5 Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Sleep

Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Sleep.

Healthy bedtime steps to start achieving better quality sleep, improve your bedtime hygiene. Exploring common sleeping problems that lead to chronic insomnia and other sleep issues.


Importance Of  Quality Sleep

Healthy sleep is a vital part of a good healthy lifestyle, a health and wellness program. Poor sleep leads to all sorts of mental, emotional and physiological issues especially our coping abilities, our mental and emotional resilience to stress. It is a vital part of the repair and functioning of our organs, our whole body.


Importance Of Healthy Bedtime Routine

A healthy bedtime helps us get the proper rest, relaxation and repair in the mind, body and emotions to help reset and refuel us for the next day. An unhealthy bedtime routine can lead to not just unhealthy sleep patterns but all sorts of chronic health challenges. And is the main reason good sleep management and sleep therapy is a foundational part of health, wellness and stress management programs.


5 Healthy Bedtime Tips To Beat Insomnia

Simple bedtime tips to help beat insomnia and other sleep issues that are stopping you achieve a deep healthy full night’s sleep.


Go To Bed Same Time Each Evening

Try to go to bed and sleep before 10 pm as studies show sleep before midnight actually help us get the best rest and repair, working with our natural circadian rythm and sleep cycle. A regular bed time routine helps reduce stress by giving us a more regulated structure to our days and week. It helps to support us to get up at the same time each day with more ease.


Eliminate Or Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

This is not just about eliminating caffeine but it is about reducing all types of stimulants from your diet especially later in the day. The later you consume stimulants the more likely you are to have poor quality sleep or struggle to drift off. Stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, energy drinks, sugar leave us high-wired. These side-effects are more noticeable during stressful time or with other health challenges.

That is why you should consider herbal teas for night time tailored to support a soothing night sleep.


Unplug, Switch OFF Technology

Unplugging from life and technology is such an important aspect of a healthy life and healthy bedtime routine. An unhealthy dependency and addiction to mobile devices and technology for communication and entertainment.

Has created all sorts of social and health issues, especially and unhealthy over load of information and emf stimulation, which plays havoc with our mind and body. In fact research suggests “EMF exposure affects the pineal gland, resulting in a suppression of melatonin production”. Melatonin is a vital hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.


Learn How To Relax Deeply

The ability to relax is so under valued when it is an important aspects of  managing stress and achieving deep quality rest and sleep. Babies naturally know how to relax and rest, they have a natural state of being.

In the modern world we can easily lose that ability when we get over distracted and over stimulated by the world around us. Relaxation Techniques are great at helping induce deep relaxation, deep sleep, check out this soothing relaxation technique and guided meditations from Sleep and Stress Expert at Stress Coach Training.


Calming Candle For Bedtime NYR Organics Candle

Clean And Tidy Bed And Bedroom

A clean bed and clean bedroom is an important aspect of good sleep hygiene.It helps us psychologically and physiologically feel more calm, relaxed, safe and secure.

Anything that supports our mental and emotional wellbeing helps regulate our nervous system, helps is feel more psychologically supported by our environment, which is an important part of achieving good quality sleep.


Good Quality Sleep Helps Heal And Repair The Mind And Body

It is important to remember good quality sleep is a vital part of healing and repairing or mind, body and emotions. A healthier bedtime routine will help you do that. To remember these top tips and to start feeling more relaxed throughout your day download our free health and wellness bundle before.

If you would like more help with chronic insomnia check out Stress Coach Training’s – Deeply Soothing Guided Meditations For Sleep this also includes a bonus muscle relaxation technique and more, to learn more CLICK HERE



Sleeping Tips To Treat Insomnia, Sleep Problems Ntaurally





⬇️Download Our 5 Healthy Bedtime Tips + Free Meditation and more today ⬇️

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2 thoughts on “5 Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Sleep

  • December 16, 2023 at 8:20 am

    Thanks for the tips. I have to sleep at least minimum of 6 hours but iam unable to sleep due to my work and GYM. Today onwards i will follow your tips. Hope I will sleep.

  • January 20, 2024 at 7:49 am

    We have to get relaxed before going to bed. Relaxation makes free your mind and encourages to get more sleep.


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