organic yoga rugs and those with Oeko-tex grade PVC.


Yoga Mat Refresher & Mat Cleaner

This is such a great product to make cleaning your yoga mat simple and easy. This natural mat cleaner and refresher contains 100% natural ingredients. Developed to help keep your yoga mat fresh and clean from surface stains and dirt without the nasties used in other cleaning and refresh products.


If you are a yoga lover, what would be your favourite yoga gift idea, we would LOVE to know.



aromatherapy book of essential oils for family use



What Are The Most Common GMO Foods?

Most Common GMO Foods Found In The Supermarket

What Are The Most Common GMO Foods found and hidden on our local supermarket shelves and in our processed food? What does GMO stand for and why is this something we should be very cautious of, even avoid?

What are GMO Foods?

GMO’s are Genetically Modified Organisms that are basically organisms genetically engineered by science in a way that does not occur in nature. GMO Foods are basically foods manipulated from an unnatural state, many would say by scientists trying to play god.


“It is clear that genetic modification is inherently hazardous, as it invariably result in unpredictable and uncontrollable changes in the genome and the epigenome (pattern of gene expression) that impact on safety.” (3) states Science in Society

Many scientists and medical professionals believe there should be far more research on transparency in GMO Foods especially when we look at the organisations pushing GMO Foods and what they don’t want us to know.

As there is quite a lot of research that suggests that many common GMO Foods can cause serious harm to our health and well-being. 


Ready To Live A More Holistic Life


GMO Foods - What is Genetically Modified Food


Will GMO’s Heal Or Hurt My Body?

Health Risks Of Genetically Modified Foods

GE Food And Your Health

Genetically Modified Foods; Safety, Risks And Public Concerns

Here’s The Real Reason Why GMO Foods Are Bad

One of the alarming aspects of GMO Foods is that manufacturers in some countries are not required by law to declare if their food is genetically modified.


Common GMO Foods

Common Genetically Modified Foods include



Canola ( USA)





Squash ( USA)



Sugar Beets (A big source of refined sugar)

Sweet Pepper ( mostly China)

GMO Foods Also Include

Enzymes and Microbes which are used in food processing that are not included on food labels

Meat, Milk, and/or where the animals are fed genetically modified crops.

Vegetable Fats and Margarine that are derived from genetically modified foods.


The Main Difference Between Common GMO Foods And Organic Foods

The main difference between genetically modified foods and organic foods is one is the produce from a lab while the other is a produce of nature.

6I believe part of what keeps us healthy in our food is the plant’s natural energy force and natural synergy. Genetically modified foods and crops are unnatural, genetically altered by scientists than something that is natural. 

There are many ethical and health concerns around common GMO Foods that the top food manufacturers and corporate farmland owners try to deny. Especially when many of the top food manufacturers around the world use GMO foods to increase phenomenal profits than increase the genuine quality of our health. 

Organic foods are free from chemical artificial fertilisers and pesticides while genetic foods are not. One of the reasons many people are growing their own organic gardens and organic remedies at home.

No matter if we like it or not our common GMO Foods are been massively produced for profit and power. Some of the biggest corporate names in the world are behind the push and the production of Genetically Modified Food has shown time and time again to be based on power and control. 

We just need to look at the increase in genetically grown meat, meat from a lab another example of people in power and scientists trying to play god as they mess more and more with nature.

Would you like to start to live a more healthy and holistic lifestyle – Check out my 5 Pillars Of Holistic Health and Wellness, the foundations of a totally holistic lifestyle, 👇click the link below 👇


Ready To Live A More Holistic Life - Holistic wellness course






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Healthier Lifestyle Tips – Healthy Morning Routine

Healthier Lifestyle Tops - Healthy Morning Routine

Healthier Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Morning Routine

How To Create A Healthier Lifestyle In 2023! Ready to start your daily routine the healthier way? By Creating a more healthy morning routine?

Here are 5 Top Tips To Start Creating A Healthier Lifestyle

Simple and easy ways to a healthier daily routine

Start Your Day The Calm Peaceful Way:

A morning meditation ritual is a very powerful way to begin a healthier lifestyle. A Morning Meditation can help us feel more calm, confident, and more relaxed a great way to start the day. It helps increase our focus and concentration and helps us become more intuitive and spiritually guided.

Meditation has many health benefits a UCLA demonstrated that meditators of over 20 years have more grey matter in the brain than those who don’t. Meditation is also shown to support better heart health. And don’t be misled that meditation has to be at least 20 minutes a day, Eileen teaches a highly effective less than 5 Minute Meditation that is loved by all ages, beginner and advanced meditators.

Healthy Daily Routine - Healthy Daily Tips by The World of Health, Holistic Health Experts. Improve your daily health and wellness

Hydrate Yourself:

Our bodies are made up of to 60% water, when we wake up we are often dehydrated, starting your day with a cup of hot water on its own, or hot water with lemon can have a lot of health benefits as mentioned by Flushington Hospital

The Surprising Benefits Of Hot Water And Lemon  Adequate water intake supports our immune system, is necessary to keep our cells, tissue and organs functioning at an optimal level. While dehydration puts stress on our mind and body.

It is said that dehydration is one of the major causes of disease today especially when we consume, ingest or breathe is so many toxins and pollutants that are body needs to flush out for optimal health.


Super Juice Or Super Smoothie:

Starting your morning with a super juice or super smoothie is a great way to flood your body with nutrients. I will often make a super juice and then just have a few soft fruits like berries, avocado, or banana and superfood powders like spirulina, maca, or even cacao to make it more of a substantial super smoothie. I can honestly say this helps boost my energy levels and leaves me feeling more sustained throughout the day. Check out our winter super juice or  Carrot Pear Juice Recipe.


Morning Exercise:

A simple morning exercise routine even a mini exercise routine can help boost our mood and energy levels. Even if you have a chronic health condition that seriously impacts your ability to move or exercise there are different types of movements, stretches, and exercises out there to suit different abilities.

As someone who has suffered from a variety of mobility issues, I found gentle Qi Gong Exercises very helpful, do as much as your body feels comfortable with. Even a gentle walk, swim, yoga, and gentle stretches can help boost our energy levels and energy flow, not just through your body but your organs and brain.


Morning Tasks:

Focus on the tasks you find easier to do in the morning and leave the rest you find easier to do later in the day. A healthier lifestyle involves helping you create a healthy routine that works for you. When we learn to work around our body and mind’s natural rhythms we get into a much healthier natural flow in our life, work, and relationships. We have less stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, and more energy, and joy. Morning tasks are a lot easier when you have had a good night’s sleep so make sure you have a healthy bedtime routine.


Great Ways To Start  A Healthier Lifestyle

The great thing about all of the tips above is they don’t have to take up a lot of your time, especially when you get organised.

For example, Eileen’s 5 Minute Meditation is a great way to start the day and it takes less than 4 minutes. Once you make a batch of super juice or super smoothies you can actually freeze them for the whole week.

The more calm focused, and balanced you feel, the more energy and time you have to do those other things you want to do.


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Check Out Our Free Health And Wellness Bundle See Below


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Low Cost Holistic Health Course

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Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home

Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home

Common Household Toxins – How Toxic Is Your Home?

Some of the most common household toxins that could be making you sick. Toxins in your cleaning products, your skin, and body care, in your furniture, bedding even clothes.


The Dangers Of Common Household Toxins

One of the things I started to become aware of in my early twenties was how much we are surrounded by industrial and household toxins. Toxins can have a serious impact on our health and wellbeing. But even though we have seen a dramatic increase in not just household toxins over the last 50 years but also toxic medical treatments. Very few seem to want to do anything about it. It seems we have created a world and society that seems to put money, power, and convenience over health.

With such a dramatic increase in indoor and household toxins no wonder so, many of us end up with allergies, cancers, unexplained illnesses, and disease. The reality is a highly toxic body makes it difficult for the body to function and heal.

My Own Journey Into Toxins

natural make up toxic free makeup natural cosmetics

At the age of 17, I studied Clothing & Fashion at college and went on to work for two different dressmakers and designers. The first was a small business, the second a designer for high-end evening wear and wedding dresses.

During both of these experiences, I started to develop symptoms from the toxic effects of toxic substances on the fabrics. Especially in the Glasgow job where the fabrics would come into the fabric with some sort of fabric coating


The Dangers Of Mercury

Now a year before I took this job my health had taken a bit of a battering after an incident when an elderly dentist put mercury up a root canal instead of my actual tooth  Within a few days my

health deteriorated

very quickly, at first it seemed like a very severe flu plus a lot of other very strange symptoms.  Muscle weakness, complete exhaustion, in fact I was so weak, my body was trembling, I became extremely breathless, I suffered Parasthesia and my first experience of temporary paralysis from the neck down. I also suffered extreme muscle and joint pain, extremes in temperature, and digestive issues.

Sadly a lot of the fatigue and exhaustion never left me. It made walking between my train and bus journeys very difficult. But I also started to become overly sensitive to a lot of products, scents, cleaning products around me, and what I consumed.

The Dangers of Fluorescin

Not long after the mercury accident, my sight in my left eye started to seriously deteriorate. So I was given a Fluorescein angiography in which I took a serious allergic reaction collapsing at the hospital.

A ” fluorescein angiography is a medical procedure in which a fluorescent dye is injected into the bloodstream. The dye highlights the blood vessels in the back of the eye so they can be photographed. This test is often used to manage eye disorders.”

For over, a week I was very yellow, several weeks I felt breathless and had a fast heart-rate.

Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

The Dangers Of Isopropyl Alcohol

About a year later I manage to get some of my health back and went on to study music at college but then I kept collapsing in the recording studio. No one could understand the cause especially me, until years later. When I would find out how toxic isopropyl was, something that was used to clean the reel to reels in the recording studio at the time. And something we all carried in a bottle when working in the study.

Now Isopropyl Alcohol is regarded as a hazardous substance

it is known to have serious side-effects and is actually widely used in the cosmetic industry.

Sadly my health declined so much so, I ended up having to come home and stay with my parents, spend large chunks of the rest of my twenties largely housebound and bedbound. During this period I researched, learned, and met many practitioners who opened my eyes to how toxic our world had become.

These experiences made me aware of the level of toxicity that is around us. It was also one of the reasons I choose to go on a more clean diet, to eliminate a lot of toxic products in my foods. One of the reasons I trained in holistic therapies.

Common Household Toxins That Could Be Making You Sick

Toxic Products in your homeFungal And Mold Toxins – Other common household toxins that most people are unaware of is all the different types of mold and fungi, which are highly toxic. It is said that 1 in 3 people form an allergy to mold in their life.

*3Myotoxins can be a contributor to all sorts of health conditions and diseases, especially those related to the immune system and lungs.

Heavy Metals – Heavy Metals such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury can be extremely toxic to the body. It is commonly found in, amalgam fillings, antiperspirants, building materials, lead paint, pesticides, some seafood, tap water, vaccines…

They can contribute to neurological diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, a reduction in the biology of red and white blood cells.

VOC’s Volatile Organic Compounds – According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency VOC’s are “Volatile organic compounds are compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility.

Many VOCs are human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. “

They are products that vapourize easily and emit gases. Examples of VOC household toxins include electronics, building materials, carpets, furnishings; sofas, mattresses, paint, plastic. As well as craft materials, air fresheners, cleaning products, varnishes, deodorants, shampoo, and cosmetics.

Pesticides – Sadly a lot of pesticides are used in the growing of a lot of the fruit, vegetables, and meat you may buy. One reason which you should always clean your fruit and vegetables when you buy.  See Recipe For Cleaning.

Pesticide household toxins are also in different types of pest control sprays, as well as lawn and garden treatments.

PVC And Phalates. Polyvinol Chloride and Phalates are another commonly known household toxin that is commonly seen in plastic wrap ( clingfilm) plastic food storage products, plastic bottles, shower curtains, children’s toys, cosmetics. Because phthalates chemically act like hormones they can alter the hormones, alter the endocrine system so can be very harmful to the development of children.

Living In A Toxic World

I think most people today have no idea how toxic modern living is, how toxic many foods are, how toxic our home is, and even how toxic many medicines are. But there are many documentary films and movies written around about the horrendous dangers of toxins in our world and our households. But for a variety of reasons they are never encouraged and promoted.

You just need to look a the film The Devil We Know and Dark Waters to see not just the serious health dangers of perfluorooctanoic acid  (PFOA, also known as C8), the key ingredient in Teflon. A highlight to the types of corruption that surrounds a lot of manufacturing who know they are selling potentially highly toxic products.

This is one of the reasons I am a big advocate for a reduction in toxic products, I am a big consumer of a lot of natural and organic products especially those that I use to support my health, wellbeing, and self-care. It is one of the reasons I am a distributor for NYR Organics and an Ambassador for Tropic.


Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

mental health benefits of meditation

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

Mental health benefits of meditation in our stressful modern world. Learn why the emotional and mental health benefits of meditation are one of the most powerful life skills you can teach a child, teenager, or adult.

Why traditional forms of meditation are becoming increasingly popular in our fast-paced world.

Meditation is all about the art of awareness, conscious awareness, and state of being. In a modern world where we are bombarded with distractions, brainwashed, and conditioned to be in a state of doing.

At a time when we are overwhelmed by information and stimulus, in toxic, plastic, manmade environments. We have become constantly overwhelmed; stressed, anxious, and confused. Disconnected from ourselves, so disconnected from nature, our natural habitat. On a conscious or unconscious level, we crave a much safer space of solitude, freedom, and spiritual connectedness. Something that meditation can give us.

5 Minue Meditation Mind Hacks for anxiety and stress. Mental health benefits of meditation, this simple way to meditate each day

Main Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation has become a popular self-help tool to reduce many modern mental health issues it is used to help


Meditating daily has been demonstrated in clinical research to be a useful aid in the reduction of chronic anxiety and anxiety disorders.


Meditating has been demonstrated in clinical research to be highly beneficial in reducing stress. It is known to move on from the stress response,  the “fight or flight response” to the relaxation response.


Daily meditation is a helpful aid in reducing depression and other mental health issues when taught effectively. It helps reduce ruminative thinking because it helps loosen over-attachment to our monkey mind.


Meditation has been shown in different research to help increase concentration and focus—the ability to perform certain tasks more effectively.


The art of meditation helps us move out of negative sabotaging thinking into a more natural authentic way of being. So we are naturally more confident.


Regular meditation encourages the body into a more natural rested state of being. Regular meditators witness an improved quality of sleep.


Health Benefits Of Meditation

IN THE REDUCTION OF HEART DISEASE: Regular meditation practice can be a helpful aid in reducing heart disease and stroke. And useful for lowering symptoms of high blood pressure.


PAIN MANAGEMENT: Daily meditation encourages the body of the inflammatory response caused by chronic stress into a relaxed response. It is a useful aid in pain management and muscle tension reduction.


Medical Research On Mental Health Benefits of Meditation

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation
Meditation Infographic – Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation


Clinical and medical research on the benefits of meditation has been going on since the 1950s. Although, the study of meditation is a growing subdivision in neurological research. There is a variety of documented research on the physical and mental health benefits of meditation.

Benefits Of T.M Meditation

We know Transcendental Meditation has been one of the most clinically researched styles of meditation. Studies suggested that when T.M. was taught properly it not only reduced anxiety and stress it helped reduce PTSD in veterans.

Now as a meditator of over 30 years, who has studied a wide range of meditation styles including T.M. I have personally found other types of meditation alongside relaxation therapy are safer and suitable for PTSD.

But one thing is clear, meditation is a powerful life skill that I believe should be taught to everyone, taught in schools from a young age.

Meditation has been shown not only to reduce the fight or flight response but it helps to reduce inappropriate emotional reactions, a useful aid in anger management and PTSD.

Meditation in prisons is beneficial when taught and practiced long-term with low intensity. We know that meditating can reduce emotional arousal as seen in a clinical study using Sahaja Yogic Meditators.

Another study on the “Effect of mindfulness meditation training on anxiety, depression and sleep quality in perimenopausal women.”

Proved to be beneficial in reducing mental health issues specifically anxiety, depression, and sleep issues.

What other life skill, helps you experience inner calm, and peace amidst the chaos, sadness, and loss, in our crazy modern life?

What other skill can be as simple and cost-effective to learn? That is why the mental health benefits of meditation practice are becoming increasingly recognized.

Meditation is becoming an increasingly popular life skill and form of therapy in modern medicine. Meditation apps are becoming more popular to help with pain management and as an emotional aid for life-threatening conditions like cancer.

Would you like to learn how to meditate?

Learn how to meditate more simply and easily.

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Healthy – What Does Healthy Mean?

what does healthy mean - the world of health

What does Healthy mean?

Healthy means having good health. Is the opposite of sick, but also can mean “doing

well” in a general sense. Each of us strive to be healthy.

But many of us have illnesses, chronic disease, auto-immune disorders or just

symptoms that appear out of nowhere and don’t know where they came from. So, you

call your Dr. to evaluate what’s going on and he/she prescribes you medication to treat

the “symptom”. Not considering what is causing the symptom in the first place.  And of

course, we all know there are side effects to medications, which in some cases can be

worse than the actual symptom itself.

The Wheel of Life; Wellness 360

Wellness 360 is a Holistic perspective.  Each of the tabs on the wheel interconnect

between all parts of ourselves. Each person has unique circumstances and needs.

Creating balance by making small changes – when we make changes in one area of our

life, we often notice it changes other areas….interconnected.

healthy what does healthy mean the wheel of life

In considering your Core foods (inner layer) and what areas might be out of balance, you

may find that there are many things affecting your imbalance.  It can be overwhelming

to look at all the areas where you don’t feel that you are achieving exactly what you want

to or realizing that each area has some percentage of “unfulfillment”.

The Wheel of Life is a way to take a closer look at the whole picture, to really drill

down into what specific things are in or out of balance.

The Inner Wheel

Represents activities and things that affect you DIRECTLY. The food you take in or the

fresh air you breathe.


 Sunshine

 Air

 Food

 Movement

 Sleep

The Outer Wheel

Consists of indirect things that affect a person’s health and well-being.


 Careers

 Finances

 Mindset

 Spirituality

 Purpose

Let’s take a closer look at the inner layers (CORE) to see how they directly affect us.

healthy what does healthy mean to you the world of health

Wellness 360 Food

Most conversations about taking good care of your body includes the emphasis on the

food you eat. At YOU Wellness, we know that our nutrition is a significant foundational

part of our wellness practice. Healthy eating is crucial if we want to feel and look the

best we possibly can.


Talking about the element of Food is important when it comes to wellness for many

reasons. First, of course, is that nutrition is one of the hottest topics when it comes to

being healthy.

What we eat directly impacts how we look, how we feel, and how we do a lot of things.

It’s also one of the most confusing and ever-changing elements. When you use the

Wellness 360-wheel, Food becomes an element that is simpler than you think.

There are several aspects that make up the element of Wellness 360 Food.

These include things like:

The specific types of foods that we put into our mouths.

 The amount and quality of the food.

 How we eat that food, such as in a hurry or at a peaceful, slow pace.

 Noticing whether the food gives us energy or makes us feel tired.

 Checking in to see whether the food feels nourishing.

 Paying attention to whether the food makes us feel good after eating it.

Healthy Eating Is as Unique as You Are

Every person on the planet has specific biochemistry, environment, and lifestyle. When

combined, we are each quite unique. That means that each diet and nutrition plan out

there isn’t good for every person. It’s not a one diet-fits all. The food you eat needs to be

as unique as you are. Each person has specific individual needs. There are many factors

that influence which foods are best for you as an individual.

Wellness 360 Rest

Generally, it’s hard to improve your physical wellness for life when other parts of your

life might be under stress or unhealthy  One of the elements that can support you to gain

perspective on your life and see the connections between all the Wellness 360 elements

is the element of Rest.

The first reason it’s so important is that rest and sleep affect us on so many levels. When

we initially think of rest, we tend to think of sleep. And sleep is one of the biggest health

challenges that people in our culture face today.

Rest as a Wellness 360 element encompasses more than sleep, of course. The overall

American and western attitude toward rest is to try to minimize it as much as possible.

We put value on getting more done, being more productive, and being more efficient.

But we’ve lost our value for rest in our culture. Our quality and quantity of rest has

decreased, causing many problems ranging from minor health issues to major


But when we’re talking about rest, we mean more than just sleep. Rest is a bigger idea

than that. It’s all about valuing our self-care practices. Rest also includes our downtime

and the ways that we intentionally slow down. It’s all about taking time to enjoy a

hobby, relaxing entertainment, or restful activities. Rest is about the things we can do to

release stress, calm our bodies, and power down our minds for a while.

Pay Attention to Your Energy Levels

You might be one of the lucky ones who sleep well and then wake up energized and

ready to start your day. Or you might wake up dragging from the first moment your feet

hit the floor. Notice your energy levels at the beginning of the day, but also pay close

attention to how they change throughout the day.

Do you feel exhausted by lunchtime? Are you loading up on caffeine just to get through

the day? Are you dragging all day long and then laying in bed wide awake at night? Keep

a journal to track your energy levels, then compare it to other activities and the food

you’re eating to discover patterns and correlations.

Check in With the Wellness 360 Wheel

Oftentimes, our quality of rest is directly affected by other aspects of our lives. If you’re

struggling through a bad patch with your partner, it might be really hard to sleep at

night. Lots of elements can be making it hard to go to sleep and to stay asleep. They can

also make us feel less motivated to engage in self-care, right during a time when we

might need it most.


Get Better Rest and Sleep

Taking good care of yourself is essential to achieving wellness. This includes focusing on

resting more, giving yourself better self-care, and ensuring that your sleep each nigh is


Wellness 360 Water

Water is an incredibly important part of your wellness routine and something to

consider when improving your overall health. There are many ways to look at Water and

ways to consider how it impacts our well-being.

Importance of Water for Health

One of the reasons we should talk about water is the fact that over half of the human

body is made of water. It’s an important element in our organs, our blood, and even our

bones. Water’s job in our bodies ranges from insulating our organs to lubricating our

joints, to forming the building blocks of cells.

Water is also an important part of the elimination system, carrying waste and toxins out

of our bodies. Water for health is always important to create a healthier body and a

more balanced wellness practice.

The simplest understanding of water for health is that we take in water through drinking

and eating. When we drink water, we are contributing a crucial element to our body for

its survival. We want to continually replenish the water in our bodies so it can support

our organs, joints and cells.

Without water, we become dehydrated and when that happens, our bodies can’t

function properly. Our cells become sluggish and too dry to perform their functions

optimally. We depend on water to live, way down to the cellular level. The quality of

water we’re drinking also greatly affects us. Dehydration can have a negative impact on

your wellness, so it’s important to balance water for health and well-being.

Here are a few ways you can get started with balancing your water element.

1. Keep track of your water intake.

Write down when you drink water and how much you’re taking in. Pay attention

to when you feel thirsty and make note of it.

2. Pay attention to the other beverages you’re drinking.

If you’re a big coffee drinker, notice what it does to your thirst and bathroom

visits. Caffeine tends to trick the body into eliminating water, which will leave you

dehydrated. Also, keep a close eye on other things you drink, such as sodas, diet sodas, teas,

juices and alcohol. Some of these liquids are hydrating and others are

dehydrating. Some of them will wreak havoc with your water fluid balance. Water

is always the best thing to drink for your health.

Wellness 360 Sun

It’s vitally important to get about 10 minutes of natural midday sunlight every single day

– and it’s crucial in the winter. This is true even if it’s overcast outside. We spend a

whopping 90% of our time indoors – and that’s where everyone else’s germs are

multiplying! Sunlight boosts the immune system by converting cholesterol to vitamin D.

It stimulates the thyroid gland; ensures sound sleep by triggering melatonin production at

night; and boosts the mood. Get outside for a walk and get your vitamin D for the day.

A minimum of 20 minutes per day when the sun is high in the sky is ideal for optimum

vitamin D intake. You’ll also feel more energized once you soak up some sunlight.

Wellness 360 Air

One of the important elements of Wellness 360 is Air. At the most basic level, our body

is alive because of the air we breathe in. It’s literally our life force and the element that

makes it possible for all the cells in our body to thrive.

The air you breathe contains a lot of oxygen, which is an essential element for life. Every

one of your cells needs it in order to carry out their functions and keep you moving.

When you breathe in, air moves into your lungs, then oxygen travels to all the places it

needs to go through the bloodstream.


Understanding the Air Element

The element of Air focuses on the actual air coming into our lungs when we breathe in.

Since air is such a vital part of our life force, it’s important to consider the quality as it

will affect our physical health. Improving our wellness isn’t complete until we’ve

addressed the ways in which we take in air.

Air as Nature and Outdoors

As a Wellness 360 element, Air also represents the air outside and nature. This includes

our environment and how we treat it. That includes how the environment impacts our

air quality, which then affects our health. An environment that is treated poorly and has

become unhealthy will have negative effects on our health. On the flip side, when we

lovingly care for our environments, it can have a hugely positive effect on our mental

and physical health.

When we are exposed to air pollution for any length of time, it can harm our respiratory

system, lungs, and cardiovascular system (our heart). Long exposures to pollution can

lead to serious diseases and health effects that can be devastating.

Air as Indoor Environment

Your indoor environment is also important. The air quality of our homes has a huge

impact on the air we breathe in and our overall physical health. Our homes are our safe

havens, away from the outdoor environments that surround us. The quality of the air we

take in within our homes is an important consideration when balancing wellness and


Air as Breath

While the quality of the air you breathe in is super important, it’s also crucial to consider

how you are doing the physical breathing.

Most people breathe in using just their upper chest, taking in very short and shallow

breaths. For ultimate health, we need to be breathing in deeper ways. Air should move

in your nose, down into your lungs, filling up so fully that your belly rises. It should

then make its way back out, leaving through your nose or mouth fully. Intentional

breathing brings in the most efficient levels of oxygen, bringing vitality and true

oxygenation to every cell in the body.

Learning how to breathe properly impacts our well-being at a deep level. Deep breathing

helps to calm our nervous system, and slower breathing can de-escalate panic and


Wellness 360 Body

Wellness 360 is a holistic philosophy that supports the integration of all areas of our

well-being. But it’s not just one-dimensional. It’s a three-dimensional, layered system

that supports the whole person. Each layer of Wellness 360 can be used to change your

health and life on different levels. Going beyond just our external health, Wellness 360

takes us to the inner layer of ourselves and can help us define and evolve our whole


On the first layer – the physical, external layer, Wellness 360 continues to provide a

holistic framework for balancing our lives in the 12 elements of life we originally created.

On the second layer – the internal, inner layer, Wellness 360 goes to the next level by

integrating both the external and internal. We are not just physical bodies; we have an

internal world that plays a huge role with our health. What’s happening on the inside is

often as important as what is happening on the outside.

And finally, on the third layer – the symbolic, more “energetic” layer or that hidden

layer you can’t see – Wellness 360 provides greater meaning to the areas of our life that

are out of balance and provides a deeper understanding of our individual journeys.

I encourage you to really look at the Wellness 360 wheel and see what areas are out of

balance. Then rate them from 1-10. 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest. If you rate

any areas at 7 or below then those areas are the main and biggest that need to be focused

on and fixed. As they are interconnected with other areas of your life and is not whole.

Empowering You To Be More Healthy

I am a Master Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, founder of YOU Wellness

and creator of The MS Energy Blueprint. On Facebook, I’m known as The MS Wellness

Coach. I specialize in empowering women with MS to combat fatigue and increase energy

levels naturally so that you can transform from existing to living life with vitality and

abundance.I am also an author of Blue Fingers Brass Knuckles – self-help book for those newly

diagnosed with MS.

If you would like to learn how to improve your overall health and manage your MS

symptoms naturally, click HERE to schedule your FREE strategy session with me!


Choosing The Right Health Coach For You

how to chose the right health coach for you

How To Choose The Right Health Coach For You

How do you choose the right health coach when there are so many health and wellness coaches to choose from? How do you decide on the perfect health coach for you?  The right wellness coach with the right qualification, the right experience and skills for your needs?

As a high consumer of healers, therapists, and coaches over the last 30 years. I have learned a lot about choosing the right health professional for my needs. Too many times in my life I invested in a health or wellness practitioner that just didn’t have the right level of expertise or knowledge for what I needed.

Health Coach - How To Choose The Right Health Coach For You by The World of Health

As a holistic therapist, a coach and a healer myself, I know too well how hard it can be to find the right practitioner or coach. Even more confusing for the consumer or clients who has very little knowledge in this area.

One of the big problems today is health coaching in many ways has become a very loose, overused even distorted term. So many people simply labeling them self health and wellness coaches today but with no training or expertise.

Another big issue in this industry is a dramatic increase over the last ten years in very poor quality courses and training. Especially when the holistic, health and wellness market has become so saturated with fast track training and online training courses often written and provided by people who are not even properly qualified never mind experts in the field.

So here is a list of recommended suggestions and questions that I have found helpful in helping you make the right choice of health coach for you. A few things you can do to reduce the risk of investing a lot of money on the wrong coach or coaching program.

Ready To Live A More Holistic Life

5 Things To Consider When Choosing The Right Health Coach

  1. Decide What You Need With: make a list, be really specific of what you need help with, if you have a specific health challenge that you need extra support, advice or help with, add that to your list.
  2. Be Clear On What You Want To Achieve with your coach. Your vision or dream you would like to achieve, the more specific about what you want and need the easier it is to choose the right wellness coach that is the right fit for you. Through the years I have met so many wellbeing practitioners who assumed and would tell me I was their perfect ideal client. But the reality was for various reasons they were not my ideal coach or ideal therapist for a variety of reasons they couldn’t see but I could. Sometimes you need to go to different practitioners for different things. A good coach will often recommend you to a more suitable practitioner when required.
  3. What Type Of Coach Do You Need? Maybe a life coach who is highly motivated who will always make you highly accountable? Or maybe a more spiritual coach who is more awakened and or intuitive, who will help awaken and empower you? It can often be a good idea to choose a wellbeing coach who has had the same sort of challenges you have. There is something very powerful about being coached by someone who has been there, done it got the T-shirt. They are not only more compassionate an experienced to help you. But they can often help you see your challenges from a different perspective especially if they have moved on or healed from that issue
  4. Choose A Suitably Qualified Coach in the area you need. Check out their level of qualification and expertise. Sadly today there is a huge difference in the quality of content and standardisation in training today. Some training schools give out health and wellbeing certificates in as little as a few days. When the rest of us offer training that normally takes 6 months to a few years.  If you have a serious or an usual health condition you may want to choose someone more experienced, more qualified in a particular area. For example choose a Health Coach who has  a degree in Nutrition or a Health Coach who is a qualified Dr. As an avid learner I have enrolled in many types of training and just because something says it is Diploma level while other states a Certificate rarely represents the level of learning or amount of hours. Some training I have taken a few years at university level while other types of add on training I have done over a few weekends. I have lost count of the number of health practitioners I have come across claiming to be highly experienced in certain areas who struggle to know even the basics. So don’t be afraid about checking out your coaches levels of qualification or training school  The last thing you want to do is go to someone who knows less than you, who has less skills in the area you need support with. That is why we at The World Of Health only share health and wellness blogs written or approved by fully qualified health and wellness coaches and therapists.
  5. Choose A Health Or Wellness Coach that aligns to your values, your ethics. You can learn a lot about a coach by what they say in and about their business. What they write about, what they share on their social media pages. You can learn what is important especially if its’ their client’s interests or just their own success. Check out their testimonials see what their clients are saying. Choosing the right coach for you is easier when you identify their values, their ethics.

Ready To Live A More Holistic Life


You Choose What Type Of Wellbeing Practitioner Is Right For You

The key thing to remember when choosing any type of health and wellness practitioner, life coach, therapist, healer or counsellor. Is that you choose them don’t let them manipulate or cajoal you into choosing them if it doesn’t feel right. They may believe they are the right person for you. But only you will know if they are the right expert for you. Sadly some types of coaches are into high persuasion selling which hits on a client’s weaknesses. It is your health, your time, your investment, so invest in someone you want to work with not someone you feel obliged to work with.

Looking For A Health Or Wellness Coach To Help You Today?

Check out our site we have more and more health and wellness coaches join us each month.

Health Coaches Looking For A Job

If you are a Health Coaching looking for a job Click Here. If you are a highly qualified Health Coach with health or wellbeing related qualifications to degree level why not get extra promotion by blogging for The World of Health. Maybe your a Health Coach who wants to up-level their experience. Check out Stress Coach Training for a range of Therapist Training


5 Pillars Of Holistic Health Course - The World of Health

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Sleep Therapy – How To Treat Insomnia Naturally

sleep therapy how to treat insomnia naturally The World Of Health

Sleep Therapy – How To Treat Insomnia The Natural And Holistic Way

Why Sleep Therapy is becoming more popular and effective at treating so many insomnia and sleep disorders today. Sleep Problems is a major problem for millions of people around the world. In the UK it has become a growing problem in not just adults but in teenagers and children.

In England alone, NHS statistics showed sleep disorder admissions for under-16s had tripled in just a few years in 2017 in-fact nearly 10,000 child admissions for sleep problems.

Why Sleep Therapy Is So Needed Today

In 2011 a survey by the Mental Health Foundation ” said that a survey of the nation’s sleep habits found that 30% are severely sleep-deprived, putting them more at risk of mental health and relationship issues.” Sleep Problems in the UK, NHS website.

According to an online survey by and a global survey by Philips in 2018. Brits roughly get approx 34.5 minutes less sleep each night than most other countries around the world. Working out at about 8.76 days of less sleep a year. One of the reasons sleep therapy is more needed than ever.

Main Causes Of Sleep Issues Today

The main cause of sleep disorders today is stress and over-stimulation. Most of us spend more time engaged in mental doing, mental ruminating, mental processing than anything else. Even children spend a large chunk of their day hooked into addictive and distracting technology, obsessive thoughts. Rather than living in a more natural state of being.

We have become so disconnected from our natural innate way of being that we are very disconnected from our body. And how our body naturally speaks to us. More and more of us are living further and further away from nature. To live and work in toxic, concrete, busy buildings, frying our brains and bodies with surges of EMF radiation, day and night. Is any wonder sleep disorders are becoming a pandemic problem in adults and children today.

Common Issues Of Sleep Disorders

We know that lack of good quality deep sleep, impacts our health and wellbeing, our mental, emotional and physical stress resilience. Adequate sleep is a necessary part of any stress management, health or wellbeing program. Poor sleep leads to a wide range of related health issues including

Low Mood and Depression

Lack Of Motivation

Lack Of Concentration and Focus

It can contribute to weight gain and obesity

Increased risk of high blood pressure and heart disease

Increased risk of diabetes and hypoglycemia

Poor performance and poor decision making at work

It can seriously impact one’s self-esteem, self-confidence

Biggest Sleep Snatchers

Some of the most popular causes of sleep disorders in the modern world is

Stress, Anxiety and Over-stimulation

Technology Overload

Caffeine and Nicotine

Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

Overstimulation of the mind

Lack of physical exercise

Toxic Environment

Noise Pollution

Other common problems include bad bedtime hygiene such as watching late-night TV, spending late hours on led, computer or mobile devices. Taking homework or work or even problems to bed instead of some calming hobbies before bed.

A Sleep therapist can help you change your habits, your routine in a natural, stress-free way.

sleep therapy treat insomnia

Top Tips For A Good Night Sleep

A Nice Clean And Tidy Bed and Bedroom not only makes going to sleep more pleasurable. But can really help support a more calm and relaxed mind.

Reduce Food Stimulants such as caffeine and sugar as early in the day and evening as you can. If you have a sweet tooth or love your coffee, the best times to consume these stimulants is before 3 pm during the day.

Learn to Relax, most people don’t realise how stressed, anxious and over-stimulated they are. The ability to relax and switch off is vital in helping you drift off into a deep sleep. Most Sleep or Relaxation Therapists or Sleep Therapy Program will teach you how to relax.

Exercise Early In The Evening, this not helps walk-off extra stress but improves heart rate and general wellbeing. And will, in the long run, help you have more energy. Most people today complain of fatigue or exhaustion that is caused by mental exhaustion not physical exhaustion. Unless you have a serious fatigue disorder like M.E, C.F.S or Lyme. Getting enough physical exercise during the day will, in the long run, support better sleep and better health. be honest how much time do you spend sitting, driving, watching T.V.

Switch Off Technology. Unplugging technological devices such as TV, computers, radios, mobile phones at least 30 minutes before bed is an integral part of any sleep therapy course. Electromagnetic radiation can not only affect your health and wellbeing but repair process during sleep.

Learn To Meditate. Meditation is something I suggest to everyone. Meditate throughout the day to keep your anxiety and stress levels down. The more calm and relaxed you are during your day, the more calm and relaxed you will be going to bed.

Switch To Natural Sleep Remedies.  Stop relying on prescription medication. Add sleep supporting essential oils to a warm relaxing bath. Encourage your partner to give you a nice relaxing aromatherapy hand or foot massage. Essential oils that can help aid sleep include Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Frankincense and Vetivert. I use Lavender with ylang-ylang, or ylang-ylang with Frankincense. Doterra has some fabulous high quality and organic essential oils ethically sourced from the best growers around the world. You can check my online shop Click Here 


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Learn powerful sleep therapy techniques that will help you re-train your mind, body and emotions how to sleep. How to sleep like a baby again.

This Sleep Therapy Program will teach you all you need to know


Holistic Wellness – 5 Pillars Of Holistic Wellbeing

holistic wellness 5 principles of holistic wellbeing today

5 Pillars Of Holistic Wellness

Learn the main 5 Pillars of Holistic Wellness, what holistic wellness and wholistic wholeness mean today. Learn why the 5 Pillars of Holistic Wellness is the foundation for optimal health, happiness, and growth.

Holistic And Wholistic Wellness

The term holistic stems from the theory of holism “system of therapeutics, especially outside the mainstream of scientific medicine, as [homeopathy], naturopathy or chiropractic, and usually involving nutritional measures.” The definition of holism was introduced by Jan Smuts in 1926 as “the whole is different from the sum of its parts.” Now although both holistic and wholistic in origins have different meanings, most modern-day definition of holistic is wholistic. In holistic wellbeing, it basically means different elements of our body and way of life have to be in balance so we are whole. Holistic wellness comes from a natural state of balance and being. Balance in the 5 Pillars of Holistic Wellness.

Ready To Live A More Holistic Life

The 5 Pillars Of Holistic Wellness

If the 5 Pillars Of Holistic Wellness; our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellbeing are in homeostasis. We have a much greater capacity to flourish and grow, to endure life’s challenges and stressors with ease. Because if all of these foundations are strong and connected. Our energy force, our wellbeing is more likely to flow.

Mental wellbeing is what maintains positive mental health. A healthy mindset is our mental resilience against life’s stress and challenges. Enhanced mental health helps us make healthy choices, recognise our value, our worth, and our potential. Good mental wellbeing increases our ability to share our gifts and skills with the world with ease. It helps us maintain healthier boundaries and good communication in our relationships. The ability to be fully in the moment is a useful way to encourage healthier mental wellbeing. You can learn how to be more in the present moment, instead of ruminating over the past or future by learning how to meditate.

Emotional wellbeing contributes to healthy self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, and good emotional intelligence. Positive emotional wellbeing helps us cope and thrive in our relationships. It often coincides very much with our mental wellbeing. Emotional wellbeing is having the ability to accept, own and express your emotional needs and feelings when required. If you have good. Emotional Intelligence you have the skill to handle relationships healthy. Daniel Goleman, suggests there are 5 elements of EQ and that includes empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and social skills.

holistic wellness 5 pillars of holistic wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing relates to a healthy balanced and optimal functioning body. It is not just about being disease-free. But relates to our bodies’ energy levels, endurance, and flexibility. Physical wellness is our physical lifestyle, the ability to sleep, eat,  perform, be free from addiction and medication and be resilient against stress.More traditional forms of wellbeing such as Natural  Medicine or Ayurvedic Medicine, Naturopathy and Good Nutrition can help support the physical elements of wellness. Avoid as many toxins in your environment and your food as you can to support a healthier body, choose organic food and organic medicine when you can.

Spiritual wellbeing is the ability to experience meaning and purpose in life through a connection to one’s self, or a power greater than oneself. It is known to be one of the most powerful sources of strength, inspiration, and motivation on the journey of recovery and healing. Spiritual strength is often extremely personal and means different things to different people. But the ability to access the self,  tap into our Soul’s Essence can help us connect with a more spiritual way of being. It certainly helps lower anxiety, stress and depression levels. And can help cultivate more gratitude and positivity.

Social wellbeing is social inclusion and social belonging; Supported by, connected and in equilibrium with the society or world you live in. Social wellbeing can be linked to values, traditions, and lifestyle. Any social aspect that supports greater wellbeing. Your friends, family, community, the groups you are part of, your culture, religion, place of education or place of work. That is why feeling as if you belong to certain tribes can be very supportive in our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

That is why so many people today are trending towards more holistic approaches, moving towards holistic or alternative medicine instead of more contemporary medicine. Which too often only focuses on the physical symptoms, physical or mental individual parts.


Our Main Goal

Our main goal at The World Of Health is to help educate and inspire our audience to achieve that balance. Help support you back into a holistic state of wholeness.

So you can achieve a happy healthy state of wellbeing. Live a life inspired by potential and possibilities. By providing our audience with valuable health and wellness resources from top holistic health and wellness experts around the world.

If you are a holistic health expert with the right qualifications and experience. Who would love to write and share your wisdom as a blog on The World of Health.

Get In Touch. Email Eileen at

If you are a health and wellbeing expert and author we can help promote your book or ebook

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Our Main Goal

Our main goal at The World Of Health is to help educate and inspire our audience to achieve that balance. Help support you back into a holistic state of wholeness.

So you can achieve a happy healthy state of wellbeing. Live a life inspired by potential and possibilities. By providing our audience with valuable health and wellness resources from top holistic health and wellness experts around the world.

If you are a holistic health expert a holistic doctor or a holistic health practitioner with a degree qualification in health who would love to write and share your wisdom as a blog on The World of Health?

Get In Touch.

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Wanted Holistic Health Experts Who Blog!

Wanted Holistic Health Experts Who Blog!


Seeking Highly Qualified Holistic Health Experts Who Blog

Are you a highly qualified and experienced holistic health expert who blogs? Perhaps a holistic doctor,  Ayurvedic Doctor , Homeopath,  herbalist, highly qualified Health or Wellness Coach, Nutritionist? Or maybe a Chiropractor,  Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Qi Gong Teacher, Pilates Or Yoga  Teacher? A Holistic Counsellor, Holistic Psychotherapists, or Psychologist?

Wanted Holistic Health Experts Who Love To Blog?

We like to promote Holistic health experts who LOVE to write educational health and wellness blogs. If you would LOVE to reach a much bigger and wider client audience, get free advertising and promotion. And are interested in submitting a highly educational and informative blog around your area of expertise? You can submit your article or blog for our consideration.

What Is The World Of Health?

The World Of Health is a holistic health portal of health and wellbeing information provided by wellbeing coaches, holistic doctors, holistic health experts.

A community-based blog that seeks fresh new holistic articles and blogs written by fully qualified health and wellbeing experts. We want to promote the safest, authentic information so we only accept blogs topics that you are fully qualified and experienced enough to write about.

Sorry, but we don’t accept blogs from content writers. We pride our self in providing our audience with top holistic wellness information.

So if you are a wellness practitioner who is highly qualified and experienced in their field. Has spent many years to qualify and become an expert in what you do.

We want to help you be visible to an audience that wants to get the right health and wellness information. An audience that wants to read wellbeing advice from fully qualified therapists, healers, and coaches in their field who have dedicated their time and energy doing the best training they can.

Wanted Holistic Health Experts Who Blog

Holistic Health Experts Guest Blogger Requirements

All holistic health experts who want to guest blog for The World of Health must have the relevant qualifications and expertise in the topic you would like to write about.

(Please Note: Evidence and details of qualifications and experience maybe required with so much online unrecognised fast-track training courses who offer Certificates and Diplomas in almost anything, we need to  ensure our health practitioners do have suitably recognised training)

All blogs must be well-written for a native English-Speaking audience. And be mostly educational, information led when possible links should be provided to clinical or medical research or other highly regarded professional resources.

All posts should be at least 800 – 2100 words. But quality and relevance should be your main priority. Regarding links inside the blog, within each blog you can include 2 different business links; for example one your website or social media post and a link to a product, lead magnet or event.

Additionally, we allow up to 3 resource links to external high-quality related content that is relevant to your blog for example links to a medical research paper or high authoritative page.

Your Blog Title:

Your title should be no longer than 65 letters

Guest Blog Profile:

Should be approx 2-3 sentences no more than 200 words
Guest Blog Profile Image – A quality high pixel faceshot recommended min size of approx 300 x 300 pixels

SEO Tips For Holistic Health Experts – Guest Boggers

1. If you want your blog to reach as wide an audience as possible. You need effective SEO- Search Engine Optimisation. If you own a site we highly recommend you download the Free Version of the plugin YOAST or Rank Math. These are great tools that can help improve your SEO. Before posting your blog post a draft version of your blog on your site. YOAST will automatically analyse your post and make suggestions to improve SEO and readability.

2. Your Blog Title should include your keyword or even better longtail keywords for example short keywords; Herbalist, Naturopath. Long-tail keywords are three and four keyword phrases for example; Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia. Blog Title Examples: Common 7 Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia Sufferers

3. The keyword or long-tail keyword should if possible be at the very beginning of the title e.g Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia Sufferers Pain.

4. Your main keyword or long-tail keyword should also be at the very beginning of the first sentence of the first paragraph in your blog for example Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia that will help reduce pain, inflammation and sleep problems.

5. Your main keyword or long-tail keyword should be also mentioned in a few subtitles e.g. Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia Sufferers, Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia Pain and Stiffness Herbalist Treatments For Fibromyalgia Sleep Issues.

6. Other than your main keyword or long-tail keyword use other keywords or long-tail keywords that are related for example; herbalism, herbal medicine, herbs, fibro, fibromyalgia sufferers, fibro sufferers, symptoms of fibromyalgia.


All blogs will be checked to ensure that they align with The World of Health’s guidelines, ethics, quality and views.

We have permission to refuse any article, blog or links and to suggest any amendments to align with our brand and community, for increased reach or for SEO purposes.

For any blog submitted and accepted from holistic health experts we in return we will help promote your blog to The World of Health audience and other associated businesses we own through Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and viral marketing software we use. We will also consider sharing another blog or free offering you have that is aligned with our audience.


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