Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Chronic Health Conditions – 5 Tips On How To Find The Right Help

Top tips on how to find the right help when you are suffering from complex or chronic health conditions.

Exploring some of the biggest challenges of getting the right help or well-being support when you have a chronic illness, chronic disabilities, or a complex medical history.


The Biggest Challenges Those With Chronic Health Conditions Face

One of the biggest problems many people with chronic health conditions face is the length of time it takes them to get the right diagnosis or the right help.

Toomany waste a lot of time, energy and money or all of their life savings on the wrong type of help, wrong therapists, doctors or wellbeing professionals.


Navigating The Holistic Wellbeing Arena With Chronic Health Conditions

Now more than ever, the healthcare and holistic wellbeing systems can be a minefield to navigate.

I know as someone now in my mid-50s, who dealt with a complex health history and a wide range of rare and chronic health challenges including medical harm from a young age.

I spent over 30 years investing in so many health professionals, therapists, courses, and training that was not the ideal fit. Often too many overzealous or naive therapists and health professionals who lacked insight, awareness and objectivity.

The last thing anyone needs with a long-term health condition is to waste more time, energy, and emotions on someone or something that is not going to give them the results they deserve. Or make their health challenges even worse something that I experienced on too many occasions.


Chronic Health Conditions - 5 Tips To Finding The Right Help

5 Things To Consider When Trying To Finding The Right Help With Chronic Health Conditions


No 1 – Identify What Kind Of Support You Want:

It is so important to get clear what kind of support and help you really want or feel you need. If you are not specific enough, vague, or desperate for help or solutions, you are more likely to attract products and services that are not an exact match for your specific needs.

Think about your biggest challenges or those tricky aspects of your well-being you struggle to shift. Particularly the main core issues that if solved or reduced will improve the quality of your life and rest of your health.

Identifying those things that may be the root of the problem or the things that can are more likely to create the biggest shifts as a priority.

One of my best investments was getting tests and nutritional support around gut health, intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, and inflammation this helped address some very serious issues with my health when my health was dramatically declining.

I chose to go with a naturopath and nutritionist who were highly experienced and qualified in the areas I had problems in, they both had many years of experience working with complex issues.


No 2 – Identify What Level Of Support You Need And Can Afford:

Think of what level of support you need and can afford to treat or manage your chronic health conditions. No matter if that is practical support or health and wellbeing education or support.

For example today, we have so many online coaching, and therapy programs designed to help the masses. However, the reality is group programs are not always ideal for those with complex or chronic health challenges. Group programs are not tailored to individual needs and for some clients can lead to further challenges.

Sometimes you can have so much going on and so many conflicting medical and therapeutic opinions or challenges you don’t know where to start.

Unless you invest in a course with an expert of your specific problem and have a tried and tested program that demonstrates a high success rate with hundreds of very similar clients.  It can be difficult to be assured that this will also help you, if you have already tried many things.

Sometimes it can be better to invest in more one-to-one support with an expert even for just a few sessions initially. But the problem is most people with chronic health conditions often spend so much time and energy on the wrong things, and wrong people that they can struggle to find the money for the right things.

It is one of the reasons why I always think therapists and wellbeing practitioners should always be really honest and realistic with their clients. Not focus on just wishful thinking or treat their clients like some sort of guinea pig or social experiment.


No 3 – Are You Asking The Right Questions

It’s vital for anyone with a chronic health condition to be able to ask the right questions to anyone they are getting medical, health, or wellbeing advice or support from.

Depending on what type of support or help you are seeking one of the questions that is usually important is to check that the health professional does have the right experience and qualifications.

And if they have enough up to date knowledge or awareness about your condition or other challenges such as any learning, disabilities or sensory processing issues you may have.

And please never assume if someone has a certificate it equates to a high level of training or expertise.

Never be shy about asking direct questions to the practitioner about their expertise, depth of training, where and when they studied, how many clients they have helped with similar challenges, and how many of these clients improved. When it comes to your health and well-being, these are important questions to know.


No 4 – When Will I Start Seeing Serious Health Improvements

Another thing many people suffering from chronic health conditions fail to do is ask how long they will need to wait or invest before seeing specific results.

I spent years in my twenties going to therapists and one homeopathic doctor who encouraged me to keep coming to them for years. Even though I was having constant relapses or chronic healing crises that didn’t seem to heal anything because of methylation problems.

This was so unhealthy as this sort of example can create co-dependency issues or the client just becomes a business’s cash cow.

On the other hand, I went to other practitioners expecting results to take months and had instant relief or problems permanently solved in one session.

This made me question a lot about how many types of modalities and therapies are taught and sold. And how important it was to value a lot of investments as a whole package on how quickly, deeply, and permanently the results were than the cost of each session.


No 5 – Look For Testimonials From Other Chronic Health Suffers

Testimonials and reviews especially those visible on social media are a great way to ensure testimonials are actually from real live people. And have not been falsified or adapted in any way.

Sometimes therapists have previous clients who are willing to talk to you about their experiences. Of course, for many reasons, this may not always be appropriate.



Chronic Health Conditions And Self-Responsibility For Your Health

The most important thing that anyone with a chronic health condition can do is take as much self-responsibility for their healing, health, and well-being as they can. Do what you can to improve your health, make better daily lifestyle choices;  that will help improve your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.


Chronic Health Conditions And Stress

Manage your anxiety and stress, and create healthy boundaries. Being able to say NO to what is not right for you is a vital aspect of any well-being approach.

Reducing my anxiety and stress, having a clean healthy diet, and reducing as much toxins from my environment as I could help me greatly. Especially being someone who had all sorts of gut issues, intolerances since infancy and severe toxicity exposure.


Chronic Health Conditions And Listening To Your Own Body

Learn how to listen to your own body and not be bullied by medical and well-being practitioners who gaslight or bully you into taking medical approaches that were more likely to cause more harm than good.


Why I Choose Therapists Who Understand Chronic Health Challenges

I often choose therapists, healers, and other well-being professionals who have had some sort of similar challenge. Those who understand, who have walked the path and walk the talk. Not just read something in a book or magazine, or have

For me, I prefer experienced holistic practitioners who are not too stuck, or fixed on one perspective or one-size approach. Health professionals who have enough empathy and compassion to do what is right for their clients than their ego.


Support To Help Reduce Your Anxiety And Stress

If you are struggling to manage the anxiety and stress of living with your chronic health conditions and would love access to some powerful anxiety and stress-reducing tools that help reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and support general well-being.

Check out my Stress Management Program For Sufferers of Chronic Health Conditions.  As someone who has suffered from fibro, M.E suspected Late Stage Lyme, and a whole list of rare and complex symptoms. I can’t recommend highly enough how much managing your anxiety and stress helps improve your health.


Stress Resilience Course For Chronic Health Conditions


Understanding Stress And Disease

Understanding Stress And Disease - Why Stress Causes Disease In The Mind, Body And Emotions - The World of Health

Stress and Disease.

Why Negative Stress Increases Your Risk of Disease, Illness, and Unhappiness.

Stress and disease. Why stress causes dis-ease, increases inflammation and reduces our immune system. Why stress is a modern-day killer.

The body’s stress response is our body’s innate life-saving system that effectively responds to dangerous and life-threatening situations. That is why it is known as the survival response or fight or flight response.

When you are in a state of stress. Your hypothalamus stimulates the release of stress hormones, especially adrenaline and cortisol.  Now, this rush of hormones will increase your heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and muscle energy. This will help you react quickly and effectively (fight or flee) in a life-threatening or emergency situation.

Now, the stress response is supposed to be an occasional response. So, after the stress response, your body is designed to naturally go back into a relaxed state of being.

But today for too many people the stress response, has become their more normal everyday way of being. They are now in a state of chronic stress and disease. When your mind and body become habitually exposed to high levels of stress hormones. Your body then finds itself in a state of dis-ease, a state of imbalance.


Disease caused by stress, what stress does to the physical body

Stress And Disease

Too many believe Chronic Stress is something you just live with, that it is a necessary by-product of modern life. But that is so not true, no-one needs to live with chronic long-term stress.

If you find it difficult to switch off, you cannot relax and find you always need to be busy. You are probably suffering from long-term or chronic stress.

Long-term stress sufferers find themselves in a constant state of hyperarousal or hypervigilance. They become constantly alert to the threat of possible danger and they are at increased risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

This chronic state of overstimulation can lead to a variety of physical, mental, and emotional health issues. The Immune System, for example, is a connection of systems, processes, cells, tissues, and organs. They all need to be working in harmony to protect the body against “foreign attack of viruses, bacteria anything that causes disease.

“Inflammation is partly regulated by the hormone cortisol and when cortisol is not allowed to serve this function, inflammation can get out of control,” said Cohen, the Robert E. Doherty Professor of Psychology within CMU’s Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences – ScienceDaily.Com

Cortisol stops and slows down unnecessary essential body functions during emergency situations ( the fight or flight stress response) so when we are regularly overexposed to cortisol. Certain body functions are impacted especially the digestive and immune system, growth, and reproductive system.

Adrenaline increases heart rate and blood pressure. So in long-term stress, there is a higher risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. That is why stress and disease is so interconnected.

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Long-Term Stress And Disease

Here are just some examples of how much long-term stress wreaks havoc with your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

  • Anxiety
  • Concentration and memory challenges
  • Depression and mental health challenges
  • Digestive Issues
  • Headaches
  • Heart disease
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Insomnia
  • Lowered immune system
  • Weight gain

Increased Stress Risk

Many factors can increase our stress exposure and many variables that can make us more stress resilient.

  • Present Health Challenges
  • Genetics, Hereditary Factors
  • Personality Types and Traits
  • Life Experiences and Life Challenges
  • Life Skills, Communication Skills
  • Location


The above can all increase our risk of stress and disease. But fundamentally most modern STRESS is triggered by our beliefs. By what we Fear or Resist persists.

Most chronic and long-term stress can be eliminated and reduced when we learn how to let go of and manage our stress.


Get Rid of Stress And Disease of the mind and emotions with this daily de-stress 5 minute qi gong meditation

Stress Management Advice

Learning how to manage, reduce, and let go of stress is key to making you more resilient to life’s challenges.

Learn To Relax – Relaxation Techniques are a powerful way to move the body off the stress response into the relaxed response.

Live In The Moment – Learn how to stop be in the moment, and be more mindful,  meditation and mindfulness can be extremely helpful.

Live A Balanced Life – A more balanced life leads to a more balanced mind, body, and emotions.-

Reduce Stimulants – Internal and external stimulants cause havoc on the body from caffeine, sugar, drugs, and nicotine too much EMF’s, noise and technology.

Hydration – Dehydration can seriously impact your stress levels

Eat HealthilyFueling and flooding your bodies with healthy nutrients will help cushion your body system from the free radicals and disharmony that stress causes.

Healthy Communication- Healthy communication and assertiveness skills are extremely helpful in having healthy relationships. Making healthier decisions, asking for help, delegating, and creating healthy boundaries.

Purpose And Passions – Purpose and passions give people the  joy and optimum motivation to make healthier choices to live a more stressless life.


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