7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

nut protein high in amino acids that are a good source of protein for vegans

7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

Some of the best nut sources of protein, amino acids, minerals and nutrients for vegans, vegetarians and clean eaters. Why protein plays such an important part in making and repairing cells in the body.

What is Protein?

Protein is one of the body’s biggest building blocks of the body, every cell in the body contains protein. Protein is a chain of amino acids. We need protein to grow and repair the body, it is especially important for children, teenagers, and during pregnancy.

What Are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are molecules used to make proteins.

20 different amino acids are needed for us to function healthily.

9 amino acids known as essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by the body so must come from the food we eat.


The 9 Amino Acids That Are Essential are tryptophan

Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.


Nut Sources Of Protein

The total protein content in nuts is very high which is why nut sources of protein are one of the most common sources of proteins for many vegans, vegetarians, and those on a clean plant-based diet.

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7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

Some of the best nut sources of protein and amino acids easy to source


Almonds are reputed to be the best nut source of protein, and high levels of vitamin e, calcium and phosphorus. Almonds contain over 130 antioxidants, help lower HDL levels, low-density lipoprotein and are said to help reduce sugar spikes so a great snack for diabetes sufferers as well as supporting a healthy gut.

Almond provides only 7 of the 9 essential amino acids paired with buckwheat, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, or carrots to get all 9 amino acids.

21 grams of protein in 100 grams of Almonds.



Pistachios are another good source of protein. Pistachios are said to have a high level of amino acids, the highest percentage of branched-chain amino acids compared to many other types of nuts. They are full of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, fibre especially beta carotene, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine), and Vitamin B6. Pistachios have the greatest phytosterol content among other nuts.

A serving of pistachios is said to have the equivalent of protein that one egg has. Accompany with buckwheat, quinoa or rye to ensure you are getting a complete combination of amino acids in one meal.

Did you know pistachios are one of the oldest nut trees in the world?

20 grams of protein in 100 grams of Pistachios.



Cashews are a good quality nut source of protein, copper, and magnesium. As well as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc. Cashews are also a high source of unsaturated fats.

Did you know over 80% of the world’s cashews are eaten by Americans?

To make sure you are getting a full spectrum of all amino acids in one meal combine cashews with non-GMO soya beans, buckwheat, quinoa, and pita bread.

Nut Sources Of Protein Infographic


Hazelnuts are a healthy source of protein, vitamin E and calcium, manganese, copper, omega 3, and omega 6. Hazelnuts also have very high levels of antioxidants.

Combine hazelnuts with chia seeds, buckwheat, rye bread, non-GMO soya.

15 grams of protein in 100 grams of Hazelnuts


Walnuts (English or Persian Walnut)

Walnuts have the highest sources of Omega 3’s, other than being a good nut source of protein and calcium they have a  higher level of antioxidants than most food.

Not all walnuts are edible, but the common walnut also known as english walnut or persian walnut is grown all over the world and reputed to have many great health benefits which include reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and great for brain health.

To get a full complete meal of protein using almonds consider combining with for example chick peas, quinoa, rye break.

15 grams of protein in 100 grams of Walnuts.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a good source of protein, selenium, and calcium. They have several antioxidants, including vitamin E and phenols. Known to help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body they are said to be good for heart health, and diabetes and help reduce the risk of cancer.

Brazil nuts should be eaten with baby portobello mushrooms, cauliflower, carrots, cranberry, or watermelon.

14 grams of protein in 100 grams of Brazil Nuts.


Pine Nuts

Pine nuts although viewed as a nut are actually seeds. Pine nuts are high in protein and high unsaturated fats, rich in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, protein and zinc. Reputed as good brain food, also great for the heart and can help reduce risk of diabetes.

Pine nuts contain Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Zinc

Eat with cranberry, carrot, cauliflower or watermelon to get all amino acids.

14 grams of protein in 100 grams of Pine nuts


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Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes

Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipe

Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes

Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes the whole family will love. Not just dairy-free but free from processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, gluten-free ice cream that still tastes creamy.

Most people LOVE to eat ice cream but it doesn’t always agree with them or their waistline. That is why these creamy healthy dairy-free ice cream recipes are great healthier alternatives to dairy ice cream or other unhealthy desserts. All recipes are full of natural sweetness.

My favourites are the Mango and Pina Colada Dairy-Free Ice Cream and Coconut Dairy-Free Ice Cream.

Coconut Dairy Free Whipped Ice Cream Recipe

Ingredients of this Coconut Dairy-Free Ice Cream Recipe

  1. A tin of full-fat coconut milk ( 400ml) or a block of coconut cream ( choose a good quality)
  2. Chill the full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream overnight in a refrigerator, don’t freeze.
  3. Scoop only the hard coconut cream into a food mixing bowl, leaving out any clear watery substance.
  4. Whip the full-fat coconut milk with the hand or food mixer until it forms into light peaks.
  5. Continue to whip while gradually adding 1 split and scraped vanilla bean pod
  6. Continue to whip while gradually adding natural sweeteners such as natural stevia or coconut sugar  (no more than1/2 cup,  please note liquid sweeteners such as stevia drops agave can impact texture and consistency if choose to use, use sparingly). While continuing to whip ingredients.
  7. Add a pinch of salt, while continuing to whip ingredients
  8. Whip for a minute or two put into a tub or serving bowls and put into the freezer until it reaches an ice-cream-like consistency.

Healthy Mango And Coconut Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipe

Ingredients for the Healthy Mango and Coconut Dairy-Free Ice Cream

  1. A tin of full-fat coconut milk ( 400ml) or a block of coconut cream ( choose a good quality)
  2. Chill the full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream overnight in a refrigerator, don’t freeze.
  3. Scoop only the hard coconut cream into a food mixing bowl, leaving out any clear watery substance.
  4. Whip the full-fat coconut milk with the hand or food mixer until it forms into light peaks.
  5. Continue to whip while slowly adding 2 cups of previously frozen and highly blended mango.
  6. Continue to whip while gradually adding natural sweeteners such as natural or vanilla stevia or coconut sugar  (no more than 1/2 cup,  please note liquid sweeteners such as stevia drops agave can impact texture and consistency if choose to use, use sparingly). While continuing to whip ingredients.
  7. Add a pinch of salt, while continuing to whip the ingredients
  8. Whip for a minute or two put into a tub or serving bowls and put into the freezer until it reaches an ice-cream-like consistency.

Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes - healthy sugar free ice cream recipes for healthy eaters

Dairy Free Pina Colada Ice Cream Recipe

This Pina Colada dairy free ice-cream has an exotic twist you can add to any dinner party dessert.

  1. A tin of full-fat coconut milk ( 400ml) or a block of coconut cream ( choose a good quality)
  2. Chill the full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream overnight in a refrigerator, don’t freeze.
  3. Scoop only the hard coconut cream into a food mixing bowl, leaving out any clear watery substance.
  4. Whip the full-fat coconut milk with the hand or food mixer until it forms into light peaks.
  5. Continue to whip while slowly adding 1/2 cup of previously frozen and highly blended mango and 1 1/2 cups of highly blended frozen pineapple.
  6. Continue to whip while gradually adding 1 split and scraped vanilla bean pod.
  7. Continue to whip while gradually adding natural sweeteners such as natural stevia or coconut sugar  (no more than 1/2 cup,  I often don’t use any sweeteners please note liquid sweeteners such as stevia drops agave can impact texture and consistency if choose to use, use sparingly). While continuing to whip ingredients.
  8. Add a pinch of salt, while continuing to whip the ingredients.
  9. Whip for a minute or two put into a tub or serving bowls and put into the freezer until it reaches an ice-cream-like consistency.

As you can see all the dairy-free ice cream ingredients above are suitable for vegans and the health-conscious.


These dairy free ice cream recipes have a variety of health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk is rich in electrolytes, it also contains lauric acid and medium-chain triyglcericides which are said to help stimulate thermogenesis and increase insulin, which is said to regulate blood sugar levels. It also includes a variety of minerals and vitamins.

Health Benefits Of Mango

Mangoes are great for your health, especially for the immune system, Mangoes are a high source of magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, in-fact they contain over 20 different minerals and vitamins and are regarded by many as a superfood.

Health Benefits Of Pineapple

Pineapple is high in antioxidants, vitamin b’s, and c, manganese, and bromelain which have anti-inflammatory properties and can aid digestion, and is antitumorigenic, one of the reasons its consumption is recommended as an aid to help reduce symptoms of breast cancer.

I hope you enjoyed our clean-eating recipe options for ice cream.

Increase The Nutritional Benefits of This Dairy Free Ice Cream

To add a little nutritional boost to these dairy free deserts try adding some high quality nut proteins such as Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Hazelnuts, or Pistachios.


Clean Eating – 5 Steps To Eat Clean

clean eating lifestyle

 Clean Eating

What is Clean Eating? And how can you start eating clean today?. Why is cleaning eating becoming increasingly popular and supposed to be so good for our health and wellbeing?

What Is Clean Eating?

Clean eating basically refers to eating foods that are in their more organic, raw, natural and whole state. Rather than eating adultered, processed, modified foods. Foods that are baked and/or cooked foods with trans fats, additives, refined or artificial sugars. So clean eating is not a faddy diet or weight loss program but a more natural way of eating. That naturally helps you become more healthy and often lose excess wait.

Clean Eating in many ways is the natural way our ancestors consumed their food. This is how we were supposed to eat before foods became genetically modified, sprayed with chemicals and pesticides, or injected with hormones. In-fact then most people would eat their food with minimum adulteration. They would pick fruits and nuts straight from the trees, dig up vegetables from the garden or land. And other than cooking or pickling there were no added artificial sweeteners or highly refined sugars.


Clean Eating Is healthy eating

A more clean diet helps you choose high-quality, high-nutrient, more raw and organic food sources. To support and encourage more optimal wellbeing. The purer, fresher and more raw our food is the more nutrients, energy, fuel it has to repair, restore and heal the body. Clean eating is great for the skin, it is a natural detoxifier. Unhealthy eating means our organs, digestive, and detox system has to work so much harder. With a cleaner diet, the body is in a more natural state of homeostasis.

Worldwide Addiction To Unhealthy Eating

Today people are dying, getting sick because of their unclean and unhealthy diet. Data from the 2009-10 National Health and Nutrition Examination showed evidence that 58% of the american diet was from ultra-processed food.According to the Guardian “UK families buy more ultra-processed food than any others in Europe, amounting to 50.7% of the diet. Germany comes second, on 46.2% and then Ireland on 45.9%. ” Salt, sugar, highly processed carbohydrates, and trans fats are causing so many health issues from obesity to diabetes, heart disease to overstimulation.

clean eating lifestyle

5 Easy Steps To Clean Eating

    1. Buy Fresh Produce – Choose as much fresh produce, loose produce that you can. Most clean food can be bought loosely, has no or very little packaging think about fruit, vegetables, raw nuts, raw seeds, fish, meat
    2. Clean Your Fresh Produce – Clean all fruit and vegetables as soon as you bring them home, before putting them in the fridge or cupboard. Simply 1 part white vinegar to 4 cups of water.
    3. Eat Organic When You Can – Choose organic when you can, you would be surprised how dirty and polluted many fresh foods are with chemicals, hormones, pesticides. Check out the dirty dozen foods that have the most pesticides and toxins, these are the ones you should try and by as organic when possible. If any of your fruit and vegetable were in a box or bag, check out the country they were grown. Some countries use more pesticides than others.
    4. Eat Raw When You Can – Your diet should contain as many raw fresh plant-based foods that you can eat. Except perhaps in the more winter months, when you eat should be eating lots of healthy hot soups, healthy stews, lentil casseroles without additives, grilled fish or meat. Prepare little snack boxes of fruit and vegetable crudites for snacks. Have a healthy juice or smoothie as part of your breakfast.
    5. Don’t Fry Your Food – Reduce your temptation to fry, especially using oils that turn into transfats, try to bake or grill when possible.

Clean eating in many ways is part of a more naturally healthy way of life. It helps you realign with what is important and healthy for you and your family’s wellbeing. With simple gradual changes in your diet and buying habits, you will soon be adopting a clean eating lifestyle.