Do No Harm First – Hippocratic Oath

Do No Harm First – Hippocratic Oath

Is the most important aspect of the medical oath Do No Harm First a priority in modern medicine today?

The Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm First used to be the first and most important rule for any Medical Doctor, Nurse Or Health Practitioner. Do No Harm First used to be the foundational principle in healthcare, a promise that doctors and healthcare practitioners will decline from doing harm to their patients. But in the world of modern-day medicine, has this become overlooked, lost, or even forgotten? Especially in today’s world where many medical practitioners are finding themself in incredibly challenging and compromising situations. Where most medical care around the world is seriously underfunded, mismanaged, influenced, and controlled by governmental and pharmaceutical agendas.


The Do No Harm Dilemma Of The Modern Doctor And Nurse

So much so that many millions of caring and compassionate Doctors and Nurses today are feeling seriously ethically and morally comprised. They know they are not always able to give their clients the care and treatment they know their clients deserve.

But how serious are these issues? Is allopathic medicine doing enough to ensure modern medical medicine and interventions do no harm? Or are we giving too much power, authority, and control over our wellbeing to the pharmaceutical and science world?

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The Risk Of Harm And Injury?

We all know someone in our friends and family members who has experienced some sort of harm or injury. You just need to look at the approx 22, 000 deaths a year noted to be caused by NHS Medication Errors in 2018 to see just one example of harm.

Many of us know people who have left their mainstream medical profession who felt they weren’t able to do their jobs safely or effectively anymore. So many deeply caring healthcare practitioners at the moment feel seriously compromised, under so much pressure, they want to help heal not harm but are struggling to navigate within a dysfunctional medical system.

In many ways, I believe modern medicine has become more like symptoms management and emergency treatment than anything about actively promoting and empowering patient health and wellbeing. We just need to see the lack of health and wellbeing in many Doctors, Nurses, and other Healthcare Professionals.  Or look at the lack of health promotional videos during covid 19.

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Modern Medicine And Nutrition

I found it extremely concerning that over the last year there was no major NHS campaign focusing on ways to boost and support the immune system. Absolutely nothing encouraging adequate nutrition and healthy eating. In fact, I saw one shocking BBC program that said eating healthy would not help when basic science an unhealthy diet, an unhealthy body is more likely to have an unhealthy immune system and an issue fighting off a virus or other complications. Or am I wrong??

There was no mention of Vitamin D, Zinc, and Vitamin C in 1st world countries while some 2nd and 3rd world countries were encouraging their people to do what they could to boost their wellbeing. But is this just more proof that mainstream medicine has moved so far into drugs and policies that the basics of health and wellbeing such as good nutrition got lost?

Lets’s look at holistic Nutritionists who spend 3 – 4 years studying Nutrition, they are rarely taken seriously by many Doctors and Nurses who themself as one medical student claims to spend only between 10- 24 hours of study in nutrition over 5- 6 years. As someone with very rare medical challenges and one serious health issue that included threatened eye loss.

My greatest health issues were NEVER improved by mainstream medicine, except in a life-threatening issue but that very issue was caused by medical harm and neglect. On so many occasions a suitably qualified Nutritionist and testing helped me get some of my health back when modern medicine told me there was nothing they could do. I had at one time an eye pressure of only 2 and managed to get it up to 10 with nutritional advice.

So how much has modern medicine become more like emergency medicine or symptom management? Than about true health care, health promotion, health advice, and wellbeing?


The Extreme Mental Pressure Of Medical Practitioners

As someone who has seen hundreds of Doctors and Medical Experts, who has been a participant in different types of medical research and medical studies I do see strands of the broken system. I also found it interesting and refreshing when I speak to maturer Dr’s who have less to prove, they tend to be more objective, more honest, and more focused on Doing No Harm First.

Of course, there are many amazing Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Providers who always put their patients first. There are amazing medical and scientific breakthroughs that only modern medicine can provide. But we cannot deny the mental, physical, and emotional health state of many Doctors and Nurses, especially at the moment.

A reason why so many nurses and doctors are moving out of modern medicine and moving into other careers some more holistic roles, or health coaching roles. Because the mental and physical demands of these roles were impacting their ability to make the right choices or their confidence in challenging the status quo.

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The Importance Of Research And Evaluation

One medical friend of mine whose mum has had medical harm due to the recent jab has been completely shocked recently by the naivety of many fellow medical practitioners. How many Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists are prescribing or promoting the latest pandemic vaccine to patients but actually have done no proper research on any of its clinical studies, possible and documented side effects.

Promoting and giving out something they have not personally looked into. Even more, concerning was that more than a few medical professionals had no idea that this medical intervention was still in the experimental stages and that in phases 1 & 2 many people with certain medical conditions were excluded from the study.

On the other side of that, unfortunately, we are seeing more and more nurses, doctors, and pharmaceuticals who are trying to speak up or question things due to some of the things they are seeing. I have witnessed some heart-breaking stories of nurses, doctors, and scientists who have walked out of their profession because of the pressure and compromise.

One paramedic walked out because he was sick of watching patients’ freedom of choice, freedom of body autonomy being abused. Others sick and tired of being told to not ask questions during suspect harmful vaccine side-effects.

As someone myself who has had more than my fair share of medical negligence, medical harm from procedures, investigations, and treatments within modern medicine. I have to say I find it deeply disturbing how much freedom of choice and body autonomy has been taken away in many countries around the world in relation to healthcare and medical interventions.

And even more worrying when they have put such a tremendous amount of energy, money into psychological campaigning and into the silencing of world-renowned Immunologists, Virologists, Vaccine Development.


Do No Harm First - Is the Hippocratic Oath of Do No Harm First taking priority in modern medicine by The World of Health

We All Have The Right To Safe Effective Healthcare

I believe we all have the right to medical interventions and treatments that are primarily focused on safety first. And that everyone should have choice, and within that choice access to information and transparency around those medical interventions. I personally wish I knew how potentially damaging some of the medical interventions that I had that I was led to believe were safe which caused me devastating health issues.

And wish I knew 30 years ago what I know about health and wellbeing. Especially about so many of the things we can do to help ourselves and to help others. Don’t get me wrong I totally realise the present dilemma is a difficult one. But the fact we are seeing so many different opinions from all over the world on so many aspects of the current health crisis, especially around the efficacy of certain testing and safety of certain treatments, again is another reason that I believe we should highlight the importance of choice.

One of the things that I struggle to get my head around in relation to PCR testing is being used to test for such a serious thing, when in fact I was told by more than a few Infectious Disease Drs and others in the NHS  over 5 years ago, that this type of testing was inadequate and couldn’t ever diagnose as it could pick up any virus or bacteria. So what is the truth who knows?

All I know is that healthcare surely is supposed to be about doing no harm, your medical doctor or nurse should be doing their own research, shouldn’t be scared of using the yellow card scheme or reporting an issue. I nearly lost my own life in ICU due to an additional issue of Doctors not putting down properly in my medical notes the reactions I had to certain medicines and anasthetics.

On the other hand, we have so many Doctors today who feel they are not being respected, not valued, not listened to by their patients. Surely these issues create a greater divide and can lead to compassion fatigue, burnout,  and frustration. As a society, is it our duty to change the culture of healthcare? Is it our duty to put pressure on our government and healthcare providers? To back up the healthcare providers who want more transparency, who want a much safer and positive health experience for their patients?

I personally believe that for example, a big problem in the UK is that in some ways we have created a nanny state that in some ways discourages self-responsibility for our health. I know through the years many of the Doctors I have met have been shocked at how many things I have done to support my health and how much of my income I invested in my health even when in severe poverty. But no matter what, no matter what country you live in, what you believe about health, you have the right to choose your health and wellbeing choices, especially those that Do No Harm.


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One thought on “Do No Harm First – Hippocratic Oath

  • March 11, 2022 at 4:23 am

    There are lots of people who are of this view that allopathy is not the perfect of greatest of the medical systems, I agree but also it has evolved to save so many lives. But yes a more holistic way to live a healthy life and treatment is entirely possible that takes into account our native ways to preserve good health and natural methods of treatment accompanied with ever evolving and modern allopathy based medical system.


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