9 Easy Health Tips For Students

9 Easy Health Tips For Students

Easy health tips for students at college or university. How to bring healthy living into students life.

Health Tips For College Students

living on a budget, students dealing with the anxiety and stress of college and university life. Student life can be exciting, life changing but it also can be demanding and challenging.

Like anything in life the more prepared you are for student life the easier it can be. The more healthier daily choices you make the more physically and mentally resilient you will be to deal with the challenges of student life you will face.

A big part of  how to stay healthy is learning some simple healthy hacks. These simple health tips for students should be slowly implemented into your daily and weekly routine.

9 Easy Health Tips For Students


9 Top Health Tips For Students

Simple health tips for students at college, university or school.


See  Your Student Experience As What It Is

Just one part of your  life’s journey. Often students put so much pressure on themselves to achieve so much, to experience so much that they burn out, they end up exhausted, run down, anxious, stressed and sadly depressed.

Student life like any other experience and area of your life is just one part of your story. See it for what it is and not what others try to put on to you. Of course you want to do well, but often we do much better when we get in this mentally into proportion.


Eat Healthily

Yes I can’t highlight how much eating more healthily can keep you not just more physically strong but mentally strong. Eating the wrong foods can seriously affect your anxiety and stress levels, stimulants such as coffee, sugar, energy drinks will just increase levels of anxiety, will increase nervousness, worry and stress.

Consuming too much junk food, processed food kills off good gut bacteria and causes body inflammation. And we know ho much gut health impacts our mood our happy hormones. Simple health tips for students involve having a  healthy juice or smoothie each morning and/or a healthy soup or salad each day.

Can help make sure your fuelling your body and feeding your brain for increased concentration and focus. If you have a sweet tooth try these tasty healthy alternatives to sugar. If you are a vegan make sure you are getting plenty protein and fats to fuel your brain.


Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough fresh water each day not only helps you flush natural and un-natural toxins. It encourages natural homeostasis within the body. We are made up of mostly water and when we become dehydrated our bodily functions, our mental functions become more stressed. The average woman should drink approx 2.7 litres of water and the average man should drink approx 3.2 litres of water for optimal health.


Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep not only restores your energy levels and helps repair the body. Deep quality sleep helps us not only increases our stress resilience but helps us boost our mood and leave the worries of yesterday behind.

Too many late nights can easily lead to sleep related issues like insomnia. So make good quality sleep a priority.


Learn To Unplug

Yes you need to learn unplug, switch off your phone, tv and computer. Do you know how much stress your addiction to your phone, to Facebook, to your computer is impacting your health. As a student you will naturally spend a lot of time glued to your computer or mobile device studying, researching but you need to learn how important it is to switch off.

Too much time on these devices affects your concentration, high levels of EMF radiation can affect your central nervous system which increases your anxiety and stress resilience.


Be More Assertive

Peer pressure can be a challenge but the more assertive and healthier boundaries you are with others. The more wiser and healthier choices you will make. Healthy boundaries are an important part of life, they are a necessary part of staying mentally and physically healthy. If this is something you struggle get help, counselling or assertiveness training can help.


Get Organised

Being organised for the important things, lecturers, events, exams will not only reduce your anxiety and stress levels but help you perform much better. Disorganisation causes chaos, confusion and doubt. If you are not that organised team up with another student who is. You will often recognise the student who is more organised. They are the students whose folders are in an organised folders, who always have extra pencils, pens and anything else they need.


Good Time Management

Like above having good time management skills is an other important skill. That will help you plan out your study timetables in a healthy and more organised way. Most colleges and universities give out guides with lots of helpful tips if not check out student time management skills online.


Learn How To Manage Your Stress

Learn how to reduce and manage your stress is one of the most important life skills anyone will ever learn. Meditation is one of the most powerful life skills you can learn. When you learn the right type of meditation, from the right type of teacher.

Meditation is a great tool at slowing down the monkey mind that is at the root of anxiety and depression. There are so many different types of meditation but as a meditation teacher and stress expert for over 20 years, the most popular meditation technique I have taught is my less than 5 minute meditation. See below.

5 Minue Meditation Mind Hacks for anxiety and stress


Student Life Doesn’t Need To Be Unhealthy

These easy health tips for students are suitable for most ages but especially for college students and university students. Being a student doesn’t need to be so stressful, with the right approach you can look after your mental, emotional and physical health with more ease.

Health Tips For Vegan Students

Students on a vegan or plant based diet should make sure they are getting enough not just proteins, fats and b vitamins. That they are not relying on processed plant food for convenience.

For more stress reducing health tips for students and vegan students check out the related blogs below.

Superfood Snacks That Boost Energy

5 Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Quality Sleep

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

Multiple Sclerosis – Challenges Teens With M.S. Face




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One thought on “9 Easy Health Tips For Students

  • November 25, 2024 at 12:11 pm

    College life can be demanding, but incorporating healthy habits like proper nutrition, staying hydrated, and managing stress can make a significant difference. Simple steps like good time management, unplugging from devices, and getting enough sleep can help maintain both mental and physical well-being. Prioritizing self-care ensures students are better equipped to handle the challenges of academic life.


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