Winter Super Juice Recipe – Immune Boosting Superjuice

Winter Super Juice Recipe For A Healthy Immune System

Check out our Winter Super Juice Recipe

Our Winter Sunshine Super Juice Recipe is a great energy and immune-boosting buster. This healthy juice is packed full of many vital nutrients and vitamins that can support you through the winter months.

An easy to make healthy super juice for the whole family that can be used to help reduce the risk of colds and flu. Packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and detoxing properties.


Winter Sunshine Super Juice Recipe Ingredients


1 Large Organic Carrots ( approx. 146gm)**

1-2 Organic Apples** ( depending on how sweet you like your juice)

½ Inch of Ginger

1 Organic Orange**

1/2 inch of Lemon** without the rind

Optional; Pinch Of Nutmeg & Cinnamon to suit taste.

** Organic is always best when possible to reduce risk of toxins and pesticides. But if not organic, we suggest you make sure you clean your vegetables well.

The most simple and effective ways to do this is this;  clean your fruit and vegetables before putting them into your fridge or fruit bowl. You can clean fruits and vegetables in a variety of ways. You can add one portion of white vinegar to 10 parts of water. Or just buy a fruit and vegetable cleaning product such as veggi wash, but note these products can be expensive.

Winter Super Juice Recipe -Boost Your Immune System Juice Recipe


Health Benefits Of Winter Sunshine Super Juice

So what are the potential health benefits of this Winter Super Juice? Well, let’s look more closely at the individual ingredients of this healthy juice.

Carrots, we often undervalue the nutritional benefits in a carrot. Butcarrots contain vitamins A, C and K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and folate. As we know contains a diet high in beta-carotene is great for our eyes, especially night time vision. But beta-carotene has also been shown in a lot of research to have anti-cancer effects especially with the additional high levels of anti-oxidants. Carrots are also extremely hydrating eyesight, nourishes, and hydrates skin, 

Apples are supposed to keep the doctor away and like carrots are supposed to help support the eyes, particularly reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Some of the main nutrients in an apple include vitamins A , C,  potassium, calcium and flavonoids. Apples also have both soluble fiber known as pectin and insoluble fiber which supports digestion. Pectin is also known to help reduce many forms of heart disease. It does this by helping stop cholesterol and plaque building up on the lining of blood vessels.

Oranges, we know a healthy intake of vitamin C is linked to a healthy immune system but did you know it is also linked to a reduced risk of colon cancer? Oranges contain vitamin C, vitamin B-6, calcium, potassium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, folate and pantothenic acid and even protein. As well as copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and selenium. The fact oranges contain magnesium, and rich in Vitamins B6 make apples useful aid at helping maintain blood pressure levels. Oranges like apples also have soluble and insoluble fibre. 


Health Benefits Of Cinnamon, Ginger And Nutmeg

Ginger has been used for many thousands of years as not just a spice but a natural medicine especially in Ayurvedic Medicine. As an anti-nausea remedy ginger is used during pregnancy it also known to help reduce menstrual pain.

Ginger is widely used for centuries as a natural remedy for colds and flu. But ginger is also a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic. Having been shown to demonstrate a protective function against natural, chemical, and radiation-induced toxicities.

Cinnamon is a warming spice that is widely used in the food industry and pharmacy industry for its various therapeutic properties which include “been reported to possess astringent, warming stimulant, carminative, blood purifier, digestive, antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties and also help to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. “

Nutmeg is another useful spice that also has anti-inflammatory properties well known to encourage better sleep a well-known natural remedy for insomnia. It is also has been suggested that it may be a useful aid in the healing of stomach ulcers.

Just some of the reasons we have included and recommended these spices for our Winter Super Juice Recipe.


This healthy winter super juice recipe was created by The World of Health’s very own Juice therapist, Healer and Wellness Coach – David Rabone.

David Rabone is a highly experienced healer, therapist, and coach who has been studying health and spirituality over the last 25 years. David who is based in Scotland, UK. Is a qualified pharmacist, has trained with many top healers and coaches around the world. 


Boost Your Energy and Immune System with our Winter Super Juice Recipe

5 Pillars Of Health And Wellness Course to improve your wellbeing boost your immune system

Multiple Sclerosis – Teens with MS Face Unique Set of Challenges

Multiple Sclerosis – Teens with MS Face Unique Set of Challenges

How Teens with MS Face a Unique Set of Challenges

Women are more than twice as likely to develop Multiple Sclerosis as men. Multiple Sclerosis usually affects people between the ages of 20 and 50 years, and the average age of onset is approximately 34 years. Multiple Sclerosis can affect children and teens (pediatric MS). 

I was 17 when I was diagnosed with Remitting-Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) in 1987. Back then MS was not very well known, and the Internet didn’t exist either, so no real way to research what MS is, other than taking the word of my Neurologist. I remember having symptoms as early as the age of 14.

I was constantly tired, and couldn’t keep up with my fellow students in gym class, running track. I slept a lot. My parents thought I was just being lazy. Because I was affected so early on in my life with MS, I knew I wanted to help others who were newly diagnosed with MS in whatever way I could. So I wrote a self-help book “Blue Fingers Brass Knuckles” full of diagrams, questions to ask your doctors, how to cope with the diagnosis through laughter, and the power of inspiration, faith, courage, and love.

In today’s world, MS is a common household word and you can Google information about MS. However; unless you’re following a teen with MS on social media to know the unique set of challenges that comes with it, you won’t know until you experience it…and even then, you’re left wondering…is this MS or just me?

Emotional Issues Of Teens With MS

There are approximately 8,000 to 10,000 Americans who have been diagnosed with MS before their 18th birthday. Although pediatric MS cases are rare, some studies estimate that 2 to 5% of all people with MS had symptom onset as a teenager or even younger. The good news is that pediatric MS specialists say teens who begin MS therapies soon after their diagnosis rarely develop disabilities before their 20th birthday and can lead a relatively symptom-free life well into adulthood.

“There’s some evidence that people who get pediatric remitting-relapsing MS move to progressive MS slower than those who are diagnosed as adults,” says Tim Lotze, MD, associate professor of child neurology at Texas Children’s Hospital at the Baylor College of Medicine. “Maybe that’s because the “lucky” ones who are diagnosed earlier start on treatment sooner.”

Different Physical Symptoms Teens With MS

But while teenagers may have fewer physical MS symptoms than adults, they can have more emotional or mental issues. Adolescence comes with all kinds of angst. Add in an MS diagnosis, and the stress can skyrocket. “You grow up fast when you’re diagnosed that young.” Here’s what I, other teens, their parents, and healthcare providers have learned about living with MS as an adolescent.

Difficulty with Diagnosis In Children With MS

The number of children diagnosed with MS seems to be holding steady in recent years, although accurate data is lacking, says Brenda Banwell, MD, chief of the Division of Neurology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and director of the hospital’s Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Clinic. However, the awareness of pediatric MS has increased considerably among healthcare practitioners, meaning children are more likely to be diagnosed quicker.

There’s also a growing amount of research focusing on pediatric MS.

 The Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating Disease Network has performed a comprehensive prospective analysis of children with a first attack of what may be MS and has published extensively on the clinical, biological, and MRI features of MS in children.

 Doctors and scientists affiliated with 18 clinical centers throughout the United States have formed the Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers to study the causes and treatment of pediatric MS. To learn more, visit

These and other studies show that while MS symptoms are similar in teens and adults, teens may be more difficult to diagnose.

“Teenagers may have more vague symptoms like their back hurts, or they’re having headaches or migraines with blurry vision or they’re having trouble walking,” says Soe Mar, MD, director of the Pediatric Onset Demyelinating Diseases and Autoimmune Encephalitis Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital at the Washington University School of Medicine. Couple those indeterminate symptoms with normal teenage stress and Dr. Mar says some clinicians may think a teen with MS is suffering from physical symptoms that are due to psychological trauma rather than MS.

Specific Teenage Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

The onset of MS in children and youth is associated with a higher relapse rate and a higher volume of brain lesions, relative to early MS in adults. Pediatric MS occurs in the context of normal academic learning and during brain maturation. Of note, 30 to 40% of children with MS have a cognitive impairment, Dr. Banwell says. This impairment varies from mild to severe and mainly involves executive functioning, such as multitasking, organization, attention skills, processing speed, and word finding.

About a third of teens with MS have emotional issues, such as depression or anxiety or combination of both. But this mirrors the general population of teenagers, so it can be difficult to tell if MS is the culprit for mood disorders or if it’s simply being a teenager. Either way, mental health is an important facet of care for youth with MS.

When I was diagnosed at 17, I was devastated. Thinking I had something like cancer that I would die from. I was an emotional wreck. It was affecting me in every facet of my life. And because we didn’t know much about MS back then, doctors didn’t realize that mental health is an important part of “health care” for me, so I was stuck working through these emotions by myself.

That’s why I can’t emphasize enough how important is it to have partnerships with psychiatrists and psychologists for teens who have MS. These professionals can help teens and their parents sort out what’s causing depression or anxiety and how to best treat it.

Research shows that teenagers also tend to have more frequent relapses than adults, perhaps because they haven’t yet developed full nerve myelination, Dr. Lotze says. A 2014 study published in Multiple Sclerosis Related Disorders shows that children have 2.3 times more relapses than adults per year. The flip side is that children recover much better than adults from relapses,” Dr. Lotze says. “There seems to be fewer residual symptoms, maybe because myelin in children can repair faster. Or there could be something innate in the pediatric brain that can make new networks after an MS relapse.”


The Importance of Medications In Teens With MS

While MS therapies can reduce disease activity in teens, the key is persuading them to consistently take their medications. “A lot of teenagers don’t think they need medications after they recover from a relapse,” Dr. Mar says. Most teens think “I just want to be a normal kid and not have to take 20 pills a day or go in for my injections.”

Several high school students who were recently diagnosed with MS were interviewed on the importance of taking their MS medications and the response was amazing. One student says “it helped when her mom told her that MS was like having diabetes. Another student said, “If taking my medication will keep my MS symptoms away, I’m all for it…but I don’t like it.”

Multiple Sclerosis - Teens With MS Face Unique Challenges. How teens with M.S. have a variety of difficulties and challenges to face

Early-stage Coping In Teens With MS

While an MS diagnosis can be devastating for anyone, it can be particularly difficult for teens and their families. Parents struggle to accept the diagnosis. “No one expects a child to be diagnosed with an adult disease,” Dr. Banwell says. One thing teenagers have going for them, though, is resilience.

There are many documentaries, YouTube videos, and programs on TV that tell stories of other teens with MS and how they overcame their fear. For example: there was an ESPN program on a female runner with MS. A boy who is an offensive lineman on his middle school and high school football teams approached his diagnosis like an athlete. He talked to a sports psychologist who told him that he only needed to focus on his MS for the five minutes a day he injected his medication. So, for 23 hours and 55 minutes, live life like you don’t have MS. Staying positive that MS won’t affect the rest of your life in a big way.

Freaked-out Parents Of Teens With MS

When my Mom and I walked into my neurologist’s office and were told I had MS my Mom bawled for at least 20 minutes. We looked at each other with that Mother-Daughter look knowing we had to stick together and be there for one another. Each other is all we had. This is a typical reaction for any parent as they don’t want to hear that their child has been diagnosed with an incurable disorder.

Sometimes the parents can be more of an issue for a physician than the child, due to them reading about medical journal articles and studies about MS regarding what could happen to their child. It’s terrifying! “Teenagers have a sense of invulnerability, so their MS can fade into the background. That’s not the case for the parents.” Dr. Banwell said a colleague recently completed a study showing that the impact of a child’s diagnosis with MS is so substantial for parents that they can end up using more healthcare resources than their child.

I believe having a strong support system is key for helping parents cope with their child’s disease. There are many online as well as in-person support groups, such as: Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Alliance Group on Facebook,  myself The MS Wellness Coach for Natural Approaches to healing and Families Fighting Against and National Multiple Sclerosis Society for United States, and MS Society UK, MS

When you have a child, who has such a serious disease, you must have a strong support team. You cannot do this by yourself. Connecting with other parents of children in similar situations to ask questions to, and get support from, is invaluable.

Overcompensating Teenagers

While parental stress about their teen’s MS diagnosis is understandable, it can create additional emotional issues for the child. This is all happening while kids are at the age of trying to get independence from their parents. Teens tend to avoid talking to their parents about their disease because they don’t want to worry them.

One teen said “I look like a different person when I relapse. I look so sick, and I know that upsets my parents. I would talk to my Mom about it, but I don’t want to make her even more upset,” Napier says. “My Dad calls me constantly to see how I’m feeling. It breaks my heart to see how worried they are. I wish there was a way to let them know I’m going to be OK.”

Teenagers can also hide their feelings for other reasons. Many blame themselves when diagnosed with MS. “I was getting all this attention from my Mom because of my symptoms, and frankly I was enjoying it.” After the symptoms subsided, the initial attention from my Mom went away. I started wishing that something else would happen again so I would get more attention.” It’s sad, but true I felt this way. And then, I found out I had MS. I felt like it was my fault even though deep down I knew it wasn’t. It can take several months to stop feeling devastated that they “brought the disease upon themselves” and to admit those feelings to their family and friends.

Dr. Lotze says a key to breaking through these types of communication barriers is for parents to “not hide anything from the kid from day one. Parents need to make a plan on how to talk to their son or daughter.” A therapist can also help the whole family, including anxious or resentful siblings, open lines of communication.

School Relationships

Family relationships aren’t the only ones that suffer when teens are diagnosed with MS. Teens can face misunderstanding or even bullying about their disease. Most teens don’t want to tell their classmates about their MS diagnoses because they don’t want to be treated differently, or that rumors would be spread. They don’t want to be labeled “teachers’ pet” because of being allowed to turn in assignments late or eating lunch in the nurse’s office to rest. However; if you don’t face the truth by telling your story to stop the rumors, people will continue to say what they are going to say without knowing the truth.

The best way most teens find it helpful is to make a video so the entire school would know you have MS. You’re not looking for sympathy, you’re looking for support. Upload it to your YouTube channel, then post it on your social media. Word spreads. You can also ask the principal if they can post a link to your video for the school to see. By telling your story, the gossiping, the whispers, and the bullying will help stop this and help you make friends. MS is a lonely disease, so get out there and tell your story. You need a support system in every facet of your life.


Learning How to Be Different

It’s OK to not be OK. Being different from classmates is hard…. missing out on being excited to have your crush take you to homecoming or attending school football games with your friends. Keeping a positive mindset makes all the difference in the world, it will keep you moving forward, climbing up this hill called life, and MS is just one more thing in your backpack to make you stronger.

Perhaps being diagnosed with MS has sparked an interest to be a neurologist specializing in pediatric MS. Or being an MS advocate helping others with their meal plans and workouts. This can include becoming a health and wellness coach,  specializing in helping others with MS to manage their symptoms naturally. By now, you can see the blessings of being diagnosed with MS as a teenager. You can show others that you can get through anything.

The MS Wellness Coach

Hi, I’m Jen Martin a Master Certified Wellness Coach, specializing in helping women with MS to combat fatigue, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health naturally, so that they can live life with vitality and abundance. On Facebook, I’m known as The MS Wellness Coach – empowering those living with MS and other auto-immune disorders how to manage their symptoms naturally.


What Is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

solution focused hypnotherapy hypnotherapist

Learn about solution focused hypnotherapy.

Is it woo woo? Does it involve mind control? How is it different from other therapies? And, the latest evidenced-based research informing Solution Focused Hypnotherapy’s development.  

How can solution focused hypnotherapy help me? 

Certainly, solution focused hypnotherapy can help with a wealth of conditions, but most hypnotherapists choose a niche. For instance, I personally focus my service offer around Anxiety and related conditions. For example, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Tinnitus, and Insomnia. All of which, are often caused by or exasperated by Anxiety

What is solution focused therapy?

 Importantly, “Solution-Focused” is fast becoming a buzz word of the 21st century, but what does it actually mean? To begin, solution focused brief therapy was first developed in the 1980’s by Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer.  Contrarily, when we take a quick look at other therapies, we find many talking therapies are “problem focused”, they focus on unpicking the issue, re-living the issue, and real-life exposure. Granted, this can work well for some people, for many, it can cause more challenges. 

 Identifying exceptions

On the other hand, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy works by identifying exceptions to the rule. So, let’s say you came to me wanting to stop procrastinating, we would work together to identify when it is you are most productive. As a result, we identify when you don’t procrastinate, and these are what we call “exceptions”. 

 Identifying solution focused goals

In addition, as well as identifying exceptions we will go in the opposite direction to other talking therapies and instead of focusing on unpicking the problem; we will look at identifying what life looks like when the problem is no longer there for you, because this gives our brain a positive goal. 

 Stop ruminating

As a result, once we have a goal to work towards we can begin to move away from ruminating and stopping our only focus being on the challenges we are facing. Next, we therapists then use Solution Focused questioning to help you identify achievable goals to work on each week. Why? Because these will assist you in working towards a future where the challenges you have been facing are no longer an issue. 

 What if I want to talk about my problem?

So, although we are very much future-focused, and solution focused, we do acknowledge and allow you time to discuss what has been on your mind should you wish to. However, we limit this to a small section of our session so that we can focus on assisting you with moving forwards to achieve your preferred future.  

what is solution focused hypnotherapy and whi is it different from other therapies

What is solution focused hypnotherapy? 

 Above all, hypnotherapy is a form of deep relaxation. Generally, hypnotherapists use guided imagery and direct and indirect language to help you to get into a lovely relaxed state that induces trance. 

 What is trance?

Specifically, trance is a natural state we all go into regularly. To illustrate, have you ever been listening to someone and suddenly realised you weren’t paying any attention? Maybe you’ve read a whole page of a book and had to go back and reread it? Or perhaps you’ve driven somewhere you drive to regularly and been surprised that you hadn’t focused much on your journey? Essentially,, this is your mind going into natural trance. Yes, that’s right, you already do it!

 Neuroscience and solution focused hypnotherapy

Most importantly, neuroscience research using brain scans demonstrate the same area in the brain is active during trance, as during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) part of our sleep cycle. In addition, they also found when we’re in REM, our brain is more active than it is at any other time! So, when we’re in REM scientists believe that really important events are happening in the brain. Most importantly, they believe stressful events and memories that we have stored in our emotional brain, are being consolidated and processed to be filed away in the more narrative parts of our mind. 

 Have you ever regretted feeling so angry about something?

Occasionally, you may have noticed this happen to you. Maybe you were driving somewhere, and someone ‘cut-you-up’. There wasn’t an accident, but the person appeared to blame you for it. You were left feeling so angry and once home, contacted your friend and told them all about it and how frustrated you were. Your friend may have said not to let it get to you. Later though, maybe lying in bed that night, it’s still on your mind. As a result, you’re really annoyed by it. 

 REM sleep

However, that particular night you get some good quality REM sleep and the following day it’s not such a big deal anymore. In fact, you even chastise yourself a little and maybe even regret allowing it to get to you so much. So, what’s happened? Well, scientists believe this memory has now moved from your emotional and often irrational part of your brain, to your more rational and reflective, narrative part of your brain. 

Freebie for solution focused planning!

Similarly , have you ever been really affected by a text message or voicemail out of the blue, or a car cutting-you-up suddenly, or maybe that family member that just winds you up the wrong way? Well, this might be just what you’re looking for. My little freebie crib sheet provides you with a solution focused exercise to plan your future responses. It may be really helpful to you. You can download it here.

what is solution focused hypnotherapy 

Why do we use trance in solution focused hypnotherapy?

To clarify, we use trance in our clinic room in two different ways. Firstly, we use it to help your brain to consolidate and process all of our discussion during the first half of our session together. Secondly, we use it to speak more effectively to your subconscious mind.  

What do solution focused hypnotherapists say to the subconscious mind?

During hypnosis, hypnotherapists speak to your subconscious mind using guided imagery, positive affirmations, confidence building and story metaphors that all help towards building a more confident you. So, on top of having a small achievable and solution focused goal every session, you also get the benefits of consolidating and processing that goal AND building your confidence up so that you’re even more likely to achieve your goal too. Moreover, you even get some good quality relaxation time just for you too!

 Story metaphors in solution focused hypnotherapy 

Furthermore, the story metaphors we use are great too. Specifically, the subconscious mind and conscious mind begin to see parallels with the story and what is going in your life. Subsequently, this helps you to move towards letting go of the past and discovering and achieving your preferred future. 

What is the difference between stage hypnotism and solution focused hypnotherapy? 

Granted, this is a question I’m asked often. To clarify, stage hypnotism tends to work with the hypnotist first identifying who is the most likely in the audience to do something really silly. For instance, they might do this by using phrases like “you’re not in control, I am now in control” or “no matter how hard you try, you just can’t lift up your arm”. 

Is solution focused hypnotherapy mind control?

As a result, this helps them to identify who is most easily influenced and will create the best act for the audience. To illustrate, the constant use of suggestions that you are not in control almost has an effect like when you may have had alcohol. Certainly, it allows you to lower your inhibitions and act a bit silly because you’ve been given permission to. But, the truth is, that you are always in control of your mind. 

 More about stage hypnotism

In fact, have you ever watched a stage hypnotist ‘live’? If so, you’ll see how their selection process works. Firstly, they begin by identifying who the best person for the job will be. Then, each request gets sillier and sillier. Subsequently, more and more people will begin to “wake up”. Of course, this is because they have been aware of what’s being said but have felt like the hypnotist was in control. However, this time the hypnotist has gone a step too far and it’s not something they want to be a part of, so they immediately come out of the trance. 

 Solution focused hypnotherapy in a clinic setting

On the other hand, when you are placed in trance by a hypnotherapist in a clinic setting, you will be told that you are always in control, that you are safe, and that you will only pay attention and listen to what is relevant to you and matters most to you. Most importantly, hypnotherapy is about you being as relaxed and as comfortable as possible. So, don’t fret! Of course, there’ll be no funky chicken dances anywhere in sight! 

Is solution focused hypnotherapy woo woo?  

Certainly, some hypnotists may move towards the woo woo. However, solution focused hypnotherapy is based on the latest neuroscience research. Meaning, it’s evidenced-based practice. Furthermore, having a degree in Psychology, this was something that was really important to me. Above all, I like to be able to use science to explain what is happening and to help people, who want to know, to understand what’s going on for them. Particularly, when we find ourselves using behaviour that we’ve identified is unhelpful to us, and yet we continue in the vicious cycle of repeating the unwanted behaviour anyway.

I want to find out more about Solution Focused Hypnotherapy 

In conclusion, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is in my experience, a truly effective therapy for overcoming anxiety. For me, it changed my life when I went to a solution focused hypnotherapist for public speaking, irritable bowel syndrome, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. So, if you’re someone who struggles, you’re most welcome to get in touch. There’s lots more information on my website I also offer a free 20 minute consultation over the phone. 


About the Author:

Tania is a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist practicing in Milnrow, Rochdale. She sees people for 1:1 and group sessions, both face to face and via video link worldwide. Tania has a first-class honours degree in Psychology, two hypnotherapy and psychotherapy diplomas, and keeps up to date with post qualification training. Tania also lectures for the Clinical Hypnotherapy School and for her own business, supporting other therapists with a variety of topics.

How To Stop Overthinking And Relax

stop overthinking and relax more

How To Stop Overthinking And Relax More

If you want to learn how to stop overthinking and how to relax. It helps to understand why we overthink and why it is so detrimental to our health and wellbeing. And why the ability to relax is so important.

Overthinking usually refers to the act of ruminating, focusing on something for too long or too many times. In many ways, rumination is a by-product of our over-busy modern lifestyle.  Especially obsessing over the negative or possible aspects of a situation, which is exhausting, unproductive and at times depressing

Studies have shown that over-thinking, ruminating is linked to anxiety and stress in  both childhood and adulthood. The overthinking analytical mind is a strategy the ego uses to help us to feel in control or safe.

It is a developed part of our innate survival response, the healthy analytical mind helps us find solutions from danger. But the unhealthy ruminative mind is in a constate state of anxiety and stress. And when people suffer from chronic anxiety and chronic stress, the mind and body stops being able to relax.


How To Stop Overthinking

People who tend to worry a lot, tend to live their life in a state of fear are more likely to engage in overthinking and rumination. But the reality is most anxiety and stress is triggered by ruminating over what could go wrong. Or over what we believe will cause us pain or suffering. Because of that fear we feel the need to control as many outcomes as we can.

But when we try to control everything we are not in the flow, not living in a natural harmonious state of being. We are living in a state of resistance which actually is the source of most suffering and dis-ease. So the overthinker is not living in the moment, not trusting the moment.

I was a highly anxious overthinking child, the eldest of many siblings. Being highly empathic I worried a lot about the needs of others. And that impacted my mental, emotional and physical wellbeing from a young age. It took me many years to learn how to stop overthinking and how to just be.

How To Help Clients And Students Have Less Ruminative Thoughts

I spent 30 years studying many different mind, body, emotional and spiritual techniques. Yet despite studying different types of therapies, healing, mind techniques, psychotherapy.  I found for myself and clients the most simple approaches were often the most effective if approached in the right order, the right way.

We all deserve to live a more calm, content and stress-less life. And I have found the most effective way IS NOT trying to change all your thoughts. There is a theory we have 40, 000 negative thoughts each day . So that is a lot of thoughts you would need to change.  If we approach it from one step beyond our mindset. It is far more effective when we teach others how to reduce their attachment to our thoughts.  Reduce the engagement in overthinking and help them learn how to relax and be.

Learn How To Stop Overthinking And Feel More Relaxed

4 Ways To Reduce Overthinking


Embrace The Here And Now

The easiest way to reduce overthinking is to embrace the present moment. Stop throughout your day and notice where your thoughts and where is your attention is? Is your attention on the activity that you are doing?  Is your attention fully with the people you are engaging with? Or is it in thoughts of the past, thoughts of what you have to do later in the day? We have lost appreciation and value for this moment. It is too easy to miss all the blessings that we are being given in this present moment.  And when the mind, the body, emotions, and spirit and not in the moment, disjointed and out of balance. We manifest dis-harmony, dis-ease.

5 Minue Meditation Mind Hacks for anxiety and stress

Learn How To Meditate

Meditation tools, when taught the right way, can be powerful ways to bring you into the present moment. Here in the west we are so conditioned into spending so many hours of our day doing, thinking and analysing. That most people really struggle to stop, struggle to relax especially relax properly. Now meditation helps because it encourages more space, more freedom between our thoughts. Meditation helps us connect with our own inner peace, our own inner calm, and our own inner guidance. It helps us reconnect with the self and less distracted by thoughts that are not facts. Less pulled in by the external distortion and manipulation of the world and media around us.


Develop Self-Compassion –

We can all be too hard, demanding and uncompassionate towards ourselves. Especially about decisions, we have made in the past or even in our present situation. Because we are so over-identificated with who we think we are or are supposed to be. This leaves us more empty and confused, and more likely to fall into jobs and roles that do not fill our souls. Self-compassion can teach us how to giving ourselves the same compassion and understanding we give to those around us.


Know You Are Enough

When you know you are more than enough, it’s easier to disengage with those self-sabotaging thoughts. Our biggest self-destruction is our beliefs around who we think we need or should be. We live in a distorted society that has convinced us, that our value lies in what we do, what we earn, what we look like. The roles, status, and power we have or take on, but none of this makes us more worthy or more valued. This is a huge distortion and so far from the truth. We are all born into this world enough, all with individual unique traits, gifts, skills, abilities and what may be perceived as disabilities. But none of them define our worth.

3 Ways How To Learn How To Relax


Take Time To STOP

So many people go through their day without stopping and taking a moment to stop, relax or rest. Tea breaks, lunch and afternoon breaks at work are not just about having a meal or a drink. But are there to remove yourself from your busyness and stress. When we work through our breaks and only try and switch off and relax just before going to bed or going on holiday.

The mind and body can really struggle to relax, because it is overstimulated, over-stressed.  The mind and body needs periods of calm to restore balance. So breaks throughout your day, breaks at work, breaks at home, at school and college are important. If we skip time out, our mind and body forgets how to relax. It becomes more conditioned to be in the stress response instead of the relaxed response.


Become Aware Of Your Physical Body

It is important to be aware and listen to your body, become aware of the tension in your body. When we are so in our mind, in our thoughts we are detached from our body, our emotions. It is important to be fully present with that tension without adding a story a reason why you are so tense.

When we give our body that presence and attention it naturally starts to let go. You can learn how to listen and nurture your body with this soothing guided meditation.  It is important to know when your body needs rest, relaxation, the right food, water…


Learn How To Relax And Sleep Deeply And Effectively –

The inability to relax is one of the biggest causes of physical disease, sleep problems chronic pain and tension.  We are so mentally busy, so engaged in our thoughts we find it difficult to switch off or relax without any distractions.

Many people think relaxation is sitting in front of the television, or playing a game on their computer or smartphone. But these activities are not relaxing, they are distractions of the mind. That is why Relaxation Therapy is a powerful way to teach clients and students how to let go of long-term anxiety, chronic stress, and stress-related insomnia. Relaxation techniques re-teach the body how to not only relax and just be, but help reduce pain and tension.


Moving Into A State Of Being, Relaxing

As you can see how to stop overthinking and relax is very much about dis-engaging with unhealthy conditioning. It is about re-learning how to be, how to relax. A baby knows how to relax, knows how to be, knows how to appreciate the present moment. A baby usually comes into the world appreciated knowing it is enough.

Until that baby starts to become conditioned towards fear, pain, expectations, guilt, shame, other people’s ideas of what is right, wrong. A society’s idea of what is right, wrong, good, bad, expected and not expected. The more you learn how to be in the moment and detach from your conditioning and learn how to relax, relax deeply and effectively. Overthinking starts to dissolve, there is less overthinking, less anxiety, less stress and less depression.

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes And Treatment

benefits of sunshine vitamin d deficiency

Common Vitamin D Deficiency Causes And Treatment

The most common Vitamin D Deficiency causes and recommended treatment. Are you wondering if you should be taking vitamin D supplements? The truth is most people today are deficient in this essential vitamin. The biggest reason for low levels of vitamin D is reduced exposure to the sun. According to Van Schooler (2017), people all over the world are deficient in this essential vitamin. 

How is vitamin D made in the body?

So how is vitamin D produced in the body? Ultraviolet (UV) B radiation penetrates uncovered skin and converts cutaneous 7-dehydrocholesterol to pre-vitamin D3. Pre-vitamin D3 is then converted to Calcidiol (i.e. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol) in the liver. Calcidiol is converted to active vitamin D, vitamin D3 (also called Calcitriol 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) in the kidney. 

What does Vitamin D do? 

Vitamin D3  acts at the genetic level, in this sense, it can turn specific genes on/off thus regulating the cell’s activities. It does so by binding with the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR), which is present in most cells in the body. 

By now we all know that Vitamin D3, the active form of vitamin D, is required for building and maintaining bones. It also has an impact on the intestines, immune and cardiovascular systems, pancreas, muscles, brain, and the control of cell cycles. (Nair et al.)

 An adequate amount of vitamin D is  required to aid in:

  1. Calcium and Phosphorus absorption from the gut
  2. Maintain immunity, 
  3. Stimulate insulin production, 
  4. Cognitive functions

The Sunshine Vitamin has been demonstrated in clinical studies to-

  1. Help prevent cancer and CVD
  2. Act as an Anti-hypertensive
  3. Reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Alleviate depression

So, we can keep mostdiseases at bay by maintaining normal levels of this vitamin.

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes:

According to the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), low serum levels of vitamin D, (below 25 nmol/l (10ng/ml)) increases the risk of poor musculoskeletal health. Vitamin D deficiency is when the levels are below 20 ng/ml. 

VDD poses health risks such as loss of bone mineral density leading to fractures and osteoporosis in adults, rickets in children, the risk of developing CVD (Judd et al.). Moreover, Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is correlated with Parkinson’s disease, Autoimmune diseases (type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, and auto-immune thyroid disease).

Groups at risk of vitamin D deficiency (VDD):

  1. Breastfed infants and  Children, 
  2. Older adults,
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, 
  4. Those suffering from fat malabsorption in the following diseases: Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, liver cirrhosis, obstruction of the bile duct by gallstones, chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, gastric bypass (bariatric surgery), short bowel syndrome (after surgical removal of a large part of the small intestine), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). 
  5. People with limited sun exposure
  6. People with dark skin -Due to a large amount of melanin which results in darker skin, this type of skin takes relatively more time as compared to a lighter skin tone to produce vitamin D. 
  7. Obese people: People with BMI ≥30 have lower serum vitamin D levels in comparison to non-obese people. Obesity may call for a higher intake of vitamin D than usually required since a higher amount of subcutaneous fat captivates more of the vitamin altering its release into the circulation. (Nair et al.)

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Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency:

Signs of low vitamin D are non-specific and include frequent infections, muscle weakness, tiredness, tooth decay, and backache. So, it’s wise to get your Vitamin D levels checked if you see these symptoms occurring more often. Supplemental Vitamin D: D3 (cholecalciferol) can help restore vitamin D levels to normalcy (>=20ng/ml). It is more efficacious than D2 (Ergocalciferol).


best sources of vitamin d infographic

Sources of Vitamin-D:

Sunlight: Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D you can get. If you live in a place that receives abundant sunshine, you can get all the vitamin D you need, provided you sunbathe for a few times per week. Exposure to sunlight for 5 -30 minutes sans sunscreen (face, arms, legs, etc.) between 10 am to 3 pm in Summers helps the body synthesize the required amount of vitamin D. Caution: Avoid overexposure to the sun as this may cause sunburn, skin aging, and skin cancer.

Vitamin D Food Sources: Make sure you include natural vitamin D rich food sources such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, cod liver oil) and egg (with yolk). Vitamin D-fortified foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are some other sources of vitamin D.

If you are a vegan, then you can go for sun-dried mushrooms and microalgae. Sundried mushrooms contain the D2 form of vitamin D. If consumed when fresh, the D2 levels will likely be above 10 μg/100 g fresh. Note: The vitamin D2 levels decrease with storage and cooking. [Cardwell et al.]

Freshwater microalgae were found to contain 80 μg of D3/100 g besides ergosterol, D2, and &-dehydrocholesterol. [Japelt et al.]

This means we can still get some vitamin D in winter, a time when the levels are generally found to be low. And when many people suffer from (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorders.

If your vitamin D levels are below 20ng/ml, you should consider taking a supplement because the food sources of vitamin D alone are not going to be enough to maintain normal serum levels of this vitamin.

How much  Vitamin D should you supplement?

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, 10 mcg/day of supplemental vitamin D is sufficient for most people. 

For babies, 8.5 to 10 mcg per day is recommended only if the baby is taking less than 500 ml of formula per day. 10 mcg is recommended for children aged 1-4 yrs. However, for adults higher doses of the vitamin can confer a lot more benefits. The upper safe limit is 4000 IU or 100 mcg. The required dosage depends on the level of deficiency. 

Consult your physician to find the right dose to normalize your vitamin D levels.

VITAMIN D Deficiency Treatment:

Even though sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D, it is not available to us throughout the year. Besides, including Vitamin D rich foods alone is not capable of restoring the serum levels of this vitamin to normalcy. Hence the need for vitamin D supplements, especially in winter. 

According to an interesting article I read, vitamin D supplementation has shown a preventive role in respiratory tract infections. Given that vitamin D has an impact on immune responses, it may act as an anti-infective agent as well. But, this is yet to be proved clinically in large populations. 

When it comes to choosing Vitamin D supplements, Biocare has variants for different conditions and age groups. Children can benefit fromflavored-liquid and bioavailable form of vitamin D3. While adults with malabsorption can go for Nutrisorb Liquid Biomulsion D– it can be taken as a sublingual vitamin D spray, under the tongue or as a drop as well They also have Vitamin D drops for babies.

Nutrisun is another company that offers a Vitamin D spray. This is a good choice for vegetarians since they source their vitamin D from lanolin which comes from sheep’s wool. 

Vegan Vitamin D: If you are a vegan, then you would be happy to know that there are vegan sources as well, such as the one that Protea Wellness offers. In their case, vitamin D (cholecalciferol) comes from Lichen (a combination of algae or cyanobacteria and fungi living together). 

Risks of overdosing:

The clinical symptoms of Vitamin D toxicity (VDT) are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, apathy, confusion, excessive thirst (polydipsia), excessive urination (polyuria) and dehydration.

Prevent overdosing on vitamin D as it may lead to too much absorption of calcium leading to hypercalcemia. This happens due to excessive long-term intake of the vitamin. Serum levels of Calcitriol higher than 150 ng/ml (375 nmol/ml) is an indication of vitamin D overdose. (Suchowierska et al.)

Always make sure that you buy a vitamin D supplement from a reputed manufacturer to lower the risk of overdose.


The Sunshine Vitamin may play a role to help prevent or reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, CVD, hypertension, and cancer; alleviate depression apart from aiding the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. 

Vitamin D deficiency is when the serum levels of this vitamin are below 20 ng/ml. 

Limited sun exposure, old age, fat malabsorption, dark skin, and obesity are some causes of Vitamin D deficiency (VDD). 

Signs of low vitamin D levels are frequent infections, muscle weakness, tiredness, tooth decay, and backache. It is best to get your serum vitamin D levels checked if you experience these signs more often. 

VDD gives rise to health risks such as Osteoporosis (in adults), rickets (in children). Research correlates vitamin D to the risk of CVD, Type 2 diabetes and other health disorders.

There are some vitamin D rich foods, such as cod liver oil, sun-dried mushrooms, microalgae, and some vitamin D-fortified foods. But these decent sources of vitamin D cannot help you reach normal vitamin D levels if you are deficient in this vitamin.    

Sunlight is THE BEST SOURCE of Vitamin D. It is enough to get all the vitamin D your body needs if bare skin is exposed to sunlight 5-30 minutes. 

If for any reason you are unable to get enough sunlight, resort to Vitamin D supplements, especially the sublingual vitamin D spray. To avoid overdosing, it is best not to take beyond 4000 IU or 100 mcg of vitamin D supplement per day. This is because long term consumption of excess vitamin D leads to toxicity.

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Clean Eating – 5 Steps To Eat Clean

clean eating lifestyle

 Clean Eating

What is Clean Eating? And how can you start eating clean today?. Why is cleaning eating becoming increasingly popular and supposed to be so good for our health and wellbeing?

What Is Clean Eating?

Clean eating basically refers to eating foods that are in their more organic, raw, natural and whole state. Rather than eating adultered, processed, modified foods. Foods that are baked and/or cooked foods with trans fats, additives, refined or artificial sugars. So clean eating is not a faddy diet or weight loss program but a more natural way of eating. That naturally helps you become more healthy and often lose excess wait.

Clean Eating in many ways is the natural way our ancestors consumed their food. This is how we were supposed to eat before foods became genetically modified, sprayed with chemicals and pesticides, or injected with hormones. In-fact then most people would eat their food with minimum adulteration. They would pick fruits and nuts straight from the trees, dig up vegetables from the garden or land. And other than cooking or pickling there were no added artificial sweeteners or highly refined sugars.


Clean Eating Is healthy eating

A more clean diet helps you choose high-quality, high-nutrient, more raw and organic food sources. To support and encourage more optimal wellbeing. The purer, fresher and more raw our food is the more nutrients, energy, fuel it has to repair, restore and heal the body. Clean eating is great for the skin, it is a natural detoxifier. Unhealthy eating means our organs, digestive, and detox system has to work so much harder. With a cleaner diet, the body is in a more natural state of homeostasis.

Worldwide Addiction To Unhealthy Eating

Today people are dying, getting sick because of their unclean and unhealthy diet. Data from the 2009-10 National Health and Nutrition Examination showed evidence that 58% of the american diet was from ultra-processed food.According to the Guardian “UK families buy more ultra-processed food than any others in Europe, amounting to 50.7% of the diet. Germany comes second, on 46.2% and then Ireland on 45.9%. ” Salt, sugar, highly processed carbohydrates, and trans fats are causing so many health issues from obesity to diabetes, heart disease to overstimulation.

clean eating lifestyle

5 Easy Steps To Clean Eating

    1. Buy Fresh Produce – Choose as much fresh produce, loose produce that you can. Most clean food can be bought loosely, has no or very little packaging think about fruit, vegetables, raw nuts, raw seeds, fish, meat
    2. Clean Your Fresh Produce – Clean all fruit and vegetables as soon as you bring them home, before putting them in the fridge or cupboard. Simply 1 part white vinegar to 4 cups of water.
    3. Eat Organic When You Can – Choose organic when you can, you would be surprised how dirty and polluted many fresh foods are with chemicals, hormones, pesticides. Check out the dirty dozen foods that have the most pesticides and toxins, these are the ones you should try and by as organic when possible. If any of your fruit and vegetable were in a box or bag, check out the country they were grown. Some countries use more pesticides than others.
    4. Eat Raw When You Can – Your diet should contain as many raw fresh plant-based foods that you can eat. Except perhaps in the more winter months, when you eat should be eating lots of healthy hot soups, healthy stews, lentil casseroles without additives, grilled fish or meat. Prepare little snack boxes of fruit and vegetable crudites for snacks. Have a healthy juice or smoothie as part of your breakfast.
    5. Don’t Fry Your Food – Reduce your temptation to fry, especially using oils that turn into transfats, try to bake or grill when possible.

Clean eating in many ways is part of a more naturally healthy way of life. It helps you realign with what is important and healthy for you and your family’s wellbeing. With simple gradual changes in your diet and buying habits, you will soon be adopting a clean eating lifestyle.