40 Inspiring Health Quotes

Inspiring Health Quotes For Health and Wellness Leaders

40 Inspiring Health Quotes

40 motivational healthy quotes from inspiring health and wellness leaders. Powerful words to help inspire you towards better health and wellbeing in your daily life.


Happiness and Health Quotes

Health and happiness quotes


“Happiness is the highest form of health.” – Dalai Lama

“Health is the greatest of human blessings.” – Hippocrates

Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos – the trees, the clouds, everything. Thich Nhat Hanh

“Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.” – William Shakespeare

“Healthy is an outfit that looks different on everybody.” – Unknown



Healthy Habits, Healthy Mind Quotes

Health quotes that encourage a healthier mind and healthier habits.


“The mind and body are not separate. What affects one, affects the other.” – Unknown

“It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.” – Steve Maraboli

“Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.” – Lisa Olivera

“In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired” – Unknown

“Create healthy habits, not restrictions.” – Unknown

40 Inspirational Health Quotes That Inspire Us Towards Health and Wellness

Food Health Quotes

Food quotes that support healthier eating

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. “- Hippocrates

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” – Unknown

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” – Ayurvedic proverb

“Eat to live, not live to eat.” –  Unknown

“If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t. ” –Michael Pollan

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. ” – Thomas Edison

“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” – Bethenny Frankel

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” – Heather Morgan

“You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet.” – Mark Hyman


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Wealth Is Health Quotes

Health quotes related to wealth, success and inner richness.


“The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.” – Joyce Meyer

“To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth.” – Richard Baker

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” – Winston S. Churchill

“Time And health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” – Denis Waitley

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” – A.J. Reb Materi

“Being healthy is a success that many people forget to celebrate.” – Unknown


Energy And Vitality Health Quotes

Health quotes and words that inspire more vitality, energy and passion.


“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book”- Irish proverb

“Laughing decreases blood pressure and increases blood flow.” – Unknown

“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body, the better you feel, and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” – Tony Robbins

“The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind.” – Richard Davidson

The elimination diet: Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry. Then watch your health, and life, improve.” – Charles F. Glassman

Sufficient sleep, exercise, healthy food, friendship, and peace of mind are necessities, not luxuries.” – Mark Halperin




Healthy Spiritual Quotes

Mind body and spirit quotes to inspire a healthy spirit and healthy soul.


“What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.” – Carolyn Myss

“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”- Tony Robbins

“A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker than a germ.” – John Steinbeck

Health is a relationship between you and your body.” – Terri Guillemets

“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.” – Bella Bleue

“It’s not coincidence that four of the six letter in health are heal.” – Ed Northstrum


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9 Easy Health Tips For Students

9 Easy Health Tips For Students At College Or University

9 Easy Health Tips For Students

Easy health tips for students at college or university. How to bring healthy living into students life.

Health Tips For College Students

living on a budget, students dealing with the anxiety and stress of college and university life. Student life can be exciting, life changing but it also can be demanding and challenging.

Like anything in life the more prepared you are for student life the easier it can be. The more healthier daily choices you make the more physically and mentally resilient you will be to deal with the challenges of student life you will face.

A big part of  how to stay healthy is learning some simple healthy hacks. These simple health tips for students should be slowly implemented into your daily and weekly routine.

9 Easy Health Tips For Students


9 Top Health Tips For Students

Simple health tips for students at college, university or school.


See  Your Student Experience As What It Is

Just one part of your  life’s journey. Often students put so much pressure on themselves to achieve so much, to experience so much that they burn out, they end up exhausted, run down, anxious, stressed and sadly depressed.

Student life like any other experience and area of your life is just one part of your story. See it for what it is and not what others try to put on to you. Of course you want to do well, but often we do much better when we get in this mentally into proportion.


Eat Healthily

Yes I can’t highlight how much eating more healthily can keep you not just more physically strong but mentally strong. Eating the wrong foods can seriously affect your anxiety and stress levels, stimulants such as coffee, sugar, energy drinks will just increase levels of anxiety, will increase nervousness, worry and stress.

Consuming too much junk food, processed food kills off good gut bacteria and causes body inflammation. And we know ho much gut health impacts our mood our happy hormones. Simple health tips for students involve having a  healthy juice or smoothie each morning and/or a healthy soup or salad each day.

Can help make sure your fuelling your body and feeding your brain for increased concentration and focus. If you have a sweet tooth try these tasty healthy alternatives to sugar. If you are a vegan make sure you are getting plenty protein and fats to fuel your brain.


Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough fresh water each day not only helps you flush natural and un-natural toxins. It encourages natural homeostasis within the body. We are made up of mostly water and when we become dehydrated our bodily functions, our mental functions become more stressed. The average woman should drink approx 2.7 litres of water and the average man should drink approx 3.2 litres of water for optimal health.


Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep not only restores your energy levels and helps repair the body. Deep quality sleep helps us not only increases our stress resilience but helps us boost our mood and leave the worries of yesterday behind.

Too many late nights can easily lead to sleep related issues like insomnia. So make good quality sleep a priority.


Learn To Unplug

Yes you need to learn unplug, switch off your phone, tv and computer. Do you know how much stress your addiction to your phone, to Facebook, to your computer is impacting your health. As a student you will naturally spend a lot of time glued to your computer or mobile device studying, researching but you need to learn how important it is to switch off.

Too much time on these devices affects your concentration, high levels of EMF radiation can affect your central nervous system which increases your anxiety and stress resilience.


Be More Assertive

Peer pressure can be a challenge but the more assertive and healthier boundaries you are with others. The more wiser and healthier choices you will make. Healthy boundaries are an important part of life, they are a necessary part of staying mentally and physically healthy. If this is something you struggle get help, counselling or assertiveness training can help.


Get Organised

Being organised for the important things, lecturers, events, exams will not only reduce your anxiety and stress levels but help you perform much better. Disorganisation causes chaos, confusion and doubt. If you are not that organised team up with another student who is. You will often recognise the student who is more organised. They are the students whose folders are in an organised folders, who always have extra pencils, pens and anything else they need.


Good Time Management

Like above having good time management skills is an other important skill. That will help you plan out your study timetables in a healthy and more organised way. Most colleges and universities give out guides with lots of helpful tips if not check out student time management skills online.


Learn How To Manage Your Stress

Learn how to reduce and manage your stress is one of the most important life skills anyone will ever learn. Meditation is one of the most powerful life skills you can learn. When you learn the right type of meditation, from the right type of teacher.

Meditation is a great tool at slowing down the monkey mind that is at the root of anxiety and depression. There are so many different types of meditation but as a meditation teacher and stress expert for over 20 years, the most popular meditation technique I have taught is my less than 5 minute meditation. See below.

5 Minue Meditation Mind Hacks for anxiety and stress


Student Life Doesn’t Need To Be Unhealthy

These easy health tips for students are suitable for most ages but especially for college students and university students. Being a student doesn’t need to be so stressful, with the right approach you can look after your mental, emotional and physical health with more ease.

Health Tips For Vegan Students

Students on a vegan or plant based diet should make sure they are getting enough not just proteins, fats and b vitamins. That they are not relying on processed plant food for convenience.

For more stress reducing health tips for students and vegan students check out the related blogs below.

Superfood Snacks That Boost Energy

5 Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Quality Sleep

Mental Health Benefits Of Meditation

Multiple Sclerosis – Challenges Teens With M.S. Face




The 9 Essential Amino Acids Vegans Need In Their Diet

9 Essential Amino Acids For Vegans and Plant-Based Eaters

The 9 Essential Amino Acids Vegans Need In Their Diet


Why Vegans Need To Eat A Combination Of Essential Acids

Eating the full spectrum of essential amino acids is a vital part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Foods that combine all essential amino acids are beef, buckwheat, chicken, dairy, eggs, fish, quinoa, soya. Because most plant based foods don’t have all these essential amino acids. Vegans particularly need to make sure they are including all the essential amino acids in each meal.



Histidine is one of the essential amino acids that helps manufacture the brain chemical histamine in the body. Vital to maintain a healthy digestive system, immune system, and sleep.

Histidine is found in cantaloupe melon, legumes, potatoes, rice and wheat.



Isoleucine as an essential amino acid produces hemoglobin in the body and controls muscle metabolism, and energy levels in the body.

Isoleucine can be found in beans, brown rice, cabbage, oats, quinoa, rye and soya,



Leucine is another branched amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis and supports better recovery after exercise. It is also has been researched as being helpful in balancing glucose levels and reducing obesity.

Leucine is rich in peas, pumpkins, seaweed, sesame seeds and whole grain rice.



Lysine is one of the main essential amino acids that help with Hormone production, energy, and immune function. Lysine assists the body in absorbing calcium and decreases the amount of calcium lost in urine.

Lysine can be found in beans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, seitan and soya,



Methionine essential amino acid assists the body with detoxification, growth of muscle tissue, and metabolism. Methionine is an antioxidant that is said to protect the body from the damage of ionizing radiation and help prevent fat deposits in your liver.

Methionine is found in Chia seeds, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds.



Your body can convert phenylalanine into the amino acid tyrosine, which helps produce happy and healthy neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine).  L-There are 2 forms phenylalanine and D-phenylalanine, the body cannot produce enough L-phenylalanine on its own so requires it from food.

Phenylalanine is found in almonds, avocado, beans, seaweed, spirulina and rice.



Threonine is one of the vital essential amino acids, it is involved in fat metabolism, protein synthesis, and good intestinal health. Threonine has an important role in collagen and elastin. It also supports sleep and helps form blood clots to stop bleeding.

Threonine is rich in chia seeds and hemp seeds, leafy greens, spirulina and watercress.



Tryptophan is a necessary essential amino acid that is used to produce serotonin, melatonin and niacin ( vitamin b3). As well as being an important requirement to help produce enzymes, proteins and muscle tissue.

Tryptophan is found in oats, soya, spinach, sweet potatoes,



Valine enhances energy and endurance, helps lower elevated blood sugar levels, and increases growth hormone production. An important amino acid for muscle growth and tissue regeneration.

Valine is found in broccoli, hemp seeds, legumes, sesame seeds and spinach.

9 Essential Amino Acids For Vegans to make a full complete protein


Importance Of Combining Essential Amino Acids

Our mind, body, emotions and the ability for our body to rest,sleep and repair depends on the right combination of essential amino acids. So many vegans eat very unhealthily because they don’t eat the right foods or don’t ensure they are getting the right combination of amino acids at each meal.


Complete Protein Combinations

Easy Essential Amino Acid Combinations that make up a full protein meal or snack.

  • Rice and beans make up a full protein
  • Beans on wholewheat toast
  • Peanut butter on wholewheat toast
  • Dahl  ( lentils and rice)
  • Chickpea Salad with Sprouts
  • Kidney Bean Pasta Salad
  • Pea Pasta Salad
  • Pea Rice Salad
  • Pita Bread and Humous



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Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Chronic Health Conditions – How To Find The Right Help

Chronic Health Conditions – 5 Tips On How To Find The Right Help

Top tips on how to find the right help when you are suffering from complex or chronic health conditions.

Exploring some of the biggest challenges of getting the right help or well-being support when you have a chronic illness, chronic disabilities, or a complex medical history.


The Biggest Challenges Those With Chronic Health Conditions Face

One of the biggest problems many people with chronic health conditions face is the length of time it takes them to get the right diagnosis or the right help.

Toomany waste a lot of time, energy and money or all of their life savings on the wrong type of help, wrong therapists, doctors or wellbeing professionals.


Navigating The Holistic Wellbeing Arena With Chronic Health Conditions

Now more than ever, the healthcare and holistic wellbeing systems can be a minefield to navigate.

I know as someone now in my mid-50s, who dealt with a complex health history and a wide range of rare and chronic health challenges including medical harm from a young age.

I spent over 30 years investing in so many health professionals, therapists, courses, and training that was not the ideal fit. Often too many overzealous or naive therapists and health professionals who lacked insight, awareness and objectivity.

The last thing anyone needs with a long-term health condition is to waste more time, energy, and emotions on someone or something that is not going to give them the results they deserve. Or make their health challenges even worse something that I experienced on too many occasions.


Chronic Health Conditions - 5 Tips To Finding The Right Help

5 Things To Consider When Trying To Finding The Right Help With Chronic Health Conditions


No 1 – Identify What Kind Of Support You Want:

It is so important to get clear what kind of support and help you really want or feel you need. If you are not specific enough, vague, or desperate for help or solutions, you are more likely to attract products and services that are not an exact match for your specific needs.

Think about your biggest challenges or those tricky aspects of your well-being you struggle to shift. Particularly the main core issues that if solved or reduced will improve the quality of your life and rest of your health.

Identifying those things that may be the root of the problem or the things that can are more likely to create the biggest shifts as a priority.

One of my best investments was getting tests and nutritional support around gut health, intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, and inflammation this helped address some very serious issues with my health when my health was dramatically declining.

I chose to go with a naturopath and nutritionist who were highly experienced and qualified in the areas I had problems in, they both had many years of experience working with complex issues.


No 2 – Identify What Level Of Support You Need And Can Afford:

Think of what level of support you need and can afford to treat or manage your chronic health conditions. No matter if that is practical support or health and wellbeing education or support.

For example today, we have so many online coaching, and therapy programs designed to help the masses. However, the reality is group programs are not always ideal for those with complex or chronic health challenges. Group programs are not tailored to individual needs and for some clients can lead to further challenges.

Sometimes you can have so much going on and so many conflicting medical and therapeutic opinions or challenges you don’t know where to start.

Unless you invest in a course with an expert of your specific problem and have a tried and tested program that demonstrates a high success rate with hundreds of very similar clients.  It can be difficult to be assured that this will also help you, if you have already tried many things.

Sometimes it can be better to invest in more one-to-one support with an expert even for just a few sessions initially. But the problem is most people with chronic health conditions often spend so much time and energy on the wrong things, and wrong people that they can struggle to find the money for the right things.

It is one of the reasons why I always think therapists and wellbeing practitioners should always be really honest and realistic with their clients. Not focus on just wishful thinking or treat their clients like some sort of guinea pig or social experiment.


No 3 – Are You Asking The Right Questions

It’s vital for anyone with a chronic health condition to be able to ask the right questions to anyone they are getting medical, health, or wellbeing advice or support from.

Depending on what type of support or help you are seeking one of the questions that is usually important is to check that the health professional does have the right experience and qualifications.

And if they have enough up to date knowledge or awareness about your condition or other challenges such as any learning, disabilities or sensory processing issues you may have.

And please never assume if someone has a certificate it equates to a high level of training or expertise.

Never be shy about asking direct questions to the practitioner about their expertise, depth of training, where and when they studied, how many clients they have helped with similar challenges, and how many of these clients improved. When it comes to your health and well-being, these are important questions to know.


No 4 – When Will I Start Seeing Serious Health Improvements

Another thing many people suffering from chronic health conditions fail to do is ask how long they will need to wait or invest before seeing specific results.

I spent years in my twenties going to therapists and one homeopathic doctor who encouraged me to keep coming to them for years. Even though I was having constant relapses or chronic healing crises that didn’t seem to heal anything because of methylation problems.

This was so unhealthy as this sort of example can create co-dependency issues or the client just becomes a business’s cash cow.

On the other hand, I went to other practitioners expecting results to take months and had instant relief or problems permanently solved in one session.

This made me question a lot about how many types of modalities and therapies are taught and sold. And how important it was to value a lot of investments as a whole package on how quickly, deeply, and permanently the results were than the cost of each session.


No 5 – Look For Testimonials From Other Chronic Health Suffers

Testimonials and reviews especially those visible on social media are a great way to ensure testimonials are actually from real live people. And have not been falsified or adapted in any way.

Sometimes therapists have previous clients who are willing to talk to you about their experiences. Of course, for many reasons, this may not always be appropriate.



Chronic Health Conditions And Self-Responsibility For Your Health

The most important thing that anyone with a chronic health condition can do is take as much self-responsibility for their healing, health, and well-being as they can. Do what you can to improve your health, make better daily lifestyle choices;  that will help improve your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.


Chronic Health Conditions And Stress

Manage your anxiety and stress, and create healthy boundaries. Being able to say NO to what is not right for you is a vital aspect of any well-being approach.

Reducing my anxiety and stress, having a clean healthy diet, and reducing as much toxins from my environment as I could help me greatly. Especially being someone who had all sorts of gut issues, intolerances since infancy and severe toxicity exposure.


Chronic Health Conditions And Listening To Your Own Body

Learn how to listen to your own body and not be bullied by medical and well-being practitioners who gaslight or bully you into taking medical approaches that were more likely to cause more harm than good.


Why I Choose Therapists Who Understand Chronic Health Challenges

I often choose therapists, healers, and other well-being professionals who have had some sort of similar challenge. Those who understand, who have walked the path and walk the talk. Not just read something in a book or magazine, or have

For me, I prefer experienced holistic practitioners who are not too stuck, or fixed on one perspective or one-size approach. Health professionals who have enough empathy and compassion to do what is right for their clients than their ego.


Support To Help Reduce Your Anxiety And Stress

If you are struggling to manage the anxiety and stress of living with your chronic health conditions and would love access to some powerful anxiety and stress-reducing tools that help reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and support general well-being.

Check out my Stress Management Program For Sufferers of Chronic Health Conditions.  As someone who has suffered from fibro, M.E suspected Late Stage Lyme, and a whole list of rare and complex symptoms. I can’t recommend highly enough how much managing your anxiety and stress helps improve your health.


Stress Resilience Course For Chronic Health Conditions


5 Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Sleep

Bedtime Sleeping Tips To Beat insomnia

Healthy Bedtime Tips For Better Sleep.

Healthy bedtime steps to start achieving better quality sleep, improve your bedtime hygiene. Exploring common sleeping problems that lead to chronic insomnia and other sleep issues.


Importance Of  Quality Sleep

Healthy sleep is a vital part of a good healthy lifestyle, a health and wellness program. Poor sleep leads to all sorts of mental, emotional and physiological issues especially our coping abilities, our mental and emotional resilience to stress. It is a vital part of the repair and functioning of our organs, our whole body.


Importance Of Healthy Bedtime Routine

A healthy bedtime helps us get the proper rest, relaxation and repair in the mind, body and emotions to help reset and refuel us for the next day. An unhealthy bedtime routine can lead to not just unhealthy sleep patterns but all sorts of chronic health challenges. And is the main reason good sleep management and sleep therapy is a foundational part of health, wellness and stress management programs.


5 Healthy Bedtime Tips To Beat Insomnia

Simple bedtime tips to help beat insomnia and other sleep issues that are stopping you achieve a deep healthy full night’s sleep.


Go To Bed Same Time Each Evening

Try to go to bed and sleep before 10 pm as studies show sleep before midnight actually help us get the best rest and repair, working with our natural circadian rythm and sleep cycle. A regular bed time routine helps reduce stress by giving us a more regulated structure to our days and week. It helps to support us to get up at the same time each day with more ease.


Eliminate Or Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

This is not just about eliminating caffeine but it is about reducing all types of stimulants from your diet especially later in the day. The later you consume stimulants the more likely you are to have poor quality sleep or struggle to drift off. Stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, energy drinks, sugar leave us high-wired. These side-effects are more noticeable during stressful time or with other health challenges.

That is why you should consider herbal teas for night time tailored to support a soothing night sleep.


Unplug, Switch OFF Technology

Unplugging from life and technology is such an important aspect of a healthy life and healthy bedtime routine. An unhealthy dependency and addiction to mobile devices and technology for communication and entertainment.

Has created all sorts of social and health issues, especially and unhealthy over load of information and emf stimulation, which plays havoc with our mind and body. In fact research suggests “EMF exposure affects the pineal gland, resulting in a suppression of melatonin production”. Melatonin is a vital hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.


Learn How To Relax Deeply

The ability to relax is so under valued when it is an important aspects of  managing stress and achieving deep quality rest and sleep. Babies naturally know how to relax and rest, they have a natural state of being.

In the modern world we can easily lose that ability when we get over distracted and over stimulated by the world around us. Relaxation Techniques are great at helping induce deep relaxation, deep sleep, check out this soothing relaxation technique and guided meditations from Sleep and Stress Expert at Stress Coach Training.


Calming Candle For Bedtime NYR Organics Candle

Clean And Tidy Bed And Bedroom

A clean bed and clean bedroom is an important aspect of good sleep hygiene.It helps us psychologically and physiologically feel more calm, relaxed, safe and secure.

Anything that supports our mental and emotional wellbeing helps regulate our nervous system, helps is feel more psychologically supported by our environment, which is an important part of achieving good quality sleep.


Good Quality Sleep Helps Heal And Repair The Mind And Body

It is important to remember good quality sleep is a vital part of healing and repairing or mind, body and emotions. A healthier bedtime routine will help you do that. To remember these top tips and to start feeling more relaxed throughout your day download our free health and wellness bundle before.

If you would like more help with chronic insomnia check out Stress Coach Training’s – Deeply Soothing Guided Meditations For Sleep this also includes a bonus muscle relaxation technique and more, to learn more CLICK HERE



Sleeping Tips To Treat Insomnia, Sleep Problems Ntaurally





⬇️Download Our 5 Healthy Bedtime Tips + Free Meditation and more today ⬇️

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7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

nut protein high in amino acids that are a good source of protein for vegans

7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

Some of the best nut sources of protein, amino acids, minerals and nutrients for vegans, vegetarians and clean eaters. Why protein plays such an important part in making and repairing cells in the body.

What is Protein?

Protein is one of the body’s biggest building blocks of the body, every cell in the body contains protein. Protein is a chain of amino acids. We need protein to grow and repair the body, it is especially important for children, teenagers, and during pregnancy.

What Are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are molecules used to make proteins.

20 different amino acids are needed for us to function healthily.

9 amino acids known as essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by the body so must come from the food we eat.


The 9 Amino Acids That Are Essential are tryptophan

Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.


Nut Sources Of Protein

The total protein content in nuts is very high which is why nut sources of protein are one of the most common sources of proteins for many vegans, vegetarians, and those on a clean plant-based diet.


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7 Best Nut Sources Of Protein

Some of the best nut sources of protein and amino acids easy to source


Almonds are reputed to be the best nut source of protein, and high levels of vitamin e, calcium and phosphorus. Almonds contain over 130 antioxidants, help lower HDL levels, low-density lipoprotein and are said to help reduce sugar spikes so a great snack for diabetes sufferers as well as supporting a healthy gut.

Almond provides only 7 of the 9 essential amino acids paired with buckwheat, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, or carrots to get all 9 amino acids.

21 grams of protein in 100 grams of Almonds.



Pistachios are another good source of protein. Pistachios are said to have a high level of amino acids, the highest percentage of branched-chain amino acids compared to many other types of nuts. They are full of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, fibre especially beta carotene, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine), and Vitamin B6. Pistachios have the greatest phytosterol content among other nuts.

A serving of pistachios is said to have the equivalent of protein that one egg has. Accompany with buckwheat, quinoa or rye to ensure you are getting a complete combination of amino acids in one meal.

Did you know pistachios are one of the oldest nut trees in the world?

20 grams of protein in 100 grams of Pistachios.



Cashews are a good quality nut source of protein, copper, and magnesium. As well as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc. Cashews are also a high source of unsaturated fats.

Did you know over 80% of the world’s cashews are eaten by Americans?

To make sure you are getting a full spectrum of all amino acids in one meal combine cashews with non-GMO soya beans, buckwheat, quinoa, and pita bread.

Nut Sources Of Protein Infographic


Hazelnuts are a healthy source of protein, vitamin E and calcium, manganese, copper, omega 3, and omega 6. Hazelnuts also have very high levels of antioxidants.

Combine hazelnuts with chia seeds, buckwheat, rye bread, non-GMO soya.

15 grams of protein in 100 grams of Hazelnuts


Walnuts (English or Persian Walnut)

Walnuts have the highest sources of Omega 3’s, other than being a good nut source of protein and calcium they have a  higher level of antioxidants than most food.

Not all walnuts are edible, but the common walnut also known as english walnut or persian walnut is grown all over the world and reputed to have many great health benefits which include reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and great for brain health.

To get a full complete meal of protein using almonds consider combining with for example chick peas, quinoa, rye break.

15 grams of protein in 100 grams of Walnuts.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a good source of protein, selenium, and calcium. They have several antioxidants, including vitamin E and phenols. Known to help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body they are said to be good for heart health, and diabetes and help reduce the risk of cancer.

Brazil nuts should be eaten with baby portobello mushrooms, cauliflower, carrots, cranberry, or watermelon.

14 grams of protein in 100 grams of Brazil Nuts.


Pine Nuts

Pine nuts although viewed as a nut are actually seeds. Pine nuts are high in protein and high unsaturated fats, rich in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, protein and zinc. Reputed as good brain food, also great for the heart and can help reduce risk of diabetes.

Pine nuts contain Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Zinc

Eat with cranberry, carrot, cauliflower or watermelon to get all amino acids.

14 grams of protein in 100 grams of Pine nuts


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What Are The Most Common GMO Foods?

Most Common GMO Foods Found In The Supermarket

What Are The Most Common GMO Foods found and hidden on our local supermarket shelves and in our processed food? What does GMO stand for and why is this something we should be very cautious of, even avoid?

What are GMO Foods?

GMO’s are Genetically Modified Organisms that are basically organisms genetically engineered by science in a way that does not occur in nature. GMO Foods are basically foods manipulated from an unnatural state, many would say by scientists trying to play god.

“It is clear that genetic modification is inherently hazardous, as it invariably result in unpredictable and uncontrollable changes in the genome and the epigenome (pattern of gene expression) that impact on safety.” (3) states Science in Society

Many scientists and medical professionals believe there should be far more research on transparency in GMO Foods especially when we look at the organisations pushing GMO Foods and what they don’t want us to know.

As there is quite a lot of research that suggests that many common GMO Foods can cause serious harm to our health and well-being.

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GMO Foods - What is Genetically Modified Food

Will GMO’s Heal Or Hurt My Body?

Health Risks Of Genetically Modified Foods

GE Food And Your Health

Genetically Modified Foods; Safety, Risks And Public Concerns

Here’s The Real Reason Why GMO Foods Are Bad

One of the alarming aspects of GMO Foods is that manufacturers in some countries are not required by law to declare if their food is genetically modified.

Common GMO Foods

Common Genetically Modified Foods include



Canola ( USA)





Squash ( USA)



Sugar Beets (A big source of refined sugar)

Sweet Pepper ( mostly China)

GMO Foods Also Include

Enzymes and Microbes which are used in food processing that are not included on food labels

Meat, Milk, and/or where the animals are fed genetically modified crops.

Vegetable Fats and Margarine that are derived from genetically modified foods.

The Main Difference Between Common GMO Foods And Organic Foods

The main difference between genetically modified foods and organic foods is one is the produce from a lab while the other is a produce of nature.

6I believe part of what keeps us healthy in our food is the plant’s natural energy force and natural synergy. Genetically modified foods and crops are unnatural, genetically altered by scientists than something that is natural.

There are many ethical and health concerns around common GMO Foods that the top food manufacturers and corporate farmland owners try to deny. Especially when many of the top food manufacturers around the world use GMO foods to increase phenomenal profits than increase the genuine quality of our health.

Organic foods are free from chemical artificial fertilisers and pesticides while genetic foods are not. One of the reasons many people are growing their own organic gardens and organic remedies at home.

No matter if we like it or not our common GMO Foods are been massively produced for profit and power. Some of the biggest corporate names in the world are behind the push and the production of Genetically Modified Food has shown time and time again to be based on power and control.

We just need to look at the increase in genetically grown meat, meat from a lab another example of people in power and scientists trying to play god as they mess more and more with nature.

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Healthier Lifestyle Tips – Healthy Morning Routine

Healthier Lifestyle Tops - Healthy Morning Routine

Healthier Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Morning Routine

How To Create A Healthier Lifestyle In 2023! Ready to start your daily routine the healthier way? By Creating a more healthy morning routine?

Here are 5 Top Tips To Start Creating A Healthier Lifestyle

Simple and easy ways to a healthier daily routine

Start Your Day The Calm Peaceful Way:

A morning meditation ritual is a very powerful way to begin a healthier lifestyle. A Morning Meditation can help us feel more calm, confident, and more relaxed a great way to start the day. It helps increase our focus and concentration and helps us become more intuitive and spiritually guided.

Meditation has many health benefits a UCLA demonstrated that meditators of over 20 years have more grey matter in the brain than those who don’t. Meditation is also shown to support better heart health. And don’t be misled that meditation has to be at least 20 minutes a day, Eileen teaches a highly effective less than 5 Minute Meditation that is loved by all ages, beginner and advanced meditators.

Healthy Daily Routine - Healthy Daily Tips by The World of Health, Holistic Health Experts. Improve your daily health and wellness

Hydrate Yourself:

Our bodies are made up of to 60% water, when we wake up we are often dehydrated, starting your day with a cup of hot water on its own, or hot water with lemon can have a lot of health benefits as mentioned by Flushington Hospital

The Surprising Benefits Of Hot Water And Lemon  Adequate water intake supports our immune system, is necessary to keep our cells, tissue and organs functioning at an optimal level. While dehydration puts stress on our mind and body.

It is said that dehydration is one of the major causes of disease today especially when we consume, ingest or breathe is so many toxins and pollutants that are body needs to flush out for optimal health.


Super Juice Or Super Smoothie:

Starting your morning with a super juice or super smoothie is a great way to flood your body with nutrients. I will often make a super juice and then just have a few soft fruits like berries, avocado, or banana and superfood powders like spirulina, maca, or even cacao to make it more of a substantial super smoothie. I can honestly say this helps boost my energy levels and leaves me feeling more sustained throughout the day. Check out our winter super juice or  Carrot Pear Juice Recipe.


Morning Exercise:

A simple morning exercise routine even a mini exercise routine can help boost our mood and energy levels. Even if you have a chronic health condition that seriously impacts your ability to move or exercise there are different types of movements, stretches, and exercises out there to suit different abilities.

As someone who has suffered from a variety of mobility issues, I found gentle Qi Gong Exercises very helpful, do as much as your body feels comfortable with. Even a gentle walk, swim, yoga, and gentle stretches can help boost our energy levels and energy flow, not just through your body but your organs and brain.


Morning Tasks:

Focus on the tasks you find easier to do in the morning and leave the rest you find easier to do later in the day. A healthier lifestyle involves helping you create a healthy routine that works for you. When we learn to work around our body and mind’s natural rhythms we get into a much healthier natural flow in our life, work, and relationships. We have less stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, and more energy, and joy. Morning tasks are a lot easier when you have had a good night’s sleep so make sure you have a healthy bedtime routine.


Great Ways To Start  A Healthier Lifestyle

The great thing about all of the tips above is they don’t have to take up a lot of your time, especially when you get organised.

For example, Eileen’s 5 Minute Meditation is a great way to start the day and it takes less than 4 minutes. Once you make a batch of super juice or super smoothies you can actually freeze them for the whole week.

The more calm focused, and balanced you feel, the more energy and time you have to do those other things you want to do.


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Is You Health Your Responsibility


Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Your Health Your Responsibility - Is Your Health Your Doctors Or Governments Responsibility

Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Is your health your responsibility, or is your health your Dr’s responsibility?

Are we as a society giving over too much responsibility and control around our health to allopathic medicine and governments? Should governments or medical professionals be able to force medical interventions or take away a persons right to choose?

Is Your Health Your Government’s Responsibility?

One of the things we are seeing around the world today is situations where governments are forcing their people to have medical interventions, more specifically vaccinations without the right to choose.

Is this a step too far in taking away our human rights and body autonomy?

Could this be a step towards a more serious agenda where governments start to take more control over what they think is right for your health and wellbeing?

As someone who has been on more than one occasion being a victim of damage from mainstream medical intervention. And as a therapist who sadly has worked with a variety of people harmed by modern medicine.

I find it extremely disturbing how much control over your health is being pushed, advised by governments officials and advisors, some who are not really the most qualified to do so.

So many top Scientists, Virologists and Immunologists around the world are being censored or being silenced from sharing their alarming concerns or opinions. Concerns on not just how this so called Pandemic has been dealt with but questions around the statistics, the testing, the choice of therapeutic interventions and the psychological media that has accompanied this.

I could go more deeply into my concerns around not just the lack of expertise by some of these people behind the decisions. But perhaps the most serious concerns should be the money trails, the conflict of interests by many who have shares or received financial gifts in some form or another by the companies that are being used to roll out their preferred management of this pandemic.

Such as the choice of testing, the experimental vaccines that they cannot possibly guarantee is safe or that will be effective in the long-term. Especially when certain types of disease was excluded from the first phases of trials and the fact we don’t or can’t possibly know the long-term effects in a few months, few years and a few decades.

The reality is most decisions at the moment are not being made right now by the most qualified people in their field but by people in power or who will make financial or other types of large gain from these decisions.

Sadly by too many people in power who have horrendous reputations for putting their own agendas first.  A situation where millions around the world are having their human rights, their rights of personal autonomy being taking away from them. Too many being forced, manipulated, even shamed and bullied into have an experimental vaccine who are at an extremely very very low risk of dying from Covid 19 from a situation according to one paper in the Lancet is more asyndemic than a pandemic.


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Should We Trust Forced Medical Interventions

Should we ever allow our governments to force any sort of medical treatment or medical invasive intervention without someone’s agree consent and permission?

And should we be informed honestly about the possible risks. So many of the family and friends that I have spoken to had no idea that we were still in trial phases.

Even medical professionals I know are shocked at how many of their co-workers are ill informed.To me our health is mostly our responsibility, our health choices is our responsibility, we all should have choice. I mean you choose if you eat healthy or you don’t? You choose if you exercise or if you don’t? You can choose to have an operation or not.

The reality is we keep getting told about the facts, we keep getting implications that getting the vaccine is more safe, But it is? How can we possibly know so early on. Sadly I personally know of one person who has had a very serious reaction to one of vaccines one and a friends aunt who felt very ill after the vaccine and then died.

In this case they could not prove it was the vaccine like many cases even though the person had no health issues before. Now I know we are faced with difficulties choice there is a virus that is life threatening to some, especially to those with certain types of pre-existing conditions.

But I also wonder why people are not being given other options, why our governments ae not looking at other medical interventions. Or even providing everyone with supplements that are known to support the immune system.Why has our government never mentioned throughout this

Pandemic the basic fundamental importance of good nutrition, healthy eating? Do our governments really want to promote health and wellbeing or do they just want to promote big pharma interventions, especially at a time when profits in big pharma were starting to decline. Especially when so many government officials who make these decisions actually have shares or links to these companies.


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So Should We Totally Trust Big Pharma?

Now the reality is yes many scientists, will have worked very hard, made many sacrifices in their own life to create these vaccines. But the reality is these vaccines have been fast tracked, most are still in experimental stage till 2023. But many people don’t realise that, they don’t actually realise they in many ways they are part of the experiment. Most people have no idea of the amount of scientists in this field who have had deep concerns about these vaccines and that some of these jabs are created with a new type of new science that has never been used before.

Unfortunately we know governments and modern medicine have made horrendous mistakes throughout the years. I became shocked on my own journey on how little many Doctors and Nurses knew about the medication they prescribed and the vaccines they promoted, Most never do their own research, most only check out the information they are told by their supervisors or basic information provided because they trust the NHS and trust that these companies have the patients interests at heart. But what is more important in the world today health or money? Also is saving money on certain types of treatments put before what is actual more safe or best for someone’s health?

The wiser more experienced Doctor who has sadly seen the other side of the coin tends to do their own medical research. They tend to ask questions and challenge what they are told.  But even that today has become harder in approx October 2019 google started to lower the SEO rankings of many medical research papers and holistic research papers that didn’t suit certain agenda. Meaning it would be much harder for people to find certain articles and medical papers that didn’t align with what the medical and pharmaceutical industry wanted you to read. So basically it became even harder for the patient, the clinician and even experts to find information that wasn’t pharmaceutically or politically bias.

Well lets say they took that bias to a whole new level in 2020 and 2021 through such unbelievable censorship that we have come to question if we are indeed living in a communist country. We just need to see the amount of censorship on Social Media and TV, to see the amount of influence our governments and organisations linked to pharma have on the media and the narrative they want to serve.

But should we be surprised? Perhaps more alarmed we all know that big pharma has a certain reputation for being more about profit than genuine public health interest. And its attempted cover ups of so much harm and damage throughout the years, the source of the Opioid Crisis, and so many cover ups in vaccine damage especially in 3rd world countries. And even more horrendous involvement in human experimentation during World War 2. The “statistically significant correlation between Thimerosal exposure via vaccines and several neurodevelopmental disorders ” and the deaths Of Indian Girls who got the HPV Vaccine that was again attempted to be covered up.

Is Your Health Your Responsibility or your Dr's responsibilityWhy Your Health Is Your Responsibility And Your Choice

I believe your health has to start as your responsibility and it is so important to become informed about your health and wellbeing so you can make educated choices. After a long list of horrendous medical experiences on my own journey. I came to realise how little many medical professionals know about the possible harm and damage of many of things they prescribe or use in modern medicine, And in the modern world we give our power over to many times to people we assume know best.

So how much does your medical practitioners honestly know about the dangers, allergies and serious side effects of so many medical interventions and vaccines today? Many don’t ever see the correlation, the short- term and long-term damage. But sadly some of my work involved supporting families dealing with children disabled by vaccine damage.

Most people have no awareness today how much vaccine damage there is and actually more concerning how much is not reported or published. I know through personal experience that most Doctors rarely report serious allergies or harm by medication or medical interventions using the yellow card.

The Biggest Causes Of Disease Today

We know the biggest causes of disease today are lifestyle choices and toxins. So what you eat, what you do or don’t do, what you drink, smoke or how you manage your life and stress will impact your health and wellbeing. Alongside things like poverty, bad housing, certain occupations, education, culture and environment can all impact our health. But many chronic health challenges today that makes us more vulnerable to certain diseases that are caused by own health choices and our exposure to modern day toxins.

In-fact in our modern world many people are under nourished simply because of poor and unhealthy eating. They have a poor immune system, inflammation, digestive issues because of what they consume and don’t consume. Many diseases today can be eliminated by a more healthy clean diet and lifestyle, so yes the medical system are often trying to treat the symptoms rather than prevent the most life-threatening diseases.

These words and thoughts are only my thoughts and wonders around my experiences and many of the people I have worked with. Experiences of my own, my clients, colleagues and friends in the holistic industry, the Dr.s, Nurses, Pharmacists and Scientists who have left mainstream modern medicine who believe in Do No Harm First.

Modern medicine, modern science is an incredible thing, modern medicine says millions of life’s every day.  There are many government officials, doctors and nurses who genuinely care are faced with many difficult dilemmas and challenges every single day. But I believe when we give our body, our health autonomy to anyone else, especially our government, or medical field we are basically handing over our personal freedom, our personal human rights. A very very frightening step towards giving them so much more control to do as they will.



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Top Tips How To Grow A Small Organic Garden

How To Grow A Small Organic Garden In A Small Outdoor Or Inddor Space by Elizabeth Waddington

How to Grow a Small Organic Garden outdoors or indoors in a small space, using bedding, planters, or even using hydroponics. The things every gardener needs to consider when creating a Small Organic Garden.

A Small Organic Garden

Organic growing is essential if you want to do the right thing for people and the planet. The basic principles of organic food production are simple. In organic growing, you avoid the use of harmful pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers.

More than this, however, organic growing is about working with nature rather than fighting it. A small organic garden can take many different forms. It can be:

·       A small container garden (on a balcony or patio, or even indoors).

·       A vertical garden, growing leafy plants in pockets or on shelves up against a sunny wall.

·       One or more raised beds or planters.

·       A hydroponic or aquaponic scheme, in which you grow plants in water rather than soil.

·       A small kitchen garden, with traditional rows, or more diverse and abundant planting.

·       Or a low maintenance forest garden – with one or more fruit trees with layered perennial planting below.


Even in small spaces, you have a lot of choices when it comes to how exactly you grow.

However and wherever you choose to grow, there are certain very important things to bear in mind when gardening organically:


How To Grow A Small Organic Garden Indoors and Outdoors

Top Tips for Organic Gardening


       Work from an understanding of the environment, and choose the right plants for the right places.

       Boost biodiversity in plant and animal life as much as possible. Protect and value wildlife, which will help you in your gardening endeavours.

       Protect and care for the soil in your small organic garden. Healthy soil equals good gardens and healthy people.

       Think about water. Harvest rainwater wherever possible and use it wisely in your garden.

       Maintain fertility over time – make sure you return nutrients to the system.


Getting Started On A Small Organic Garden


To grow a small organic garden, you need to make sure you have the basics in place. Before you begin:

       Learn more about natural cycles, your own garden, and specific plants. The more you know before you begin, the more successful you can be in your gardening efforts. Growing organic vegetables, organic fruits, organic herbs, and organic flowers can be easier than you might think. And you can hone skills and develop knowledge over time. But taking some time to learn and grow yourself before you start growing plants can be a great idea.

       Get the basics in place. Before you make new growing areas or sow any seeds, think about water management. Consider setting up rainwater harvesting systems. And get a composting system in place.

       Choose a growing method from those mentioned above – thinking about the best solution for your own particular site and your own particular needs.

       Make a plan for your growing areas. Think about any containers you might need. If you will be creating raised beds or growing in the ground, it is a great idea to use ‘no dig’ gardening methods. In no-dig gardening, the goal is to disturb the soil ecosystem as little as possible. In a no-dig garden, organic matter mulches are laid over the soil surface to build healthy soil over time.


Creating New Growing Areas


In container gardens, choosing the right containers and the right growing medium is key. Make your own growing medium or buy a sustainable organic option. (Avoid peat-based media, which are not an eco-friendly choice.)

If you are creating raised beds or traditional vegetable plots, determine the best position for these beds (considering climate and microclimate – sunlight, wind, and water – and the needs of plants you want to grow).

‘Lasagna beds’ are one great solution for no-dig gardening. Making a lasagna garden means layering ‘brown’ (carbon rich) and ‘green’ (nitrogen rich) organic materials to compost in place. These layers are covered with a thin layer of compost/soil into which you can plant.

In a forest garden, you will begin by planting one or more fruit trees (or other useful trees). You will then establish guilds of beneficial plants. Mostly perennial plants will be placed around the trees to form low maintenance ecosystems that mimic a natural woodland or forest ecosystem, but provide us with the edible and other useful yields we need.


Choosing Seeds and Plants and Planting For Your Small Organic Garden


When choosing seeds and plants for any organic garden, choose them for your particular garden. And think about what you and your household actually like to eat. If you choose the right plants for the right places, your chances of success are always going to be much higher.

Think, also, about how to combine different plants for the best results. Choosing beneficial combinations is called ‘companion planting’. It can help with environmental conditions, fertility, pollination, and pest control in an organic garden.

There is a lot you can learn about organic gardening. But it is easy to get started on the right track. Take the plunge and you will grow a small organic garden successfully, one seed at a time.

As you can see creating a small organic garden can be a really healthy hobby that can start small.


Elizabeth Waddington is a permaculture designer, sustainability consultant, and writer, working to encourage organic gardening and promote sustainable change around the world.

Check out Elizabeth’s site www.ewspconsultancy.com




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Alzheimers Diet – Preventing And Reversing Cognitive Decline

The Alzheimers Diet - How To Prevent Cognitive Decliine In ALzheimer Sufferers

The Alzheimers Diet: How to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline by Amylee Amos

Why choose the Alzheimers Diet. Worldwide, about 50 million people are suffering from dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and the emotional and financial toll of this disease is monumental. Alzheimer’s disease is now considered to be the 3rd leading cause of death with no pharmaceutical drugs available to effectively treat the disease, though not for lack of trying on the part of the pharmaceutical industry.

Alzheimer’s drug development has the highest failure rate of any other disease, at 99.6%. That equates to billions of dollars thrown into potential treatments that do shockingly little to slow the progress, reverse the symptoms, or even prevent the disease. The five drugs that have been approved for Alzheimer’s treatment do very little to help the millions of people suffering from the cognitive losses and devastation associated with Alzheimer’s.   

Fortunately, recent research demonstrates that Alzheimer’s is not the idiopathic disease it was once believed to be. In fact, the causes and contributors of an individual’s Alzheimer’s disease can be pinpointed and treated. Contributors to the programmatic downsizing of the brain that is Alzheimer’s disease include physiological processes such as chronic inflammation, imbalanced oxidative stress, and impaired glycemic control. These factors are all highly influenced by our diet. Thus, adopting an Alzheimers diet is critical in the attempt to prevent and reverse cognitive decline.

Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Prevented and Reversed?


The mainstream medical community is always quick to comment that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. This just means that no silver bullet approach to preventing or reversing Alzheimer’s exists. You can’t just pop a pill and reverse your Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, because their outdated approach to treating chronic diseases fails in the case of Alzheimer’s, the conventional medicine community remains steadfast in their misguided claim that there is no effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. 

The truth is that through a targeted therapeutic approach, Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented and the symptoms can be reversed, such as using the alzheimers diet.

In 2018, practitioners from multiple clinical sites published the reversal of cognitive decline in 100 patients while following a multi-targeted approach. This approach, which adheres to the functional medicine model of addressing the underlying root causes of disease is known as the Bredesen Protocol.

Through the Bredesen Protocol practitioners are able to identify the individual metabolic imbalances of each patient and use a systems based approach to treat each imbalance, thereby identifying and treating the root cause of the imbalance, rather than simply masking the symptoms. The result is the reversal of cognitive decline. 

What Is The Alzheimers Diet?

Alzheimers Diet Dr Bredesen Protocol To Reverse Cognitive Decline In Alzheimers Disease. The healthy alzheimer's diet for treating alzheimer symptoms

The ideal Alzheimer’s diet to prevent and reverse cognitive decline must be individualized to the patient to ensure that it addresses the root cause of that person’s metabolic imbalances.

However, there are some nutritional components that all those wishing to prevent cognitive decline should adopt. Adjusting one’s nutritional habits to reflect the Alzheimers diet is the first step in preventing cognitive decline.

The foundation of the Alzheimer’s diet is whole, predominantly plant-based foods including non-starchy vegetables, low glycemic fruits, quality proteins, and healthy fats.

Clients following the Alzheimers diet are encouraged to eat foods that have been well-studied for their cognitive benefits including leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, berries, low mercury fatty fish, extra virgin olive oil, and walnuts.

Eliminating Processed Fats and Refined Carbohydrates


The diet eliminates highly processed packaged foods, simple and added sugars, processed meats, and refined carbohydrates.

Animal products in general are minimized depending on the specifics of an individual’s drivers of inflammation.

Consuming adequate amounts of the recommended foods provides the nutrients, specifically the micro and phytonutrients that the brain needs to support neuronal and synaptic growth and function. Avoiding the foods not recommended prevents ongoing inflammation and resolves oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction.

Fasting On The Alzheimer’s Diet

Additionally, clients following the Alzheimers diet are encouraged to fast for a period of at least 12 hours overnight, with the first three hours occurring between finishing dinner and going to bed. This fast allows for the client to reap the full physiological benefits of sleep, including the natural clearance of beta-amyloid plaques from the brain.

How To Implement The Alzheimers Diet

The Alzheimer’s diet should be tailored to meet the unique needs of the individual in order to receive the most enhanced cognitive benefit. At the Amos Institute, clients receive an immersive and individualized nutrition plan that incorporates the major components of the Alzheimer’s diet, with specifications related to their personal drivers of cognitive decline, genetics, and biochemistry.

This is particularly important when considering the genetic variant ApoE4, the genetic variant most commonly associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals with this variant demonstrate what is known as decreased cerebral glucose utilization, meaning that their brains do not effectively utilize carbohydrates as a fuel source.

To bypass these impaired metabolic pathways, individuals with this genetic variant are encouraged to achieve a state of mild ketosisCreating a ketogenic diet based largely on plant foods can be challenging, which is why seeking the help of functional medicine-trained dietitians is so critical for proper implementation. This is where partnering with a program and practitioners such as those from the Amos Institute is so beneficial to success in recovery.

Reversing The Symptoms Of Alzheimers Disease

Reversing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline is incredibly difficult, but the research shows that it can be done. If you believe you are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, start implementing the Alzheimers diet right away.

If you are already suffering from cognitive decline, seek the expertise and structure of a cognitive health program to begin optimizing your nutrition and lifestyle to reverse your cognitive decline. In the words of Dr. Dale Bredesen, if we all start to implement an Alzheimers diet and other lifestyle factors, “Alzheimer’s disease should be- and shall be- a rare disease.” *

Writer Bio – Amylee Amos Dietician and Nutritionist


Amylee Amos MS, RDN, IFMCP founded the Amos Institute to specialize in the implementation of the Bredesen Protocol. She graduated with a Master of Science in Nutrition, Healthspan, & Longevity from the University of Southern California’s Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.

She has trained under Dr. Dale Bredesen and received certification in the Bredesen Protocol from MPI Cognition. She is one of the only dietitians in the United States who is certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine, a new high-level achievement for leading medical providers.

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Turmeric?

health benefits of turmeric

What Are The Health Benefits Of Turmeric?

Learn about the health benefits of turmeric, regarded as the star of the spice world. Known as ‘the Golden Spice’, the turmeric root has been used in Indian cuisine and traditional Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It is famous for its vibrant yellow colour and has a warm bitter taste. Also known as Curcuma longa—a member of the ginger family, it is primarily cultivated from the rhizomes, or roots, of the flowering turmeric plant in India and other parts of Southeast Asia.


Research On Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Research has shown that turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can support brain and gut health, promote a healthy immune system and benefit a range of inflammatory conditions. Registered Nutritional therapist Clarrissa Lenherr states that ‘turmeric has been shown in emerging science to be anti-inflammatory, so it can really help bring down inflammation that can occur in the body, whether that is from poor diet, stress, stimulant use, pollution, and lots of causes.’ You can watch Clarrissa explain the benefits of turmeric and curcumin and why she is a fan of Your Bodhi Natural Turmeric


Active Ingredients In Turmeric

Turmeric is made up of bioactive compounds, collectively known as curcuminoids. Curcumin is the primary curcuminoid and the most active ingredient in turmeric. Research shows that curcumin is a powerful polyphenol with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to increase the amount of antioxidants our body produces. Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health –  Susan J. Hewlings, Douglas S. Kalman.  Turmeric contains around 3% curcuminoids and therefore one teaspoon of turmeric powder (about 5,000 mg) only provides about 150 mg of curcuminoids.

Many studies have shown that it is the curcumin that is responsible for many of the health benefits associated with turmeric and that taking curcumin regularly can have a wide range of benefits. These benefits can include:

health benefits of turmeric, medical research on turmeric

Supporting Your Immune System

A strong and healthy immune system is essential for your body to fight invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies. Studieshave demonstrated that turmeric contains excellent anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, which can help to support a healthy immune system. Research also shows it can help to regulate different signalling molecules which are essential for the functioning of a health immune system.


Alleviating Joint Pain

Inflammation in the joints can be very painful, causing swelling and restricting movement. Studies have shown that turmeric and curcumin’s powerful anti-inflammatory properties may reduce joint pain and tenderness, cartilage degeneration and joint inflammation. In particular, a study by Vilai Kuptniratsaikul et al. has shown that curcumin can reduce pain and improve physical function in patients with arthritis.


Reducing symptoms of Skin Inflammation

Inflammation is part of the body’s healing process. However long term chronic inflammation of the skin can lead to eczema and damage the skin. Studies have shown that curcumin can suppress pro-inflammatory signals, which gives it powerful anti-inflammatory effects. These properties make curcumin perfectly placed to help alleviate the symptoms of eczema.

A 2016 systematic review of clinical evidence by Alexandra R Vaughn et al has shown that curcumin can help to reduce itchiness and scaling for people with eczema.


Supporting Gut Health

Our gut health is not just important for digestion but a healthy gut supports the immune system and contributes to general health and wellbeing. Registered Nutritionist Clarris Lenherr states that ‘turmeric is full of polyphenols, which are kind of antioxidants that can actually feed and really nourish the beneficial bacteria that we have living in our digestive system. So it’s a great way to actually support digestive health’.

Studies have shown that curcumin can have positive effects on human gut microbiota, reducing intestinal inflammation, as well as supporting diverse gut bacteria which supports a strong immune system.


Reducing Muscle Inflammation and Soreness

Working muscles hard can often lead to damage to the muscle fibres which can cause soreness and stiffness. Muscle damage can be caused by overexertion or wrong use of a muscle.


Curcumin And Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis

A recent study in 2017 by Jäger R et al. Efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in patients with knee osteoarthritis shows that groups of those provided with curcumin had a ‘measurable impact on muscle damage and recovery in 59 healthy, physically active, young adult participants after downhill running’. The findings were that those in a curcumin group ‘had significantly reduced elevation in creatine kinase levels, which are elevated when there is muscle damage’ and ‘Self-reported pain scores were significantly reduced as well in curcumin groups compared to placebo groups.’


Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric and curcumin are poorly absorbed by the human body on their own. Pairing turmeric with black pepper extract known as piperine can increase the bioavailability and absorption. Proper absorption of turmeric has been shown to enhance curcumin absorption by up to 2,000%. This means that you should add some black pepper whenever you are cooking with turmeric, or make sure you choose a turmeric or curcumin supplement that contains piperine.

Your Bodhi’s Natural Turmeric

Sophie Nazareth, the Founder of Your Bodhi set up her business to share the amazing benefits of turmeric and curcumin. After personally struggling with a chronic illness for years, discovering curcumin helped her to regain control of her life.

Check Out Your Bodhi’s Natural Turmeric Curcumin Click Here