Organic Remedies – Main Difference Between Natural Remedies

Organic Remedies - The Main Difference Between Organic Remedies And Natural Remedies

Organic Remedies

What is the Main Difference Between Organic Remedies and Natural Remedies?

Are organic remedies and natural remedies the same or different?

What about organic medicine and natural medicine?

Should I choose organic over more natural remedies to support my family’s health and wellbeing.

Well first of all it’s important to explore what Organic And Natural means:

What is Organic?

Anything that is Organic means it is entire growth and production is free from chemicals and toxins, for example, free from anything that is not a natural fertilizer, pesticide, or preservative.


Difference Between Natural Remedies and Organic Remedies

Organic And Natural – What is the difference?

The biggest difference between an organic remedy and a natural remedy is both are made by the extraction or blend of ingredients from nature. For example a plant; vegetable, fruit, or tree.

In the cultivation, the plant or plants from see to end production must be completely free of anything inorganic or manmade.


Certification Of Organic Products

Anyone who manufactures an organic product needs to pass what is regarded as organic certification. For example, we recommend a lot of NYR Organic Products because we use them ourselves.

Neal Yard Remedies sell a variety of natural remedies, some are organic natural remedies, and some are organic essential oils. Anything that is clearly organic has to be clearly labeled.

The biggest difference between an organic remedy and a natural remedy is that both may be extracted from nature. For example a plant, vegetable, fruit, or tree. In the cultivation and growth of the plant, the plant/plants must be completely free of anything inorganic or manmade.


Natural Medicine

This means that natural medicine although medicine from nature isn’t necessarily organic medicine, neither is a natural remedy automatically organic remedy it is important to check the ingredients and or label of the product.

We have included some of our favourite natural and organic remedies and organic essential oils below:

Organic Remedies To Support Immune System


Organic Defence Aromatherapy Blend

is a perfect blend of organic aromatherapy essential oils that can help support and defend the human immune system.

It includes Organic Thyme Essential Oil, purifying Niaouli and the refreshing zing of lemongrass.

As an aromatherapist Thyme Essential Oil is one of those oils I would add to a spray bottle or blend to help fight against certain bacteria and viruses at winter. Especially to clean surfaces and the environment.

A great non-toxic product if you want to avoid chemical nasties.


Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Pure organic eucalyptus oil is another powerful essential oil used in organic medicine and natural medicine.  It is particularly used in a lot of cold and flu natural remedies for the chest or used for inhalation. Eucalyptus oil is also great to diffuse at home during cold, flu or virus seasons.

Eucalyptus is one of my favourite winter essential oils to add to my diffuser Learn More


Organic Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is one of the oldest well known natural remedies, organic remedies used in the winter months here in the UK. The elderberry tree grows wild in Europe and North America.

Elderberries are known for their high antioxidants and vitamins. Other than being used as a cough syrup it can be a great boost to be added to your cereals, porridge, or fresh juice.

Organic Honey And Thyme Syrup

this is one of the natural organic remedies that your family should have in their home first aid box this winter.

It is made of honey, marshmallow extract, thyme flower extract, aniseed fruit extract, and vitamin C LEARN MORE


Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

Organic Remedies To Treat  Insomnia, and Sleep Issues

Organic Vetivert Essential Oil

Organic vetivert (Vetiveria zizanoides) is a deeply sedating, grounding organic essential oil. Vetiveria it is also said to be useful as a nerve tonic and said to repel ticks.

Vetivert oil can be a great oil to support a deep quality sleep, suffer from insomnia. A great sleep aid for those whose sleep cycle is compromised e.g. work night shift, or back shift.

Caution: Don’t apply directly to skin, add a few drops to a bath or well-diluted in a massage blend. Use sparingly don’t continue to use daily as Vetivert stays in the bloodstream for more than a few days.



Organic Remedies For Babies And Children

With an increase in toxic products, many parents are consciously choosing organic natural baby remedies and natural skin care products for their babies and children’s well-being.

These natural products for infants and kids that are well-reputed to be more safe, effective and far healthier for our children’s health and our environment.


Natural Skincare Products For Babies

Natural Baby Organic Collection

A collection of Natural and Organic Baby Products. Organic Baby Balm, Pure Baby Oil, and Organic Baby Bath and Shampoo with lovely organic cotton flannel.

This is perfect gift to nurture that newborn baby or infant without any toxic nasties. Learn More



Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Turmeric?

health benefits of turmeric

What Are The Health Benefits Of Turmeric?

Learn about the health benefits of turmeric, regarded as the star of the spice world. Known as ‘the Golden Spice’, the turmeric root has been used in Indian cuisine and traditional Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It is famous for its vibrant yellow colour and has a warm bitter taste. Also known as Curcuma longa—a member of the ginger family, it is primarily cultivated from the rhizomes, or roots, of the flowering turmeric plant in India and other parts of Southeast Asia.


Research On Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Research has shown that turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can support brain and gut health, promote a healthy immune system and benefit a range of inflammatory conditions. Registered Nutritional therapist Clarrissa Lenherr states that ‘turmeric has been shown in emerging science to be anti-inflammatory, so it can really help bring down inflammation that can occur in the body, whether that is from poor diet, stress, stimulant use, pollution, and lots of causes.’ You can watch Clarrissa explain the benefits of turmeric and curcumin and why she is a fan of Your Bodhi Natural Turmeric


Active Ingredients In Turmeric

Turmeric is made up of bioactive compounds, collectively known as curcuminoids. Curcumin is the primary curcuminoid and the most active ingredient in turmeric. Research shows that curcumin is a powerful polyphenol with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to increase the amount of antioxidants our body produces. Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health –  Susan J. Hewlings, Douglas S. Kalman.  Turmeric contains around 3% curcuminoids and therefore one teaspoon of turmeric powder (about 5,000 mg) only provides about 150 mg of curcuminoids.

Many studies have shown that it is the curcumin that is responsible for many of the health benefits associated with turmeric and that taking curcumin regularly can have a wide range of benefits. These benefits can include:

health benefits of turmeric, medical research on turmeric

Supporting Your Immune System

A strong and healthy immune system is essential for your body to fight invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies. Studieshave demonstrated that turmeric contains excellent anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, which can help to support a healthy immune system. Research also shows it can help to regulate different signalling molecules which are essential for the functioning of a health immune system.


Alleviating Joint Pain

Inflammation in the joints can be very painful, causing swelling and restricting movement. Studies have shown that turmeric and curcumin’s powerful anti-inflammatory properties may reduce joint pain and tenderness, cartilage degeneration and joint inflammation. In particular, a study by Vilai Kuptniratsaikul et al. has shown that curcumin can reduce pain and improve physical function in patients with arthritis.


Reducing symptoms of Skin Inflammation

Inflammation is part of the body’s healing process. However long term chronic inflammation of the skin can lead to eczema and damage the skin. Studies have shown that curcumin can suppress pro-inflammatory signals, which gives it powerful anti-inflammatory effects. These properties make curcumin perfectly placed to help alleviate the symptoms of eczema.

A 2016 systematic review of clinical evidence by Alexandra R Vaughn et al has shown that curcumin can help to reduce itchiness and scaling for people with eczema.


Supporting Gut Health

Our gut health is not just important for digestion but a healthy gut supports the immune system and contributes to general health and wellbeing. Registered Nutritionist Clarris Lenherr states that ‘turmeric is full of polyphenols, which are kind of antioxidants that can actually feed and really nourish the beneficial bacteria that we have living in our digestive system. So it’s a great way to actually support digestive health’.

Studies have shown that curcumin can have positive effects on human gut microbiota, reducing intestinal inflammation, as well as supporting diverse gut bacteria which supports a strong immune system.


Reducing Muscle Inflammation and Soreness

Working muscles hard can often lead to damage to the muscle fibres which can cause soreness and stiffness. Muscle damage can be caused by overexertion or wrong use of a muscle.


Curcumin And Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis

A recent study in 2017 by Jäger R et al. Efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in patients with knee osteoarthritis shows that groups of those provided with curcumin had a ‘measurable impact on muscle damage and recovery in 59 healthy, physically active, young adult participants after downhill running’. The findings were that those in a curcumin group ‘had significantly reduced elevation in creatine kinase levels, which are elevated when there is muscle damage’ and ‘Self-reported pain scores were significantly reduced as well in curcumin groups compared to placebo groups.’


Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric and curcumin are poorly absorbed by the human body on their own. Pairing turmeric with black pepper extract known as piperine can increase the bioavailability and absorption. Proper absorption of turmeric has been shown to enhance curcumin absorption by up to 2,000%. This means that you should add some black pepper whenever you are cooking with turmeric, or make sure you choose a turmeric or curcumin supplement that contains piperine.

Your Bodhi’s Natural Turmeric

Sophie Nazareth, the Founder of Your Bodhi set up her business to share the amazing benefits of turmeric and curcumin. After personally struggling with a chronic illness for years, discovering curcumin helped her to regain control of her life.

Check Out Your Bodhi’s Natural Turmeric Curcumin Click Here 

Natural Remedies For Colds And Flu

natural remedies for colds and flu

Natural Remedies That Help Fight Colds And Flu

Natural remedies for the treatment of colds and flu. We all know flu and colds are symptoms of a low immune system. Both can have very similar symptoms. But while a cold is not viewed as a serious health condition. Flu can if not addressed, develop into further health complications. Especially if the body is not allowed to rest and heal appropriately.

Now, what are the main differences between colds and flu?

Both cold and flu are respiratory tract infections caused by dissimilar viruses. Although cold and flu have some similar symptoms. Generally, flu symptoms are more severe than the common cold. If you have a cold you will normally have a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and sometimes a sore throat. Colds generally come on gradually. Flu is a bit different it comes on more abruptly, symptoms usually include fever, fatigue and weakness, general aches and pains. Sore throats, chills, and chest issues are also very common. Flu can if not treated appropriately lead to a variety of linked health complications, for example, bacterial infections, pneumonia, and sometimes hospitalization.

Natural Flu Remedies for colds and influenza

Recommended Medical Treatments For Cold And Flu

According to doctors within the National Health Service here in the UK, there is no recommended medical treatment for colds. A cold is regarded as a mild viral infection that usually heals itself over a few weeks. But they do advise you to drink enough fluids, make sure you eat healthily, and get plenty of rest. For symptoms, of a blocked nose, decongestant sprays are recommended. For a sore throat, they suggest gargling with salt water and using menthol sweets.

Recommended treatments for flu by the NHS here in the UK are to get plenty of rest, sleep, stay warm, and be hydrated with plenty of fluids. The NHS does recommend the use of paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce any fevers or temperatures. And to make sure you do what you can to not spread it to others. If you are elderly, pregnant, or already have other chronic or serious health challenges, you are told to check with your Dr.


Natural Remedies For Colds

If you prefer a more natural, less toxic, and fewer drugs approach. In the world of tradition and holistic medicine, we treat the body from a holistic perspective. So it is not just about treating the symptom but it is about reducing or eliminating the cause of the illness or disease which today is usually STRESS.

We look at the whole body and use natural remedies to support the whole body back into balance. In herbalism or naturopathy, this often includes helping support the body’s own natural healing and immune system. There are many alternative and natural remedies used to alleviate and help treat the common symptoms of colds and flu.  Such as naturopathy, herbal remedies, essential oils and foods that heal or are packed with nutrients.


Most Common Remedies For Colds And Flu

The most commonly used natural remedy for colds and flu in the West is a hot honey lemon drink. In the East ginger is often used for these types of ailments.

So hot ginger and lemon drink are becoming increasingly popular, and back into fashion.

The Medical Medium suggests Lemon Honey Ginger Water for many things including colds, flu, and sore throat.

  • Garlic is widely used at helping fight many viruses and bacteria. Medical research has demonstrated Garlic (Allium sativum) when crushed has strong antimicrobial properties due to allicin (diallylthiosulfinate). In one clinical study, we see how how the allicin in crushed garlic “Kills Human Lung Pathogenic Bacteria, Including MDR Strains, as a Vapor.”
  • Lemons are packed with vitamin C and their sharpness is said to help cut through heavy catarrh and congestion. Honey even recommended by the NHS is widely known to soothe your throat and coughs.
  • Ginger is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria it helps warm the body up in Ayurvedic Medicine ginger has so many uses that it is regarded as a wide medicine chest by itself. Ginger has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine

Over The Counter Natural Remedies For Colds

Natural remedies are now becoming increasingly available, online in our local stores and even local pharmacies. More and more consumers want to use natural and organic remedies to support their and their family’s well-being.

When you have a cold or flu, a sore throat or cough can prevent you from getting the deep rest your body needs.

Natural throat pastilles without a lot of toxic nasties such as these Eucalyptus Pastilles can help soothe the throat.

An immune-boosting throat spray, such as this Organic Elderberry and Propolis Throat Spray. Or this Organic Honey And Thyme Syrup to help soothe any throat irritation, this is suitable for any adult or child over 12 months. Including garlic in your cooking is also a well-reputed way to b

Over The Counter Natural Remedies For Flu

In holistic and traditional medicine again we treat flu holistically. And like mainstream medicine, we encourage the person to give the body enough time to heal and rest.

If you are someone who struggles to relax and rest, this Listen And Nurture Your Body guided meditation will help.

We also suggest you have plenty of fluids with hot drinks and healthy soups. And the use of a variety of natural remedies including essential oils to prevent, reduce and support the healing of influenza.

In a clinical study, Protective essential oil attenuates influenza virus infection. On Guard  is one of my favourite essential oil blends was shown to have an antiviral effect on a novel H1N1 influenza virus.

You can also use a variety of essential oils that reduce symptoms of flu, reduce muscle aches and pains,  fevers, and chills.

Pure lavender essential oil added to your bath to help will help relax and soothe achy muscles. Lavender oil is also used to help take the temperature down in young children.

Eucalyptus and rosemary are other great essential oils that can be used to reduce symptoms of flu and colds. But eucalyptus is very strong for the bath and skin, so should be used sparingly. Eucalyptus and rosemary are not suitable for children or if you are pregnant. Rosemary should be avoided if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure.


Vitamin C Supplement For Colds And Flu

Supplements For Colds And Flu

Vitamin C  and Zinc are widely recommended to boost the immune system for colds and flu so is Echinacea. If you have been recently been run down a multi-vitamin and mineral is often helpful. In some studies, Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to act as a defense against acute respiratory tract infections. And to improve the immune system in the early stages of influenza. It is interesting that most of us suffer colds and flu in the darker, winter months when we have lower exposure to natural vitamin D.

As you can see there are a variety of natural remedies that can help treat cold and flu, above is certainly not exhaustive. But like all illnesses and dis-ease, we have to address the reasons we get sick in the first place.


The disease is a state of dis-ease, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Are you pushing yourself too hard mentally, emotionally, or physically? Have you been getting enough sleep and rest? How much balance do you have in your life, remember all work and no play doesn’t just lower your mood it can increase anxiety and stress levels.


Ready To Live A More Holistic Life


3 Essential Oils For Every First Aid Kit

3 Essential Oils For Every First Aid Kit


3 Essential Oils For Every Home Or Travel First Aid Kit.

Why these 3 essential oils are so common and extremely versatile in helping treat many minor ailments, symptoms, and injury. In this article, I share why as a qualified aromatherapist for over 20 years I choose these natural remedies to replace many over the counter medication.

So What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the concentrated oils of the plants they are extracted from. Essential oils come from a variety of plants, leaves, bark, shrubs, fruits, and flowers. Pure essential oils are unadulterated oils that are regarded as having various therapeutic health and wellness benefits. They are used widely by the pharmacological and cosmetic industries.

Cosmetic And Pharmalogical Use Of Essential Oils

Various research has demonstrated the benefits of certain essential oils to treat bacterial infections. In the study –  Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of some essential oils  “Origanum onites recorded antimicrobial activity against all test bacteria, and was strongest against Staphylococcus aureus.’

According to Science Direct –A status review on the medicinal properties of essential oils “Essential oils are prescribed for a variety of health problems by traditional systems of medicine, all over the world. Various pharmaceutical and biological activities like antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, antiviral, antiinflammatory, and antiprotozoal properties are assigned to them.” Now as someone who had chronic health challenges from a young age I began to use essential oils to support my health in my early twenties. I used essential oils to boost my immune system, as an aid to treat bacterial and viral infections to treat a bad burn, reduce a high temperature, relieve toothache and cramping and so much more.

Safe Use Of Essential Oils

Now when using essential oils therapeutically for your health and wellbeing. It is important to use only pure essential oils of the highest grade. Sadly not all of these natural oils are unadulterated and of the highest quality. That is why I choose doTERRA oils or Neals Yard Organics.

Important: Do NOT consume or apply essential oils undiluted directly on the skin the only exception is lavender in the case of a burn. Essential oils are always diluted in a carrier or massage oil, added to bathwater, used in inhalation or applied to a compress. No matter the quality of the extraction of these oils they can burn the skin. Always check instructions for correct use and dilution of essential oils 

essential oils for every first aid kit

Natures First Aid Kit


Pure essential oils are not only a natural alternative to many common ailment medication. Used to treat a variety of different ailments and injury. For the backpacker or executive flyer who needs minimal luggage, these 3 tiny bottles are worth their weight in gold


Lavender Oil is extracted or distilled from the lavender herb plant Lavandula latifolia . Both the flower and the oil of lavender are actually used to make medicine. Lavender’s extremely versatility is probably why it is the most common therapeutic essential oil used today. Lavender oil in the right dosage and dilution can be applied or inhaled by most children and adults. But should not be used on newborns. In another blog, I explain in more detail why lavender should be part of every home first aid kit.

Lavender is commonly used as an aid for bites, bruises, headaches, muscle inflammation, sprains, and stings. Lavender can be applied directly to the skin in case of a burn and can help reduce scarring. Lavender’s analgesic properties help reduce inflammation and pain. Lavender has a deeply soothing, relaxing and gently uplifting scent which makes it helpful for insomnia, anxiety, depression, and stress. My mother and siblings use lavender to help relieve high temperatures in their children.

Like other essential oils, Lavendula has a wide range of psychological benefits. They can have a tremendous effect when inhaled on the olfactory and limbic systems. Lavender has been shown various research as a possible treatment in some psychological and neurological conditionsIt is well-reputed for its benefits on the mood and emotions. Lavender is one of the safest oils you can use on children and those who are highly sensitive.As long as you follow the recommended guidelines by a qualified aromatherapist.

Tea- Tree

Tea tree oil has been demonstrated to have broad-spectrum antimicrobial and ant-viral benefits against Herpes Simples Virus and treating wound infections. Tea-tree is a powerful antiseptic, antifungal and anti-microbial agent that can be used to clean wounds, used in skincare and as a cleaning aid. Add a few drops to a spritzer bottle of warm water to clean surfaces. Tea-Tree is widely used as an antifungal against candida by many naturopaths. It is also used as a treatment aid for nail infections, dandruff, and acne by cosmetic and pharmacological companies. Tea-Tree was used by the Australian army and navy in world war 11 as a germicide. It has also been medically researched on its uses in alleviating eczema


Peppermint oil is widely used by the pharmacological industry as an antispasmodic for the treatment of Irritable BowelSyndrome. It is also widely used in a variety of products used to help reduce headaches, migraines and even neuralgia type issues. Peppermint like tea-tree has good anti-bacterial against various strains of bacteria. It also has demonstrated to have ant-viral properties and ant-fungal activity against Candida. Peppermint is extremely cooling on the skin, it is widely used by the cosmetic, confectionery and food industry. A few drops of peppermint added to a water spritzer bottle makes a perfect cooling spray. Add a few drops of peppermint to a foot bath or added to a base cream to cool down warm achy feet.

Benefits Of Essential Oils

They are all from mother nature’s cupboard, so less risk of allergies and side-effects.

You can make up your own required dosage of application which is ideal for kids.

The ability to mix and blend different these oils.

They can be used in a variety of ways; added to a bath, footbath, compress, added to a carrier oil or even inhaled.

They are in small discrete easy to pack bottles so take-up minimal luggage space.

 Opportunity to save money by replacing a long list of over the counter medicines that you rarely use, but need just in case. With natural remedies that are much more versatile and can often have a much longer shelf-life.

Eileen Burns is a qualified aromatherapist and holistic therapist who has taught aromatherapy for over 18 years.