Natural Remedies For Colds And Flu

natural remedies for colds and flu

Natural Remedies That Help Fight Colds And Flu

Natural remedies for the treatment of colds and flu. We all know flu and colds are symptoms of a low immune system. Both can have very similar symptoms. But while a cold is not viewed as a serious health condition. Flu can if not addressed, develop into further health complications. Especially if the body is not allowed to rest and heal appropriately.

Now, what are the main differences between colds and flu?

Both cold and flu are respiratory tract infections caused by dissimilar viruses. Although cold and flu have some similar symptoms. Generally, flu symptoms are more severe than the common cold. If you have a cold you will normally have a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and sometimes a sore throat. Colds generally come on gradually. Flu is a bit different it comes on more abruptly, symptoms usually include fever, fatigue and weakness, general aches and pains. Sore throats, chills, and chest issues are also very common. Flu can if not treated appropriately lead to a variety of linked health complications, for example, bacterial infections, pneumonia, and sometimes hospitalization.

Natural Flu Remedies for colds and influenza

Recommended Medical Treatments For Cold And Flu

According to doctors within the National Health Service here in the UK, there is no recommended medical treatment for colds. A cold is regarded as a mild viral infection that usually heals itself over a few weeks. But they do advise you to drink enough fluids, make sure you eat healthily, and get plenty of rest. For symptoms, of a blocked nose, decongestant sprays are recommended. For a sore throat, they suggest gargling with salt water and using menthol sweets.

Recommended treatments for flu by the NHS here in the UK are to get plenty of rest, sleep, stay warm, and be hydrated with plenty of fluids. The NHS does recommend the use of paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce any fevers or temperatures. And to make sure you do what you can to not spread it to others. If you are elderly, pregnant, or already have other chronic or serious health challenges, you are told to check with your Dr.


Natural Remedies For Colds

If you prefer a more natural, less toxic, and fewer drugs approach. In the world of tradition and holistic medicine, we treat the body from a holistic perspective. So it is not just about treating the symptom but it is about reducing or eliminating the cause of the illness or disease which today is usually STRESS.

We look at the whole body and use natural remedies to support the whole body back into balance. In herbalism or naturopathy, this often includes helping support the body’s own natural healing and immune system. There are many alternative and natural remedies used to alleviate and help treat the common symptoms of colds and flu.  Such as naturopathy, herbal remedies, essential oils and foods that heal or are packed with nutrients.


Most Common Remedies For Colds And Flu

The most commonly used natural remedy for colds and flu in the West is a hot honey lemon drink. In the East ginger is often used for these types of ailments.

So hot ginger and lemon drink are becoming increasingly popular, and back into fashion.

The Medical Medium suggests Lemon Honey Ginger Water for many things including colds, flu, and sore throat.

  • Garlic is widely used at helping fight many viruses and bacteria. Medical research has demonstrated Garlic (Allium sativum) when crushed has strong antimicrobial properties due to allicin (diallylthiosulfinate). In one clinical study, we see how how the allicin in crushed garlic “Kills Human Lung Pathogenic Bacteria, Including MDR Strains, as a Vapor.”
  • Lemons are packed with vitamin C and their sharpness is said to help cut through heavy catarrh and congestion. Honey even recommended by the NHS is widely known to soothe your throat and coughs.
  • Ginger is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria it helps warm the body up in Ayurvedic Medicine ginger has so many uses that it is regarded as a wide medicine chest by itself. Ginger has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine

Over The Counter Natural Remedies For Colds

Natural remedies are now becoming increasingly available, online in our local stores and even local pharmacies. More and more consumers want to use natural and organic remedies to support their and their family’s well-being.

When you have a cold or flu, a sore throat or cough can prevent you from getting the deep rest your body needs.

Natural throat pastilles without a lot of toxic nasties such as these Eucalyptus Pastilles can help soothe the throat.

An immune-boosting throat spray, such as this Organic Elderberry and Propolis Throat Spray. Or this Organic Honey And Thyme Syrup to help soothe any throat irritation, this is suitable for any adult or child over 12 months. Including garlic in your cooking is also a well-reputed way to b

Over The Counter Natural Remedies For Flu

In holistic and traditional medicine again we treat flu holistically. And like mainstream medicine, we encourage the person to give the body enough time to heal and rest.

If you are someone who struggles to relax and rest, this Listen And Nurture Your Body guided meditation will help.

We also suggest you have plenty of fluids with hot drinks and healthy soups. And the use of a variety of natural remedies including essential oils to prevent, reduce and support the healing of influenza.

In a clinical study, Protective essential oil attenuates influenza virus infection. On Guard  is one of my favourite essential oil blends was shown to have an antiviral effect on a novel H1N1 influenza virus.

You can also use a variety of essential oils that reduce symptoms of flu, reduce muscle aches and pains,  fevers, and chills.

Pure lavender essential oil added to your bath to help will help relax and soothe achy muscles. Lavender oil is also used to help take the temperature down in young children.

Eucalyptus and rosemary are other great essential oils that can be used to reduce symptoms of flu and colds. But eucalyptus is very strong for the bath and skin, so should be used sparingly. Eucalyptus and rosemary are not suitable for children or if you are pregnant. Rosemary should be avoided if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure.


Vitamin C Supplement For Colds And Flu

Supplements For Colds And Flu

Vitamin C  and Zinc are widely recommended to boost the immune system for colds and flu so is Echinacea. If you have been recently been run down a multi-vitamin and mineral is often helpful. In some studies, Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to act as a defense against acute respiratory tract infections. And to improve the immune system in the early stages of influenza. It is interesting that most of us suffer colds and flu in the darker, winter months when we have lower exposure to natural vitamin D.

As you can see there are a variety of natural remedies that can help treat cold and flu, above is certainly not exhaustive. But like all illnesses and dis-ease, we have to address the reasons we get sick in the first place.


The disease is a state of dis-ease, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Are you pushing yourself too hard mentally, emotionally, or physically? Have you been getting enough sleep and rest? How much balance do you have in your life, remember all work and no play doesn’t just lower your mood it can increase anxiety and stress levels.


Ready To Live A More Holistic Life


Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

mental health benefits of meditation

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

Mental health benefits of meditation in our stressful modern world. Learn why the emotional and mental health benefits of meditation are one of the most powerful life skills you can teach a child, teenager, or adult.

Why traditional forms of meditation are becoming increasingly popular in our fast-paced world.

Meditation is all about the art of awareness, conscious awareness, and state of being. In a modern world where we are bombarded with distractions, brainwashed, and conditioned to be in a state of doing.

At a time when we are overwhelmed by information and stimulus, in toxic, plastic, manmade environments. We have become constantly overwhelmed; stressed, anxious, and confused. Disconnected from ourselves, so disconnected from nature, our natural habitat. On a conscious or unconscious level, we crave a much safer space of solitude, freedom, and spiritual connectedness. Something that meditation can give us.

5 Minue Meditation Mind Hacks for anxiety and stress. Mental health benefits of meditation, this simple way to meditate each day

Main Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation has become a popular self-help tool to reduce many modern mental health issues it is used to help


Meditating daily has been demonstrated in clinical research to be a useful aid in the reduction of chronic anxiety and anxiety disorders.


Meditating has been demonstrated in clinical research to be highly beneficial in reducing stress. It is known to move on from the stress response,  the “fight or flight response” to the relaxation response.


Daily meditation is a helpful aid in reducing depression and other mental health issues when taught effectively. It helps reduce ruminative thinking because it helps loosen over-attachment to our monkey mind.


Meditation has been shown in different research to help increase concentration and focus—the ability to perform certain tasks more effectively.


The art of meditation helps us move out of negative sabotaging thinking into a more natural authentic way of being. So we are naturally more confident.


Regular meditation encourages the body into a more natural rested state of being. Regular meditators witness an improved quality of sleep.


Health Benefits Of Meditation

IN THE REDUCTION OF HEART DISEASE: Regular meditation practice can be a helpful aid in reducing heart disease and stroke. And useful for lowering symptoms of high blood pressure.


PAIN MANAGEMENT: Daily meditation encourages the body of the inflammatory response caused by chronic stress into a relaxed response. It is a useful aid in pain management and muscle tension reduction.


Medical Research On Mental Health Benefits of Meditation

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation
Meditation Infographic – Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation


Clinical and medical research on the benefits of meditation has been going on since the 1950s. Although, the study of meditation is a growing subdivision in neurological research. There is a variety of documented research on the physical and mental health benefits of meditation.

Benefits Of T.M Meditation

We know Transcendental Meditation has been one of the most clinically researched styles of meditation. Studies suggested that when T.M. was taught properly it not only reduced anxiety and stress it helped reduce PTSD in veterans.

Now as a meditator of over 30 years, who has studied a wide range of meditation styles including T.M. I have personally found other types of meditation alongside relaxation therapy are safer and suitable for PTSD.

But one thing is clear, meditation is a powerful life skill that I believe should be taught to everyone, taught in schools from a young age.

Meditation has been shown not only to reduce the fight or flight response but it helps to reduce inappropriate emotional reactions, a useful aid in anger management and PTSD.

Meditation in prisons is beneficial when taught and practiced long-term with low intensity. We know that meditating can reduce emotional arousal as seen in a clinical study using Sahaja Yogic Meditators.

Another study on the “Effect of mindfulness meditation training on anxiety, depression and sleep quality in perimenopausal women.”

Proved to be beneficial in reducing mental health issues specifically anxiety, depression, and sleep issues.

What other life skill, helps you experience inner calm, and peace amidst the chaos, sadness, and loss, in our crazy modern life?

What other skill can be as simple and cost-effective to learn? That is why the mental health benefits of meditation practice are becoming increasingly recognized.

Meditation is becoming an increasingly popular life skill and form of therapy in modern medicine. Meditation apps are becoming more popular to help with pain management and as an emotional aid for life-threatening conditions like cancer.

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Healthy – What Does Healthy Mean?

what does healthy mean - the world of health

What does Healthy mean?

Healthy means having good health. Is the opposite of sick, but also can mean “doing

well” in a general sense. Each of us strive to be healthy.


But many of us have illnesses, chronic disease, auto-immune disorders or just

symptoms that appear out of nowhere and don’t know where they came from. So, you

call your Dr. to evaluate what’s going on and he/she prescribes you medication to treat

the “symptom”. Not considering what is causing the symptom in the first place.  And of

course, we all know there are side effects to medications, which in some cases can be

worse than the actual symptom itself. 


The Wheel of Life; Wellness 360

Wellness 360 is a Holistic perspective.  Each of the tabs on the wheel interconnect

between all parts of ourselves. Each person has unique circumstances and needs.

Creating balance by making small changes – when we make changes in one area of our

life, we often notice it changes other areas….interconnected.

healthy what does healthy mean the wheel of life

In considering your Core foods (inner layer) and what areas might be out of balance, you

may find that there are many things affecting your imbalance.  It can be overwhelming

to look at all the areas where you don’t feel that you are achieving exactly what you want

to or realizing that each area has some percentage of “unfulfillment”. 


The Wheel of Life is a way to take a closer look at the whole picture, to really drill

down into what specific things are in or out of balance. 


The Inner Wheel

Represents activities and things that affect you DIRECTLY. The food you take in or the

fresh air you breathe.


 Sunshine

 Air

 Food

 Movement

 Sleep


The Outer Wheel

Consists of indirect things that affect a person’s health and well-being.


 Careers

 Finances

 Mindset

 Spirituality

 Purpose

Let’s take a closer look at the inner layers (CORE) to see how they directly affect us.


healthy what does healthy mean to you the world of health

Wellness 360 Food

Most conversations about taking good care of your body includes the emphasis on the

food you eat. At YOU Wellness, we know that our nutrition is a significant foundational

part of our wellness practice. healthy eating is crucial if we want to feel and look the

best we possibly can.


Talking about the element of Food is important when it comes to wellness for many

reasons. First, of course, is that nutrition is one of the hottest topics when it comes to

being healthy.


What we eat directly impacts how we look, how we feel, and how we do a lot of things.

It’s also one of the most confusing and ever-changing elements. When you use the

Wellness 360-wheel, Food becomes an element that is simpler than you think.

There are several aspects that make up the element of Wellness 360 Food.


These include things like:


The specific types of foods that we put into our mouths.

 The amount and quality of the food.

 How we eat that food, such as in a hurry or at a peaceful, slow pace.

 Noticing whether the food gives us energy or makes us feel tired.

 Checking in to see whether the food feels nourishing.

 Paying attention to whether the food makes us feel good after eating it.


Healthy Eating Is as Unique as You Are

Every person on the planet has specific biochemistry, environment, and lifestyle. When

combined, we are each quite unique. That means that each diet and nutrition plan out

there isn’t good for every person. It’s not a one diet-fits all. The food you eat needs to be

as unique as you are. Each person has specific individual needs. There are many factors

that influence which foods are best for you as an individual.


Wellness 360 Rest

Generally, it’s hard to improve your physical wellness for life when other parts of your

life might be under stress or unhealthy  One of the elements that can support you to gain

perspective on your life and see the connections between all the Wellness 360 elements

is the element of Rest.


The first reason it’s so important is that rest and sleep affect us on so many levels. When

we initially think of rest, we tend to think of sleep. And sleep is one of the biggest health

challenges that people in our culture face today.


Rest as a Wellness 360 element encompasses more than sleep, of course. The overall

American and western attitude toward rest is to try to minimize it as much as possible.

We put value on getting more done, being more productive, and being more efficient.

But we’ve lost our value for rest in our culture. Our quality and quantity of rest has

decreased, causing many problems ranging from minor health issues to major



But when we’re talking about rest, we mean more than just sleep. Rest is a bigger idea

than that. It’s all about valuing our self-care practices. Rest also includes our downtime

and the ways that we intentionally slow down. It’s all about taking time to enjoy a

hobby, relaxing entertainment, or restful activities. Rest is about the things we can do to

release stress, calm our bodies, and power down our minds for a while.


Pay Attention to Your Energy Levels

You might be one of the lucky ones who sleep well and then wake up energized and

ready to start your day. Or you might wake up dragging from the first moment your feet

hit the floor. Notice your energy levels at the beginning of the day, but also pay close

attention to how they change throughout the day.


Do you feel exhausted by lunchtime? Are you loading up on caffeine just to get through

the day? Are you dragging all day long and then laying in bed wide awake at night? Keep

a journal to track your energy levels, then compare it to other activities and the food

you’re eating to discover patterns and correlations.


Check in With the Wellness 360 Wheel

Oftentimes, our quality of rest is directly affected by other aspects of our lives. If you’re

struggling through a bad patch with your partner, it might be really hard to sleep at

night. Lots of elements can be making it hard to go to sleep and to stay asleep. They can

also make us feel less motivated to engage in self-care, right during a time when we

might need it most.


Get Better Rest and Sleep

Taking good care of yourself is essential to achieving wellness. This includes focusing on

resting more, giving yourself better self-care, and ensuring that your sleep each nigh is



Wellness 360 Water

Water is an incredibly important part of your wellness routine and something to

consider when improving your overall health. There are many ways to look at Water and

ways to consider how it impacts our well-being.


Importance of Water for Health

One of the reasons we should talk about water is the fact that over half of the human

body is made of water. It’s an important element in our organs, our blood, and even our

bones. Water’s job in our bodies ranges from insulating our organs to lubricating our

joints, to forming the building blocks of cells.


Water is also an important part of the elimination system, carrying waste and toxins out

of our bodies. Water for health is always important to create a healthier body and a

more balanced wellness practice.


The simplest understanding of water for health is that we take in water through drinking

and eating. When we drink water, we are contributing a crucial element to our body for

its survival. We want to continually replenish the water in our bodies so it can support

our organs, joints and cells.


Without water, we become dehydrated and when that happens, our bodies can’t

function properly. Our cells become sluggish and too dry to perform their functions

optimally. We depend on water to live, way down to the cellular level. The quality of

water we’re drinking also greatly affects us. Dehydration can have a negative impact on

your wellness, so it’s important to balance water for health and well-being.


Here are a few ways you can get started with balancing your water element.


1. Keep track of your water intake.

Write down when you drink water and how much you’re taking in. Pay attention

to when you feel thirsty and make note of it.


2. Pay attention to the other beverages you’re drinking.

If you’re a big coffee drinker, notice what it does to your thirst and bathroom

visits. Caffeine tends to trick the body into eliminating water, which will leave you

dehydrated. Also, keep a close eye on other things you drink, such as sodas, diet sodas, teas,

juices and alcohol. Some of these liquids are hydrating and others are

dehydrating. Some of them will wreak havoc with your water fluid balance. Water

is always the best thing to drink for your health.


Wellness 360 Sun

It’s vitally important to get about 10 minutes of natural midday sunlight every single day

– and it’s crucial in the winter. This is true even if it’s overcast outside. We spend a

whopping 90% of our time indoors – and that’s where everyone else’s germs are

multiplying! Sunlight boosts the immune system by converting cholesterol to vitamin D.

It stimulates the thyroid gland; ensures sound sleep by triggering melatonin production at

night; and boosts the mood. Get outside for a walk and get your vitamin D for the day.

A minimum of 20 minutes per day when the sun is high in the sky is ideal for optimum

vitamin D intake. You’ll also feel more energized once you soak up some sunlight.


Wellness 360 Air

One of the important elements of Wellness 360 is Air. At the most basic level, our body

is alive because of the air we breathe in. It’s literally our life force and the element that

makes it possible for all the cells in our body to thrive.

The air you breathe contains a lot of oxygen, which is an essential element for life. Every

one of your cells needs it in order to carry out their functions and keep you moving.

When you breathe in, air moves into your lungs, then oxygen travels to all the places it

needs to go through the bloodstream.


Understanding the Air Element

The element of Air focuses on the actual air coming into our lungs when we breathe in.

Since air is such a vital part of our life force, it’s important to consider the quality as it

will affect our physical health. Improving our wellness isn’t complete until we’ve

addressed the ways in which we take in air.


Air as Nature and Outdoors

As a Wellness 360 element, Air also represents the air outside and nature. This includes

our environment and how we treat it. That includes how the environment impacts our

air quality, which then affects our health. An environment that is treated poorly and has

become unhealthy will have negative effects on our health. On the flip side, when we

lovingly care for our environments, it can have a hugely positive effect on our mental

and physical health.


When we are exposed to air pollution for any length of time, it can harm our respiratory

system, lungs, and cardiovascular system (our heart). Long exposures to pollution can

lead to serious diseases and health effects that can be devastating.


Air as Indoor Environment

Your indoor environment is also important. The air quality of our homes has a huge

impact on the air we breathe in and our overall physical health. Our homes are our safe

havens, away from the outdoor environments that surround us. The quality of the air we

take in within our homes is an important consideration when balancing wellness and



Air as Breath

While the quality of the air you breathe in is super important, it’s also crucial to consider

how you are doing the physical breathing.


Most people breathe in using just their upper chest, taking in very short and shallow

breaths. For ultimate health, we need to be breathing in deeper ways. Air should move

in your nose, down into your lungs, filling up so fully that your belly rises. It should

then make its way back out, leaving through your nose or mouth fully. Intentional

breathing brings in the most efficient levels of oxygen, bringing vitality and true

oxygenation to every cell in the body.


Learning how to breathe properly impacts our well-being at a deep level. Deep breathing

helps to calm our nervous system, and slower breathing can de-escalate panic and



Wellness 360 Body

Wellness 360 is a holistic philosophy that supports the integration of all areas of our

well-being. But it’s not just one-dimensional. It’s a three-dimensional, layered system

that supports the whole person. Each layer of Wellness 360 can be used to change your

health and life on different levels. Going beyond just our external health, Wellness 360

takes us to the inner layer of ourselves and can help us define and evolve our whole



On the first layer – the physical, external layer, Wellness 360 continues to provide a

holistic framework for balancing our lives in the 12 elements of life we originally created.

On the second layer – the internal, inner layer, Wellness 360 goes to the next level by

integrating both the external and internal. We are not just physical bodies; we have an

internal world that plays a huge role with our health. What’s happening on the inside is

often as important as what is happening on the outside.


And finally, on the third layer – the symbolic, more “energetic” layer or that hidden

layer you can’t see – Wellness 360 provides greater meaning to the areas of our life that

are out of balance and provides a deeper understanding of our individual journeys.

I encourage you to really look at the Wellness 360 wheel and see what areas are out of

balance. Then rate them from 1-10. 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest. If you rate

any areas at 7 or below then those areas are the main and biggest that need to be focused

on and fixed. As they are interconnected with other areas of your life and is not whole.  


Empowering You To Be More Healthy

I am a Master Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, founder of YOU Wellness

and creator of The MS Energy Blueprint. On Facebook, I’m known as The MS Wellness

Coach. I specialize in empowering women with MS to combat fatigue and increase energy

levels naturally so that you can transform from existing to living life with vitality and

abundance.I am also an author of Blue Fingers Brass Knuckles – self-help book for those newly

diagnosed with MS.


If you would like to learn how to improve your overall health and manage your MS

symptoms naturally, click HERE to schedule your FREE strategy session with me!




Choosing The Right Health Coach For You

how to chose the right health coach for you

How To Choose The Right Health Coach For You

How do you choose the right health coach when there are so many health and wellness coaches to choose from? How do you decide on the perfect health coach for you?  The right wellness coach with the right qualification, the right experience and skills for your needs?

As a high consumer of healers, therapists, and coaches over the last 30 years. I have learned a lot about choosing the right health professional for my needs. Too many times in my life I invested in a health or wellness practitioner that just didn’t have the right level of expertise or knowledge for what I needed.

Health Coach - How To Choose The Right Health Coach For You by The World of Health

As a holistic therapist, a coach and a healer myself, I know too well how hard it can be to find the right practitioner or coach. Even more confusing for the consumer or clients who has very little knowledge in this area.

One of the big problems today is health coaching in many ways has become a very loose, overused even distorted term. So many people simply labeling them self health and wellness coaches today but with no training or expertise.

Another big issue in this industry is a dramatic increase over the last ten years in very poor quality courses and training. Especially when the holistic, health and wellness market has become so saturated with fast track training and online training courses often written and provided by people who are not even properly qualified never mind experts in the field.

So here is a list of recommended suggestions and questions that I have found helpful in helping you make the right choice of health coach for you. A few things you can do to reduce the risk of investing a lot of money on the wrong coach or coaching program.

Ready To Live A More Holistic Life

5 Things To Consider When Choosing The Right Health Coach

  1. Decide What You Need With: make a list, be really specific of what you need help with, if you have a specific health challenge that you need extra support, advice or help with, add that to your list.
  2. Be Clear On What You Want To Achieve with your coach. Your vision or dream you would like to achieve, the more specific about what you want and need the easier it is to choose the right wellness coach that is the right fit for you. Through the years I have met so many wellbeing practitioners who assumed and would tell me I was their perfect ideal client. But the reality was for various reasons they were not my ideal coach or ideal therapist for a variety of reasons they couldn’t see but I could. Sometimes you need to go to different practitioners for different things. A good coach will often recommend you to a more suitable practitioner when required.
  3. What Type Of Coach Do You Need? Maybe a life coach who is highly motivated who will always make you highly accountable? Or maybe a more spiritual coach who is more awakened and or intuitive, who will help awaken and empower you? It can often be a good idea to choose a wellbeing coach who has had the same sort of challenges you have. There is something very powerful about being coached by someone who has been there, done it got the T-shirt. They are not only more compassionate an experienced to help you. But they can often help you see your challenges from a different perspective especially if they have moved on or healed from that issue
  4. Choose A Suitably Qualified Coach in the area you need. Check out their level of qualification and expertise. Sadly today there is a huge difference in the quality of content and standardisation in training today. Some training schools give out health and wellbeing certificates in as little as a few days. When the rest of us offer training that normally takes 6 months to a few years.  If you have a serious or an usual health condition you may want to choose someone more experienced, more qualified in a particular area. For example choose a Health Coach who has  a degree in Nutrition or a Health Coach who is a qualified Dr. As an avid learner I have enrolled in many types of training and just because something says it is Diploma level while other states a Certificate rarely represents the level of learning or amount of hours. Some training I have taken a few years at university level while other types of add on training I have done over a few weekends. I have lost count of the number of health practitioners I have come across claiming to be highly experienced in certain areas who struggle to know even the basics. So don’t be afraid about checking out your coaches levels of qualification or training school  The last thing you want to do is go to someone who knows less than you, who has less skills in the area you need support with. That is why we at The World Of Health only share health and wellness blogs written or approved by fully qualified health and wellness coaches and therapists.
  5. Choose A Health Or Wellness Coach that aligns to your values, your ethics. You can learn a lot about a coach by what they say in and about their business. What they write about, what they share on their social media pages. You can learn what is important especially if its’ their client’s interests or just their own success. Check out their testimonials see what their clients are saying. Choosing the right coach for you is easier when you identify their values, their ethics.

Ready To Live A More Holistic Life


You Choose What Type Of Wellbeing Practitioner Is Right For You

The key thing to remember when choosing any type of health and wellness practitioner, life coach, therapist, healer or counsellor. Is that you choose them don’t let them manipulate or cajoal you into choosing them if it doesn’t feel right. They may believe they are the right person for you. But only you will know if they are the right expert for you. Sadly some types of coaches are into high persuasion selling which hits on a client’s weaknesses. It is your health, your time, your investment, so invest in someone you want to work with not someone you feel obliged to work with.

Looking For A Health Or Wellness Coach To Help You Today?

Check out our site we have more and more health and wellness coaches join us each month.

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Chronic Anxiety Triggers That Cause Anxiety Disorders

anxiety triggers chronic anxiety disorders

Chronic Anxiety Triggers That Commonly Cause Anxiety Disorders

Chronic Anxiety Triggers that are common causes of chronic anxiety disorders. Anxiety triggers that you need to address today to stop falling into the chronic anxiety cycle.

Chronic Anxiety is sadly an increasing problem. According to the Association Of Anxiety And Depress in the USA 18.1% of the american population suffer from anxiety disorders but only just over  1/3 of those suffers actually get treatment. According to the NHS 5% of the UK population suffer Generalised Anxiety Disorders ( GAD). 8.2 million cases of anxiety in the UK  in 2013.

Chronic Anxiety is a big problem and something I saw greatly in my one to one clients over the last 20 years. So many who came to me for help with stress were actually suffering from disabling symptoms of chronic anxiety. 

So What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety itself is something everyone experiences in their life it is the worry, the concerns, the fear and tension. Anxiety is generally viewed as a common and normal response to specific life situations. Until it becomes chronic anxiety, an anxiety disorder, a mental health disorder. Anxiety like stress is generally directly connected to our perception of a situation.

Anxiety And Stress Hormones

If you perceive something as frightening or uncomfortable, your body produces a level of stress hormones to match.  A little bit of fear releases enough adrenaline and cortisol to cause low-level symptoms of anxiety. But a situation perceived as extremely frightening will create enough stress hormones to produce the fight, flight or freeze response. That is why teaching anxiety sufferers, stress management, and relaxation techniques is so important and helpful. Relaxation Therapy is highly effective at reducing chronic anxiety problems, a visit to a Relaxation therapist can be very helpful.

But there are other biological factors that can make someone more vulnerable to anxiety and stress. Hyperthyroidism and other thyroid issues can increase anxiety and stress levels. Optimal wellbeing relies on a balance of the body’s hormones. Oxytocin is another horm one that can play havoc with the body in relation to anxiety and stress. Oxytocin although known as the love and bonding hormone is also the hormone that causes you to remember those traumatic experiences. So can play a part in PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders.Magnesium deficiencies can be a contributing factor to some mental health issues

An anxiety disorder is when anxiety overtakes your ability to function healthily and happily in your everyday life. When you suffer an anxiety disorder everyday situations become filled with feelings of fear and threat. You think and react as if you are in physical danger, you become more stressed. Anxiety disorders happen when chronic anxiety has not been addressed when daily anxiety triggers or trauma has not been healed or managed.


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What Triggers Chronic Anxiety Disorders

7 Common Anxiety Triggers That You Need To Address

Worry About Being Late: Do you get anxious about being late for work? Anxiety triggers about being late for that meeting or about getting the kids on time for school? Do you constantly rush about with a sense of urgency and drama? Worrying about being late is an everyday anxiety trigger that many people suffer from. Now for most people, the main cause of being late is poor organisation or time management issues.  But for other people, no matter how early they leave home for work or that appointment they will spend most of the time ruminating over all sorts of possible scenarios in their mind. The what if’s if they are late, what if I get fired, what if I can’t get a new job, what will my partner say, what will… When we are not fully in the present moment, we give our power away to the monkey mind, the ruminating.  If you do tend to run a bit little, leave things till last-minute. It’s time to get more organised, save yourself the stress and anxiety. It simply isn’t worth it.

Fear Of Conflict: A common anxiety trigger for many people especially empaths, highly sensitive people and those with self-esteem issues is fear of conflict. Not addressing relationship issues at home and work can cause not just of anxiety, but increased levels and depression.  Avoiding the problem, hiding your head in the sand can often lead to other problems. Some issues if not dealt with will lead to further causes of anxiety. Working on self-worth, self-esteem and assertiveness skill can encourage healthier communication. But again when learn to be more in the moment, the thoughts that normally trigger our fear, tension or stress start to disappear.

Health Concerns: For many people health concerns about their own health or a loved one is a major cause of serious anxiety. Those with chronic anxiety disorders will often constantly worry about everyone’s’ health and wellbeing. They will often make a fuss or get irrational over the smallest symptom. Parents particularly have to be aware that their children will often pick up on their anxiety. So it is important to address and treat any anxiety issues that you have. A child who lives around a lot fear will become fearful, will become disempowered. If your health concerns are related to a previous experience or trauma. It is important to address the issue. I have found Bach Flower Essences extremely supportive in helping clients with various chronic anxiety issues. Rescue Remedy is a useful all-rounder for many things. It is useful for everyday anxiety and general anxiety disorders.

Social Situations:  Socialising, all sorts of celebrations or events can trigger a great deal of anxiety for a lot of people. So many people associate certain times of the year or specific types of situations with painful or traumatising experiences. The thought of these situations can bring all sorts of anxieties up to the surface. The flower essence Start of Bethlehem which is also in Rescue Remedy. Is an extremely helpful flower essence that can help us let go of old trauma we are holding onto in our cellular body. particularly those traumas that still have a charge, that still causes a fight or flight reaction. Again it is our thoughts, the stories we tell ourselves about the situation that can be the biggest problem. In these situations, no 2 can be the biggest worry for many people. If you are highly Empathic or a HSP you mind find many social situations extremely exhausting, overwhelming, too noisy. So a practical tip is to have a backup plan to go home early or to bring an ally for extra support. But remember anxiety is not triggered by the situation but what you believe about the situation

Public Speaking: Most people hate public speaking, they hate having to do that talk or presentation. So when that job comes up at work, they will not only worry about for weeks. But will often do anything to sabotage or avoid the task in hand, which can lead to more problems. Again, if you are not organised or prepared, you are leaving room for more anxiety and pressure. And once again it’s all about your thoughts about the public speaking, the what if’s is causing your anxiety, not the actual situation.

Money Worries: Although most of us are living a more financially comfortable life than any of our ancestors ever did. A big source of anxiety for a lot of people is money and financial security. Again ruminating over the what if’s or over past situations when you financially struggled.  Will keep you in a state of anxiety. If you have serious financial worries, getting the right advice from a financial advisor can help. They will often give you expert advice, to take more positive actions towards reducing the pressure you are under. 

Consuming Stimulants: What are you consuming daily that is triggering or exacerbating anxiety? Caffeine, sugar,  artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, nicotine are all stimulants that can trigger anxiety. Overuse of stimulants triggers the fight or flight response, which increases the likelihood of cortisol dysfunction.  Daily consumption of stimulants can cause sugar imbalances, inflammation and a variety of other health issues. Reducing your caffeine or stimulant intake can help reduce your anxiety levels, can help curb the anxiety cycle.

The biggest challenge that Chronic Anxiety Sufferers have is STOPPING the chronic anxiety cycle of rumination, fear and trauma. This can be easily achieved when we treat anxiety with a holistic approach. Supporting the client towards a more balanced state of mind, body, and emotions.

Chronic Anxiety can be healed, chronic anxiety disorders are not something you just need to live with. If you suffer from GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder, panic attacks, or any form of chronic anxiety issues. Get professional help. In my role as Stress therapist, Counsellor, and Coach I saw clients who had suffered for decades before seeking help, The longer people leave anxiety issues untreated or addressed the bigger hold it often it has over the life and sometimes can take longer to treat. But it can be treated, it can be eliminated with the right approach

When you understand your anxiety, understand your symptoms. It takes the fear out of the symptoms and helps the client become more aware of the thought patterns, the conditioning, and fears that need to be addressed. With the right stress and anxiety management tools, you become empowered, you stop suffering and start to feel free.

Eileen Burns, owner of Stress Coach Training, she is a highly qualified Stress Management Expert, therapist and Coach who has been studying holistic wellbeing and various forms of therapy for the last 28 years.

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5 Easy Ways to Enjoy Natural Sweetness

natural sweetness swpa sugar nutrition tips the world of health

5 Easy Ways to Enjoy Natural Sweetness by Rochelle Marie Lawson

Sugar is a delicious way to add sweetness into your lives, but it isn’t the best. Sugar can
be addictive while also causing a plethora of other conditions, like added weight, diabetes,
increased inflammation in the body, and ageing.

Have you ever opened a bag of your favorite candy, meaning to have just one little
piece and ending up eating half? Or worse, the whole bag? That alone should tell you
how addicting it is to consume sugar. This addictive property of sugar then leads you to
eating more of these sweet treats than you should. This excess sugar has more calories
than other types of food that you consume, and the more of these sugary treats you eat,
the more calories you consume, thus leading to added weight.

Sugar is known to cause inflammation in the body. Studies show that there is a link
between elevated inflammation and added sugar and carbohydrates. The excess sugar
consumed by subjects in certain studies caused an increase in inflammatory markers.
Moreover, the sugar you consume reacts with protein, creating what doctors and
scientists like to call AGEs or advanced glycation end products. This substance is what
causes wrinkles because of hardened cell structures. Yikes!

If you have a liking for sugar, say, a sweet tooth, or if you are flat out addicted to the
stuff, you will want to take a closer look at your sugar-eating habits.

Not all sugars are created equal. The sugar that you find in fruit and vegetables are
naturally-occurring, and usually accompanied by fiber, which slows the digestion of
sugar. Other foods like milk also contain sugar. The good news is, natural sugar has not
been linked to inflammation. Keep an eye out for sweeteners and sugars found in
processed food, or “added sugars,” and make yourself aware of sugar that comes
disguised as high fructose corn syrup, juice concentrates, and the like.

The thing is, you CAN conquer the need to fill your body with sugar and still enjoy
sweetness without risking the conditions I mentioned earlier. You can enjoy sweetness
without having to worry about the peaks and crashes that we all dread. It’s all about the
way sugar is delivered.

healthy sugar substitutes

Read on for 5 easy ways to enjoy natural sweetness:

Instead of using added sugar, stir an overripe banana or some chopped dates into your
favorite recipes like batters and doughs for bread, muffins, cookies, and even pancakes!
The acidic flavor of tomato sauces can be balanced by adding sweet veggies like grated
carrots, beets, butternut squash, or sweet potatoes. Carrots, beets, and apples are
great for adding sweetness to smoothies and baked goods as well.
Coconuts are a fantastic sweetener because of their natural sweetness! You can use
shredded and flaked coconut (unsweetened) as a lovely topping to your desserts, and

even use coconut milk in your oatmeal and granola. This natural sweetness will
definitely help keep the cravings at bay.

Some fruit grow sweeter as they ripen. In moderation, you can enjoy fruits such as
peaches, avocados, apricots, bananas, cantaloupes, apples, mangoes, nectarines,
papayas, plums, and even pears without worrying about sugar highs and sugar crashes.
There are so many things you can do with fruit! You can bake them into your favorite
pastries, enjoy them as a topping in many different dishes, or even enjoy them on their

Greek yogurt and plain yogurt without any fruits are a better option than, say, low-fat
yogurts. Low-fat yogurt relies on more sugar to taste good. Instead of having yogurt that
has been filled with artificially sweetened fruit products, choose something plain and
your own choice of fruit instead. Now that you’ve got a list of yummy, sweet fruit (see
above), your options are anything but limited to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Looking for sweetness in your savory dishes? Caramelized onions are a sweet and
yummy treat to add into dishes like burgers and salads, spring rolls, or even on top of
rice! You can draw out the natural sugar in onions by cooking them over low, slow heat.
Living in today’s society that is geared towards convenience and quick eating, sugar is
everywhere and the temptation to consume it can be strong. Easy access to processed
and fast food can make it difficult to avoid sugar. But knowing what sugar does to you is
a great place to start in your journey to breaking free of these sugar shackles. You don’t
need to be bound to your cravings and to these bad habits now that you know how to
naturally cut down on sugar.

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.

Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS, The Queen of Feeling Fabulous


rochelle marie lawson nutrition the world of healthRochel Marie Lawson is a Registered Nurse, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Holistic Health and Wellness Consultant, International Best Selling Author, Speaker and Radio Show Hostess. She is the President of Blissful Living 4 U, which was founded to improve wellness, wisdom and wealth by utilizing ancient holistic principles that only lead to success. 

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Up-Level Your Mind For A Healthy Body

7 to looks to uplevel your mind for a healthier body

Up-Leveling Your Mind For A Healthy Body with Laura Di-Franco

How to achieve a more healthy body with 7 tools that can up-level your mind. I was trained to help the body reach a state of peak performance as a physical therapist. But there was something missing from that traditional education. Something big. And it had nothing to do with what I did physically.

After memorizing muscles and mastering the complex web of tissues that make up this amazing vessel we walk around in I quickly realized my teachers had forgotten about the mind. They neglected to teach us about how our thinking impacts our physiology. Thus began my quest to become a holistic physical therapist who would teach the importance of the mind, body and soul in the quest for healing and peak performance.

“Discipline the mind, the body will follow.” Master John Holloway

My martial arts instructor had the secret in that quote that’s one of the most powerful tools we can use for a healthy, strong, peak performing body. Get your mindset right and you can expect to feel and be healthier. Master it and you can expect to enjoy benefits that far outweigh just looking and feeling good physically.

We’re beginning to understand and embrace the mind-body as an intimately integrated unit. The work of Esther Hicks and Joe Dispenza is more mainstream now. Thoughts create. And positive thoughts raise your energy vibration to a state that helps you transform your physical body. It’s just that we aren’t yet making this part of our basic health education.

Until then it’s up to us to practice and teach our families, friends, clients, and colleagues how to think better, so they can enjoy the powerful effects of that important skill and discover the missing link they’ve been looking for.

mind for a healthier body

Here are 7 tools you can use to up-level your mind, thoughts, and beliefs, to improve your physical health:

Journal Every Day
“You can’t clean the house if you don’t first see the dirt.” Louise Hay. Writing is an awareness tool and any transformational practice must start by practicing the tools that will enhance awareness so that you have a choice to think differently. Start by writing a little every day about how you feel, what you’re thinking, how the day went, what you ate, your exercise routine, etc. When you write it down it serves as a record to track your progress, but it also serves as a way to move what’s on the inside in the form of thoughts to the outside on the paper. And that process will help you shift the energy.

Envision Health And Fitness
Practice visualizing the state of your body-mind that you crave. Can you see and feel yourself
moving and living in the body you desire? What is she doing? Who is she hanging out with? What is she eating? What exercise is she practicing? The more detailed you are with your vision of the you, you desire, the better. Try doing this for five minutes every day.

Meditate Every Day

Sometimes it’s hard to visualize that perfect body when you’re reality is far from it. Raising your energy vibration might require you get still and just breathe, with no agenda. If you’ve built a lifetime’s worth of negative thoughts about your body you may have to use meditation to take the first step toward clearing your mind and moving into neutral territory. Mindful meditation, where you clear your mind and connect with your body sensations, especially the breath, is the first step. Try to meditate for a few minutes every day.

Create A Positive Morning Routine

In your first waking hours, you have a great opportunity to set the rest of your day up for body-mind success. Creating a positive morning routine will boost your mood and raise your vibration. Start in bed, when you’re first noticing you’re waking up. Your eyes will still be closed. Practice reciting a positive affirmation, for example, “I can’t wait to see what this day brings!” After you get up you might choose several things as part of your positive morning routine, such as exercise, journaling, goal setting, meditation or visualization. Set your mind right and that will infuse into the rest of the day.

Practice Body Awareness

A state of mindful and embodied presence is a practice that will serve you well for the rest of your life. It’s a form of meditation but practiced in each moment of the day whenever we wish. You don’t have to sit on a pillow with your legs crossed, watch a candle flame, or chant to practice this. It’s more about the way you show up in your moments in a full-feeling state, observing what you sense and what you think. And then not attaching to those sensations, feelings or emotions, but just noticing them. With awareness you then have a choice to pick thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that serve your biggest goals or deepest desires.

Learn About Your intuition

A strong connection to your intuition will give you the clarity you want to make every decision you need to make in every area of your life. When you’re connected to your intuition you’ll receive messages about the next best step, whether it relates to your body, your relationships, your work or your purpose. Connecting to it requires learning the language of your body, the sensations, feelings and emotions, and understanding the difference between inner critic thoughts and intuitional messages. We all have intuition. It’s just a matter of learning, or re-learning how to connect with and use it.

Choose Better Thoughts

With all this awareness it’s time to take responsibility for everything in your life, including the thoughts you think about yourself and the world, the beliefs you hold and are living by, and the behaviors that are a result of those thoughts and beliefs. With awareness you choose what to think about your health, your body, your fitness level, and the next best step to take toward those things. With awareness and the ability to choose positive, high-vibe thoughts, you’ll be creating an energetic environment for whatever you desire to manifest. Consciously choosing things like health, wellness, love, joy, gratitude, empowerment, strength and hope is a practice worth mastering.

Remember, it is what you think it is. So think something good today!

Laura Di Franco Up-level Your Mind for a Healthier Body

Laura Di Franco, MPT won’t let you settle for a mediocre life. Your health, wealth and happiness is one Brave healing book, poem, workshop, strategy session or moment away. With almost three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, six published books and a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Laura’s energy and method are contagious and unlike anything you’re experienced. Check out her newest book, BraveHealing, a Guide for Your Journey, her PODCAST, her badass programs and free
Facebook group for healers.


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