Healthier Lifestyle Tips – Healthy Morning Routine

Healthier Lifestyle Tips – Healthy Morning Routine

Healthier Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Morning Routine

How To Create A Healthier Lifestyle In 2023! Ready to start your daily routine the healthier way? By Creating a more healthy morning routine?

Here are 5 Top Tips To Start Creating A Healthier Lifestyle

Simple and easy ways to a healthier daily routine

Start Your Day The Calm Peaceful Way:

A morning meditation ritual is a very powerful way to begin a healthier lifestyle. A Morning Meditation can help us feel more calm, confident, and more relaxed a great way to start the day. It helps increase our focus and concentration and helps us become more intuitive and spiritually guided.

Meditation has many health benefits a UCLA demonstrated that meditators of over 20 years have more grey matter in the brain than those who don’t. Meditation is also shown to support better heart health. And don’t be misled that meditation has to be at least 20 minutes a day, Eileen teaches a highly effective less than 5 Minute Meditation that is loved by all ages, beginner and advanced meditators.

Healthy Daily Routine - Healthy Daily Tips by The World of Health, Holistic Health Experts. Improve your daily health and wellness

Hydrate Yourself:

Our bodies are made up of to 60% water, when we wake up we are often dehydrated, starting your day with a cup of hot water on its own, or hot water with lemon can have a lot of health benefits as mentioned by Flushington Hospital

The Surprising Benefits Of Hot Water And Lemon  Adequate water intake supports our immune system, is necessary to keep our cells, tissue and organs functioning at an optimal level. While dehydration puts stress on our mind and body.

It is said that dehydration is one of the major causes of disease today especially when we consume, ingest or breathe is so many toxins and pollutants that are body needs to flush out for optimal health.


Super Juice Or Super Smoothie:

Starting your morning with a super juice or super smoothie is a great way to flood your body with nutrients. I will often make a super juice and then just have a few soft fruits like berries, avocado, or banana and superfood powders like spirulina, maca, or even cacao to make it more of a substantial super smoothie. I can honestly say this helps boost my energy levels and leaves me feeling more sustained throughout the day. Check out our winter super juice or  Carrot Pear Juice Recipe.


Morning Exercise:

A simple morning exercise routine even a mini exercise routine can help boost our mood and energy levels. Even if you have a chronic health condition that seriously impacts your ability to move or exercise there are different types of movements, stretches, and exercises out there to suit different abilities.

As someone who has suffered from a variety of mobility issues, I found gentle Qi Gong Exercises very helpful, do as much as your body feels comfortable with. Even a gentle walk, swim, yoga, and gentle stretches can help boost our energy levels and energy flow, not just through your body but your organs and brain.


Morning Tasks:

Focus on the tasks you find easier to do in the morning and leave the rest you find easier to do later in the day. A healthier lifestyle involves helping you create a healthy routine that works for you. When we learn to work around our body and mind’s natural rhythms we get into a much healthier natural flow in our life, work, and relationships. We have less stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, and more energy, and joy. Morning tasks are a lot easier when you have had a good night’s sleep so make sure you have a healthy bedtime routine.


Great Ways To Start  A Healthier Lifestyle

The great thing about all of the tips above is they don’t have to take up a lot of your time, especially when you get organised.

For example, Eileen’s 5 Minute Meditation is a great way to start the day and it takes less than 4 minutes. Once you make a batch of super juice or super smoothies you can actually freeze them for the whole week.

The more calm focused, and balanced you feel, the more energy and time you have to do those other things you want to do.


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Repeating the Pattern of Dysfunctional Relationships

Repeating the Pattern of Dysfunctional Relationships

Repeating The Pattern of Dysfunctional Relationships

How We Repeat the Pattern of Dysfunctional Relationships In Adulthood by Dr. Melanie Salmon

Our childhood experiences can have a significant impact on our future adult relationships, they often repeat trigger a pattern of dysfunctional relationships in adulthood. So much of our life is determined by the experiences we had as a child, especially when we were very young, under the age of seven. If our childhood was a traumatic one – neglectful or damaging in some way – subconsciously we will carry that into

One way we notice our past impacting our present is in the relationships we seek and the patterns of behaviour we repeat.

Early dysfunctional relationships

The very first relationship we have is with our primary caregiver – it’s usually mum, but it might be dad, a sibling, a grandparent, or a nanny – and this will ‘set the template’ for all our future relationships.

If we were unable to bond with our primary caregiver, if the relationship was full of criticism and it was emotionally, mentally, or physically destructive in some way, then we are very likely to have absorbed that behaviour – that ‘template’ – and will find ourselves repeating it in our adult relationships over and over again in almost the same way.

This is why you may find that you have very similar relationships that end in similar ways. You repeat the same mistakes yet discover you cannot do anything consciously to break the pattern.


Boundaries and Dysfunctional Relationship


Relationship boundaries

So, what is a ‘healthy relationship’ and what behaviours are not so healthy? Let’s look at boundaries in adult relationships, three common types on the spectrum.

When we speak of boundaries, the best way to understand them is by visualising the boundary surrounding a property, the fence for example. The barrier between the property and the outside world. We will use this as a metaphor for our own boundary, our energetic boundary: what sort of quality does your fence have?

Keeping our metaphor in mind, we will now look at the first common type of relationship boundary: ‘underbounded’.



If we have an underbounded fence, if we don’t have a good healthy boundary keeping the outside world out, then we are inclined to feel smothered in our relationship. Our partner will come far too quickly, far too much, into our space, thereby taking us over. We are likely to feel overwhelmed.

Underbounded boundaries will generally stem from a childhood where the primary caregiver was very fearful. For example, every time you left their sight, they would call you back and try to hold on to you. This type of early relationship creates an underbounded future for the child. A child from this start in life will be anxious and clingy, and when it is time to separate, e.g. time to attend school, there will be many problems separating from mum.



Next, we have ‘overbounded’. In simple terms, overbounded is the opposite of underbounded, meaning we were not able to get what we needed from our primary caregiver as a child. In essence, this is an absence of the primary bonding experience: skin-to-skin, eye-to-eye contact, giving an emotional closeness crucial for normal development as a baby.

This occurs in any condition creating mum to be shut off: postnatal depression, her own trauma, alcoholism, etc. The consequence is that ’we’ the child felt neglected emotionally. In this scenario, we (the child and then the adult) will build an impenetrable wall, rather than a fence, around ourselves in defense. A brick wall 20 feet high that prevents anyone else from coming in and hurting us again. All of this is an unconscious process which we are not aware of until we have difficulty connecting as adults.


The Pattern Of Dysfunctional Relationships In Adulthood

The pattern of dysfunctional relationships

As you will no doubt see, underbounded and overbounded are the two ends of the
spectrum: you may let everybody in, or you may let nobody in. Neither is conducive
to a healthy relationship, and both can be traced back to the relationship we had with
our initial caregiver.

Although the above is a simplified explanation – we have not covered everything in between – it serves to illustrate the impact our early relationships can have on our adult behaviour.


Healthy boundaries
Finally, we have a relationship with healthy boundaries. Neither underbounded nor overbounded, in this relationship we have clearly defined boundaries. We are very clear what our fence looks like, and we choose who we let in; we have the ability to refuse entry to anyone else.

Those who go into a relationship with healthy boundaries will have a very different experience to those who enter one based on childhood traumatic experiences.


Breaking the Pattern of Dysfunctional Relationships

So, what can be done? While we might like to, there’s little we can consciously do to break these patterns of behaviour: the relationships we seek and the boundaries we have.

 We are a product of our past. Every experience we have ever had, good or bad, is imprinted within us, crystallising as the core beliefs, or ‘truths’ we hold about who we are and how the world works. This is our conditioning, and it is ‘stored’ in our subconscious mind.

Everything that has happened to you right up to this very moment has moulded you into the person you are. In this way, our past directly influences the way we see, feel and act today. The way you behave in your relationships. What you choose to do –or not do.


Changing The Trauma Stories

And so, the only way to change these sorts of trauma stories is by working with the subconscious mind, as explained by pioneering epigeneticist Dr Bruce Lipton who ‘found that our DNA and genes are not the ones controlling our bodies, but that our DNA is controlled from signals that come from outside the cell, and these are signals that come from the energetic messages from our thoughts, both positive and negative.’

As trauma gets hardwired into the brain, it does not go away unless you have a technique that can access the subconscious mind and work specifically and carefully- and delicately – with the issues, like my own work QEC. That can then allow for full healing.

Changing Our Limiting Beliefs

By changing our long-held limiting beliefs and releasing ourselves from traumas of the past, we can alter our behaviour and adjust our boundaries, fundamentally changing the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us. Most commonly used for working with trauma, depression, grief and loss, stress, health, and relationships, you can learn more about the QEC method here.


Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes

Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes

Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes

Healthy Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes the whole family will love. Not just dairy-free but free from processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, gluten-free ice cream that still tastes creamy.

Most people LOVE to eat ice cream but it doesn’t always agree with them or their waistline. That is why these creamy healthy dairy-free ice cream recipes are great healthier alternatives to dairy ice cream or other unhealthy desserts. All recipes are full of natural sweetness.

My favourites are the Mango and Pina Colada Dairy-Free Ice Cream and Coconut Dairy-Free Ice Cream.

Coconut Dairy Free Whipped Ice Cream Recipe

Ingredients of this Coconut Dairy-Free Ice Cream Recipe

  1. A tin of full-fat coconut milk ( 400ml) or a block of coconut cream ( choose a good quality)
  2. Chill the full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream overnight in a refrigerator, don’t freeze.
  3. Scoop only the hard coconut cream into a food mixing bowl, leaving out any clear watery substance.
  4. Whip the full-fat coconut milk with the hand or food mixer until it forms into light peaks.
  5. Continue to whip while gradually adding 1 split and scraped vanilla bean pod
  6. Continue to whip while gradually adding natural sweeteners such as natural stevia or coconut sugar  (no more than1/2 cup,  please note liquid sweeteners such as stevia drops agave can impact texture and consistency if choose to use, use sparingly). While continuing to whip ingredients.
  7. Add a pinch of salt, while continuing to whip ingredients
  8. Whip for a minute or two put into a tub or serving bowls and put into the freezer until it reaches an ice-cream-like consistency.

Healthy Mango And Coconut Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipe

Ingredients for the Healthy Mango and Coconut Dairy-Free Ice Cream

  1. A tin of full-fat coconut milk ( 400ml) or a block of coconut cream ( choose a good quality)
  2. Chill the full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream overnight in a refrigerator, don’t freeze.
  3. Scoop only the hard coconut cream into a food mixing bowl, leaving out any clear watery substance.
  4. Whip the full-fat coconut milk with the hand or food mixer until it forms into light peaks.
  5. Continue to whip while slowly adding 2 cups of previously frozen and highly blended mango.
  6. Continue to whip while gradually adding natural sweeteners such as natural or vanilla stevia or coconut sugar  (no more than 1/2 cup,  please note liquid sweeteners such as stevia drops agave can impact texture and consistency if choose to use, use sparingly). While continuing to whip ingredients.
  7. Add a pinch of salt, while continuing to whip the ingredients
  8. Whip for a minute or two put into a tub or serving bowls and put into the freezer until it reaches an ice-cream-like consistency.

Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes - healthy sugar free ice cream recipes for healthy eaters

Dairy Free Pina Colada Ice Cream Recipe

This Pina Colada dairy free ice-cream has an exotic twist you can add to any dinner party dessert.

  1. A tin of full-fat coconut milk ( 400ml) or a block of coconut cream ( choose a good quality)
  2. Chill the full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream overnight in a refrigerator, don’t freeze.
  3. Scoop only the hard coconut cream into a food mixing bowl, leaving out any clear watery substance.
  4. Whip the full-fat coconut milk with the hand or food mixer until it forms into light peaks.
  5. Continue to whip while slowly adding 1/2 cup of previously frozen and highly blended mango and 1 1/2 cups of highly blended frozen pineapple.
  6. Continue to whip while gradually adding 1 split and scraped vanilla bean pod.
  7. Continue to whip while gradually adding natural sweeteners such as natural stevia or coconut sugar  (no more than 1/2 cup,  I often don’t use any sweeteners please note liquid sweeteners such as stevia drops agave can impact texture and consistency if choose to use, use sparingly). While continuing to whip ingredients.
  8. Add a pinch of salt, while continuing to whip the ingredients.
  9. Whip for a minute or two put into a tub or serving bowls and put into the freezer until it reaches an ice-cream-like consistency.

As you can see all the dairy-free ice cream ingredients above are suitable for vegans and the health-conscious.


These dairy free ice cream recipes have a variety of health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk is rich in electrolytes, it also contains lauric acid and medium-chain triyglcericides which are said to help stimulate thermogenesis and increase insulin, which is said to regulate blood sugar levels. It also includes a variety of minerals and vitamins.

Health Benefits Of Mango

Mangoes are great for your health, especially for the immune system, Mangoes are a high source of magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, in-fact they contain over 20 different minerals and vitamins and are regarded by many as a superfood.

Health Benefits Of Pineapple

Pineapple is high in antioxidants, vitamin b’s, and c, manganese, and bromelain which have anti-inflammatory properties and can aid digestion, and is antitumorigenic, one of the reasons its consumption is recommended as an aid to help reduce symptoms of breast cancer.

I hope you enjoyed our clean-eating recipe options for ice cream.

Increase The Nutritional Benefits of This Dairy Free Ice Cream

To add a little nutritional boost to these dairy free deserts try adding some high quality nut proteins such as Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Hazelnuts, or Pistachios.


Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil

Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil

Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil

Some of the main health benefits of Eucalyptus Oil in modern medicine and holistic medicine. The history of eucalyptus oil, its use in medicine, and how to use eucalyptus at home as a natural home remedy.

Eucalyptus is widely used in medicine and pharmacology, especially in the treatment of respiratory conditions, coughs, colds, and influenza. It is also used in pain relief and as an anti-inflammatory including being anti-bacterial, antimicrobial, anti-viral and antiseptic.

That is why I recommend you have eucalyptus at home in your natural medicine cabinet. Although it has to be used with certain cautions, not used on infants, eucalyptus is very versatile.


What Is Eucalyptus Oil?

Eucalyptus Oil comes from the Eucalyptus tree which is native to Australia and surrounding areas.  There are actually over 400 species of eucalyptus but most eucalyptus oil is extracted from the Eucalyptus Globulus tree.

The eucalyptus oil is obtained by extracting oil from the leaves through steam distillation.

When extracted the main chemical properties of Eucalyptus Globulus are ” Eucalyptol (51.62%), α-pinene (23.62%), p-cymene (10%), β-myrcene (8.74%), Terpinen-4-ol (2.74%) and γ-terpinene (2.59%) were the major compounds for E. globulus.” Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Eucalyptus Globulus and Eucalyptus Maculuta grown in Tanzania



History Of Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has been used in medicine for thousands of years, by the aborigines, in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine, as well as different types of European and Greek Medicine.

Eucalyptus trees first arrived in the UK as seeds in 1774. In 1778 two Doctors in Australia Dennis Codden and John White started to treat colic and different chest issues with distilled Eucalyptus Piperita. 

But it wasn’t until botanist Baron Ferdinand von Muller’s writings about different Eucalyptus species in approx 1860 did Eucalyptus start to come to the forefront first as antiseptic.

During the first World War 1, Eucalyptus was used to help put an end to a serious occurrence of meningitis in the midst of the influenza epidemic.

It would be later used in the treatment of different respiratory conditions and other ailments. And used in very tiny drops it would be used in dental products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum as well as cough drops and sweets.

Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Health and Wellbeing

Medical Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus

Some of the medical health benefits of eucalyptus used in pharmacology, holistic and modern medicine.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use eucalyptus on infants, always use sparingly as it is highly potent, caution on sensitive skin.

Eucalyptus In Dental Products

Eucalyptus is widely used in mouthwash and toothpaste due to its reputation for fighting off infections, bacteria, and tooth decay. It also helps eliminate bad breath and alleviates symptoms of herpes simplex 1 (cold sores). Some dentists also suggest eucalyptus in mouthwash can help reduce the risk of receding gums.

Eucalyptus For Respiratory Infections

Eucalyptus is widely used in aromatherapy and medicine to help treat asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, throat infections, and flu. I take these Eucalyptus Pastilles during the winter months.

In just one medical research paper we see how a herbal emulsion of eucalyptus oil can help treat influenza. “Oil-in-water emulsion formulated with eucalyptus leaves extract inhibit influenza virus binding and replication in vitro”

Another clinical study shows the Antibacterial effects of Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract on pathogenic bacteria isolated from specimens of patients with respiratory tract disorders. 

In aromatherapy, we recommend steam inhalation of eucalyptus oil for many respiratory infections, colds, flu, asthma, and bronchitis. As well as or a hot compress, see bottom of the page for instructions.


Eucalyptus For Pain Relief And In Treatment Of Inflammation

Eucalyptus oil has been used to reduce nerve-type pain such as neuralgiaand skin rash of shingles. One randomized clinical study demonstrated the benefits of eucalyptus inhalation on pain and inflammation. Known as a useful muscle relaxation and anti-rheumatic popular in many muscular balms, creams, and analgesics. 

Eucalyptus can be used in compresses for deep muscular pain and tension.  See below for hot compress instructions. This is a great Eucalyptus Balm For the muscles from NYR Organics.


Eucalyptus As An Insect Repellant

Eucalyptus has been officially registered as an insecticide and miticide, especially for the elimination of mites and ticks for over 70 years.

Clinical research in India found Eucalyptus Globulus to be a natural treatment against houseflies.

One way to use eucalyptus oil at home as an insect repellant is to diffuse essential oil through a diffuser. Another way is to add a few drops of eucalyptus to a spray bottle and use it to disinfect work surfaces, floors, and cupboards. Or add it with a few other oils such as tea-tree, thyme to spray bottle.

Eucalyptus Oil - Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil


The Safe And Effective Use Of Essential Oils


Most people underestimate the power, properties, and potency of essential oils. Even though essential oils are extracts of nature every essential oil is uniquely made up of different volatile compounds.


Each essential oil tends to have a long list of therapeutic properties but some also have potentially toxic and harmful properties when not used in a safe and effective way.


So it is important that you choose the right essential oil for your and your family’s need and use that oil in the most appropriate safe and effective way for each person. That includes checking for contraindications, safety use guidelines, and buying good high-quality essential oils. That is why I choose NYR Organics and have my own online shop.


WARNING: EUCALYPTUS is highly potent it should not be used on infants. Use essential oils with care, especially when applying essential oil blends on children, the elderly, those with certain health challenges or medical conditions. Always check with your doctor and a qualified aromatherapist to see if essential oils are suitable for any chronic or rare medical condition.


Steam Inhalation Instructions:

Recommended oils for inhalation include eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, tea-tree.


How To Inhale Steam

You’ll need the following materials:

  • a large basin or bowl
  • water
  • a pot or kettle
  • towel


Steps To Inhale Safely And Effectively

  • Boil the water.
  • Carefully pour the hot water into the bowl.
  • Then drape the towel over the back of your head.
  • Turn on a timer.
  • Close your eyes and then slowly lower your head toward the bowl until you’re about 8 to 12 inches away from the water. Be extremely careful to avoid making direct contact with the water.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for at least two to five minutes.



Aromatherapy Diffusing

Aromatherapy diffusers are a great way to diffuse essential oils out in the home. Many essential oils diffused can help eliminate or reduce viruses, boost the immune system. They can also help produce happy hormones, help you unwind and relax. Most diffusers will come with instructions on how many drops of essential oil to use to add to water tank.


Hot Compress Instructions

You’ll need the following materials:

  • a small bowl
  • water
  • a pot or kettle
  • small flannel or towel

For a hot eucalyptus compress, add one drop of eucalyptus oil to a small bowl of hot water. Then dip the cotton flannel into the water and apply directly to the skin.


Aromatherapy Bath Instructions

The best way to add essential oils to the bath is to add the oils to a base oil that will easily disperse in the bath such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil.


Adult Recommendations:

Run bathwater.

Then add 5 ml of your eucalyptus essential oil blend ( a mixture of carrier oil such as coconut oil with essential oils)

Or add 5 drops of Pure Essential Oils to bathwater.

Then thoroughly disperse in water before entering the bathwater.

Relax in the bath for a minimum of 10-15 minutes to get the full benefit.


Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health






Trauma and the Physical Body

Trauma and the Physical Body

Trauma and the Physical Body by Dr Melanie Salmon

Chronic pain is not always the result of physical injury, it may be the body’s response to a traumatic event

Not only damaging to our mental health, trauma can also have an incredible impact on our physical body. Some chronic pain complaints, for example, can be attributed to residual trauma, our body responding to past events through muscle tensing.

So, what is chronic pain? What types of chronic pain are psychological? And how can past trauma affect our current physical state? 

What is chronic pain?

In the UK, around 28 million adults are affected by some type of chronic pain (42% of the population) and globally, more than 1.5 billion (American Academy of Pain Medicine). That’s 18% of the world’s population. 

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for at least 12 weeks, although it may in fact last for several years. It can limit your mobility and reduce your flexibility, strength, and endurance, making it challenging to get through daily tasks and activities. 


Collectively, we can categorise chronic pain as somatogenic pain (the cause is found within the structure of the body, the ‘soma’) and psychogenic pain, with the most common types of pain (across both categories) including headache; post-physical trauma pain; lower back pain; arthritis pain; neurogenic pain (pain caused by nerve damage); and psychogenic pain. The latter describes pain that isn’t caused by disease or nerve damage, the cause is thought to be in the mind. 

Trauma and the physical body: psychogenic pain

Psychogenic pain is chronic, disabling pain that is primarily caused by psychological factors. Factors such as beliefs, emotions, fears, or mental illness – like depression or anxiety – can trigger, exacerbate, or maintain pain that started in an innocuous way, such as an accident or fall.

Dr Robert Scaer (amongst others) has shown that chronic stress and trauma has a profound impact on the entire mind-body system, resulting in disease, sometimes decades later. 

Scaer studied the ‘diseases of the freeze’ – those diseases originating from a dysregulated autonomic nervous system – as a result of trauma. This includes chronic psychogenic pain. 

He showed that the majority of what we consider to be ‘arthritis’ of the neck and back is in fact myofascial pain associated with stress and trauma. An MRI scan shows no relationship with pathology. 

Trauma and The Physical Body by Dr Melanie Salmon. Trauma and the Physical Body by Dr Melanie Salmon Chronic pain is not always the result of physical injury, it may be the body’s response to a traumatic event Not only damaging to our mental health, trauma can also have an incredible impact on our physical body. Some chronic pain complaints, for example, can be attributed to residual trauma, our body responding to past events through muscle tensing. So, what is chronic pain? What types of chronic pain are psychological? And how can past trauma affect our current physical state? 

Trauma and the physical body: myofascial pain syndrome 

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a description of muscle pain: pain and inflammation in the body’s soft tissues. A chronic condition that affects the fascia (connective tissue that covers the muscles), it may involve either a single muscle or a muscle group. 

Myofascial and related chronic pain is often traceable to complex childhood trauma and is always distributed through the back. This can be explained by understanding the back’s role in protecting us from physical trauma or threat.

When threatened with violence, the back will step in to protect the body; the muscles of the core are intensely activated, pulling the body into a contracted foetal position for self-defence. 

Picture a five-year-old child who waits for her father to come home. A bully, her father often threatens to beat the children when they’re naughty and walks through the door shouting. Immediately her body reacts by moving into a defensive position. 

If she’s safe enough to do so, she’ll curl up into a foetal position to get the best protection she can. However, if she is unable, she will form an incomplete foetal position. Her body will still want to contract but can’t. This incomplete foetal position will be stored in her muscle memory: tense and trying to contract without being able to. 

The emotional memory of this event is stored in the muscle groups involved in the defence forever afterwards; the emotional memory of trying to defend. The neural pathways are set, and in later life when the body experiences chronic stress – any stress – all these muscles will contract as they always did before, pulling tight into the same type of protective response. Instead of pulling the body into a foetal position, however, the muscles of the back and neck ache with widespread myofascial pain. 

This type of pain is uniquely stress-related.

Neglect and the physical body: example case study

Trauma may lead to a life of low-grade sustained vigilance, sensitive to environmental as well as internal triggers. 

If you can imagine a child that was repeatedly bullied from the age of six years old, while trying to find their place in the world and connect with society, they are rejected and lack social bonding. At home, parents are absent because they work all the time and therefore don’t offer sufficient care-giver support.

The child grows up with low self-esteem, feeling unworthy and unsafe in the world; trust in them and others is diminished. They may develop an inability to express themselves and repress their emotions for fear of punishment, judgement, or rejection. 

When confronted with a difficult situation, they bottle their emotions and feel internal anguish, repeatedly releasing toxic stress chemicals into the body. 

Their immune system is compromised, making them more susceptible to illness. Over time, they develop chronic pain. 


Healing trauma: body and mind

What has emerged from pioneers in the field of epigenetics and neuroscience, is an understanding of the importance of healing past trauma – and doing so by working with the subconscious mind.

While we cannot go back in time and ‘un-experience’ a traumatic event, our history is imprinted within us, crystallizing as our core beliefs or “truths”. To effectively heal from our past we must bypass the rational mind and access the source of our belief systems. 


Using the QEC method, we are able to change the belief systems and conditioning that no longer serve us. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows us to ‘rewire’ our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.

In this way, we can fundamentally change the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us.

Most commonly used for working with trauma, depression, grief and loss, stress, health and relationships, you can learn more about QEC here


Organic Remedies – Main Difference Between Natural Remedies

Organic Remedies – Main Difference Between Natural Remedies

Organic Remedies

What is the Main Difference Between Organic Remedies and Natural Remedies?

Are organic remedies and natural remedies the same or different?

What about organic medicine and natural medicine?

Should I choose organic over more natural remedies to support my family’s health and wellbeing.

Well first of all it’s important to explore what Organic And Natural means:

What is Organic?

Anything that is Organic means it is entire growth and production is free from chemicals and toxins, for example, free from anything that is not a natural fertilizer, pesticide, or preservative.


Difference Between Natural Remedies and Organic Remedies

Organic And Natural – What is the difference?

The biggest difference between an organic remedy and a natural remedy is both are made by the extraction or blend of ingredients from nature. For example a plant; vegetable, fruit, or tree.

In the cultivation, the plant or plants from see to end production must be completely free of anything inorganic or manmade.


Certification Of Organic Products

Anyone who manufactures an organic product needs to pass what is regarded as organic certification. For example, we recommend a lot of NYR Organic Products because we use them ourselves.

Neal Yard Remedies sell a variety of natural remedies, some are organic natural remedies, and some are organic essential oils. Anything that is clearly organic has to be clearly labeled.

The biggest difference between an organic remedy and a natural remedy is that both may be extracted from nature. For example a plant, vegetable, fruit, or tree. In the cultivation and growth of the plant, the plant/plants must be completely free of anything inorganic or manmade.


Natural Medicine

This means that natural medicine although medicine from nature isn’t necessarily organic medicine, neither is a natural remedy automatically organic remedy it is important to check the ingredients and or label of the product.

We have included some of our favourite natural and organic remedies and organic essential oils below:

Organic Remedies To Support Immune System


Organic Defence Aromatherapy Blend

is a perfect blend of organic aromatherapy essential oils that can help support and defend the human immune system.

It includes Organic Thyme Essential Oil, purifying Niaouli and the refreshing zing of lemongrass.

As an aromatherapist Thyme Essential Oil is one of those oils I would add to a spray bottle or blend to help fight against certain bacteria and viruses at winter. Especially to clean surfaces and the environment.

A great non-toxic product if you want to avoid chemical nasties.


Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Pure organic eucalyptus oil is another powerful essential oil used in organic medicine and natural medicine.  It is particularly used in a lot of cold and flu natural remedies for the chest or used for inhalation. Eucalyptus oil is also great to diffuse at home during cold, flu or virus seasons.

Eucalyptus is one of my favourite winter essential oils to add to my diffuser Learn More


Organic Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is one of the oldest well known natural remedies, organic remedies used in the winter months here in the UK. The elderberry tree grows wild in Europe and North America.

Elderberries are known for their high antioxidants and vitamins. Other than being used as a cough syrup it can be a great boost to be added to your cereals, porridge, or fresh juice.

Organic Honey And Thyme Syrup

this is one of the natural organic remedies that your family should have in their home first aid box this winter.

It is made of honey, marshmallow extract, thyme flower extract, aniseed fruit extract, and vitamin C LEARN MORE


Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

Organic Remedies To Treat  Insomnia, and Sleep Issues

Organic Vetivert Essential Oil

Organic vetivert (Vetiveria zizanoides) is a deeply sedating, grounding organic essential oil. Vetiveria it is also said to be useful as a nerve tonic and said to repel ticks.

Vetivert oil can be a great oil to support a deep quality sleep, suffer from insomnia. A great sleep aid for those whose sleep cycle is compromised e.g. work night shift, or back shift.

Caution: Don’t apply directly to skin, add a few drops to a bath or well-diluted in a massage blend. Use sparingly don’t continue to use daily as Vetivert stays in the bloodstream for more than a few days.



Organic Remedies For Babies And Children

With an increase in toxic products, many parents are consciously choosing organic natural baby remedies and natural skin care products for their babies and children’s well-being.

These natural products for infants and kids that are well-reputed to be more safe, effective and far healthier for our children’s health and our environment.


Natural Skincare Products For Babies

Natural Baby Organic Collection

A collection of Natural and Organic Baby Products. Organic Baby Balm, Pure Baby Oil, and Organic Baby Bath and Shampoo with lovely organic cotton flannel.

This is perfect gift to nurture that newborn baby or infant without any toxic nasties. Learn More



Natural Health Solutions For Your Families Health

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Why Choose Homeopathy For Children

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Carrot Pear Juice Recipe

Carrot Pear Juice Recipe

Calming Carrot Pear Juice Recipe

Try this  Calming Carrot Pear Juice Recipe ( Calming Carrot Smoothie Recipe) to help soothe your nervous system and reduce inflammation. A great healthy juice recipe if you suffer from fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, anxiety, or stress.
This gingered pear juice recipe can help you feel calmer and balanced with its alkalizing effect on the blood and body and its soothing effect on the nervous system. It can also help restore electrolytes and contains properties that are known to reduce the severity of migraines.

Calming Carrot Pear Juice Recipe


Time: 10 minutes to prepare Servings: 2 glasses

Recipe Ingredients

3 large carrots
1 pear
3 stalks celery
2 broccoli florets
1 small cucumber
1-inch knob ginger
½ teaspoon of grounded ginseng (optional see below)
½ a lemon juice


Carrot Pear Juice Recipe for calming the nervous system

Calming Carrot Juice Recipe Instructions

Wash and brush your fruits and vegetables well and pat dry.

Chop the carrots and discard the tops if desired. ( Note the carrot tops, leaves are edible but they don’t taste too nice!)

Chop the pear, celery, broccoli, ginger, and cucumber so they can comfortably fit
in your juicer.

Add the chopped fruit and vegetable pieces pear, celery, ginger, cucumber, and then broccoli into the juicer chute ensuring you don’t put too many pieces into the chute at one time.

Collect the juice in a glass or mason jar.

Add the ginseng, lemon juice, and stir well.

Serve this healthy Pear Juice Recipe and enjoy chilled!


Nutritional Facts For Carrot Pear Juice Recipe

Calories 111 | Carbs 30g | Fat 0 g | Protein 1g


The Nutritional Properties of this Carrot Pear Juice Recipe

Carrots are a natural source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants.

Carrots are known to have a lot of health benefits, particularly their reputation for supporting our eyes.  Carotene antioxidants are well-associated with helping to lower the chances of cancer.

Pears are packed with a soluble fiber called pectin which is known to help give a feeling of fullness, support good gut health, and good bacteria.

Pears have natural sources of antioxidants, copper, vitamin c, and vitamin k. Copper when combined with Iron supports the body to produce red blood cells, this helps nourish the immune and nervous system.

Celery has an alkalising effect on the blood and body, packed with vital antioxidants that help prevent blood vessels, organs and cells from oxidative stress and harm.

Celery  contains pectin-based polysaccharides such as apiuman and trace elements such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium,

Celery and celery seeds are well-reputed to be beneficial in reducing inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis.

Broccoli is a good source of Vitamin A, B, C, E, K which includes folic acid. As well as calcium, iron, magnesium, and selenium. Magnesium is a vital component in the functions of many parts of the body.

Lack of magnesium can lead to a variety of unwanted nervous disorders, cardiac and neuromuscular issues. For more information on magnesium deficiency click here.

Other health benefits of Broccoli it’s a good source of protein and fibre, it is said to help build strong bones, can help reduce the risk of cancer, good for eye health.

Cucumber is rich in electrolytes, contains micronutrients and antioxidants helps prevent dehydration. It helps encourage a feeling of fullness, being a low dense energy food it can be extremely helpful in weight loss.

Cucumber contains minerals such as copper,  magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, vitamins B, C, and K.

Ginger is a well-known anti-inflammatory its is high in gingerol, it also has antioxidant properties. It is reputed to restrain the growth of certain types of bacteria.

Ginger can help with nausea especially morning sickness, can help reduce blood sugar.

Ginger is widely used in ayurvedic medicine for a variety of health issues.

Ginseng; there are two main different types of ginseng: Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) both types have a variety of different properties.

For this recipe, we would recommend the american ginseng as it is less stimulating. Panax quinquefolius can help support brain function, reduce blood sugar, improve immune system and energy levels.


So if you are looking for a juice recipe that supports your nervous system, boosts your energy levels and immune system whilst giving you a variety of electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients our Super Apple Pear Juice Recipe is perfect for you.


Other Healthy Juice Recipes

Winter Super Juice Recipes


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Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm

Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm

Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm First

Is the most important aspect of the medical oath Do No Harm First a priority in modern medicine today?

The Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm First used to be the first and most important rule for any Medical Doctor, Nurse Or Health Practitioner. Do No Harm First used to be the foundational principle in healthcare, a promise that doctors and healthcare practitioners will decline from doing harm to their patients. But in the world of modern-day medicine, has this become overlooked, lost, or even forgotten? Especially in today’s world where many medical practitioners are finding themself in incredibly challenging and compromising situations. Where most medical care around the world is seriously underfunded, mismanaged, influenced, and controlled by governmental and pharmaceutical agendas.


The Do No Harm Dilemma Of The Modern Doctor And Nurse

So much so that many millions of caring and compassionate Doctors and Nurses today are feeling seriously ethically and morally comprised. They know they are not always able to give their clients the care and treatment they know their clients deserve.

But how serious are these issues? Is allopathic medicine doing enough to ensure modern medical medicine and interventions do no harm? Or are we giving too much power, authority, and control over our wellbeing to the pharmaceutical and science world?


The Risk Of Harm And Injury?

We all know someone in our friends and family members who has experienced some sort of harm or injury. You just need to look at the approx 22, 000 deaths a year noted to be caused by NHS Medication Errors in 2018 to see just one example of harm.

Many of us know people who have left their mainstream medical profession who felt they weren’t able to do their jobs safely or effectively anymore. So many deeply caring healthcare practitioners at the moment feel seriously compromised, under so much pressure, they want to help heal not harm but are struggling to navigate within a dysfunctional medical system.

In many ways, I believe modern medicine has become more like symptoms management and emergency treatment than anything about actively promoting and empowering patient health and wellbeing. We just need to see the lack of health and wellbeing in many Doctors, Nurses, and other Healthcare Professionals.  Or look at the lack of health promotional videos during covid 19.

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Modern Medicine And Nutrition

I found it extremely concerning that over the last year there was no major NHS campaign focusing on ways to boost and support the immune system. Absolutely nothing encouraging adequate nutrition and healthy eating. In fact, I saw one shocking BBC program that said eating healthy would not help when basic science an unhealthy diet, an unhealthy body is more likely to have an unhealthy immune system and an issue fighting off a virus or other complications. Or am I wrong??

There was no mention of Vitamin D, Zinc, and Vitamin C in 1st world countries while some 2nd and 3rd world countries were encouraging their people to do what they could to boost their wellbeing. But is this just more proof that mainstream medicine has moved so far into drugs and policies that the basics of health and wellbeing such as good nutrition got lost?

Lets’s look at holistic Nutritionists who spend 3 – 4 years studying Nutrition, they are rarely taken seriously by many Doctors and Nurses who themself as one medical student claims to spend only between 10- 24 hours of study in nutrition over 5- 6 years. As someone with very rare medical challenges and one serious health issue that included threatened eye loss. My greatest health issues were NEVER improved by mainstream medicine, except in a life-threatening issue but that very issue was caused by medical harm and neglect. On so many occasions a suitably qualified Nutritionist and testing helped me get some of my health back when modern medicine told me there was nothing they could do. I had at one time an eye pressure of only 2 and managed to get it up to 10 with nutritional advice.


So how much has modern medicine become more like emergency medicine or symptom management? Than about true health care, health promotion, health advice, and wellbeing?


The Extreme Mental Pressure Of Medical Practitioners

As someone who has seen hundreds of Doctors and Medical Experts, who has been a participant in different types of medical research and medical studies I do see strands of the broken system. I also found it interesting and refreshing when I speak to maturer Dr’s who have less to prove, they tend to be more objective, more honest, and more focused on Doing No Harm First.

Of course, there are many amazing Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Providers who always put their patients first. There are amazing medical and scientific breakthroughs that only modern medicine can provide. But we cannot deny the mental, physical, and emotional health state of many Doctors and Nurses, especially at the moment. A reason why so many nurses and doctors are moving out of modern medicine and moving into other careers some more holistic roles, or health coaching roles. Because the mental and physical demands of these roles were impacting their ability to make the right choices or their confidence in challenging the status quo.

Ready To Live A More Holistic Life




The Importance Of Research And Evaluation

One medical friend of mine whose mum has had medical harm due to the recent jab has been completely shocked recently by the naivety of many fellow medical practitioners. How many Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists are prescribing or promoting the latest pandemic vaccine to patients but actually have done no proper research on any of its clinical studies, possible and documented side effects. Promoting and giving out something they have not personally looked into. Even more, concerning was that more than a few medical professionals had no idea that this medical intervention was still in the experimental stages and that in phases 1 & 2 many people with certain medical conditions were excluded from the study.

On the other side of that, unfortunately, we are seeing more and more nurses, doctors, and pharmaceuticals who are trying to speak up or question things due to some of the things they are seeing. I have witnessed some heart-breaking stories of nurses, doctors, and scientists who have walked out of their profession because of the pressure and compromise. One paramedic walked out because he was sick of watching patients’ freedom of choice, freedom of body autonomy being abused. Others sick and tired of being told to not ask questions during suspect harmful vaccine side-effects.

As someone myself who has had more than my fair share of medical negligence, medical harm from procedures, investigations, and treatments within modern medicine. I have to say I find it deeply disturbing how much freedom of choice and body autonomy has been taken away in many countries around the world in relation to healthcare and medical interventions. And even more worrying when they have put such a tremendous amount of energy, money into psychological campaigning and into the silencing of world-renowned Immunologists, Virologists, Vaccine Development.

Do No Harm First - Is the Hippocratic Oath of Do No Harm First taking priority in modern medicine by The World of Health

We All Have The Right To Safe Effective Healthcare

I believe we all have the right to medical interventions and treatments that are primarily focused on safety first. And that everyone should have choice, and within that choice access to information and transparency around those medical interventions. I personally wish I knew how potentially damaging some of the medical interventions that I had that I was led to believe were safe which caused me devastating health issues.

And wish I knew 30 years ago what I know about health and wellbeing. Especially about so many of the things we can do to help ourselves and to help others. Don’t get me wrong I totally realise the present dilemma is a difficult one. But the fact we are seeing so many different opinions from all over the world on so many aspects of the current health crisis, especially around the efficacy of certain testing and safety of certain treatments, again is another reason that I believe we should highlight the importance of choice.

One of the things that I struggle to get my head around in relation to PCR testing is being used to test for such a serious thing, when in fact I was told by more than a few Infectious Disease Drs and others in the NHS  over 5 years ago, that this type of testing was inadequate and couldn’t ever diagnose as it could pick up any virus or bacteria. So what is the truth who knows?

All I know is that healthcare surely is supposed to be about doing no harm, your medical doctor or nurse should be doing their own research, shouldn’t be scared of using the yellow card scheme or reporting an issue. I nearly lost my own life in ICU due to an additional issue of Doctors not putting down properly in my medical notes the reactions I had to certain medicines and anesthetics.

On the other hand, we have so many Doctors today who feel they are not being respected, not valued, not listened to by their patients. Surely these issues create a greater divide and can lead to compassion fatigue, burnout,  and frustration. As a society, is it our duty to change the culture of healthcare? Is it our duty to put pressure on our government and healthcare providers? To back up the healthcare providers who want more transparency, who want a much safer and positive health experience for their patients?

I personally believe that for example, a big problem in the UK is that in some ways we have created a nanny state that in some ways discourages self-responsibility for our health. I know through the years many of the Doctors I have met have been shocked at how many things I have done to support my health and how much of my income I invested in my health even when in severe poverty. But no matter what, no matter what country you live in, what you believe about health, you have the right to choose your health and wellbeing choices, especially those that Do No Harm.


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Why Choose Homeopathy For Children

Why Choose Homeopathy For Children

Why Choose Homeopathy for Children? Supporting children’s health naturally through homeopathy by Naturopath, Karen McElroy.

Why Choose Homeopathy For Children

As any parent will know, the rapid growth and development a child goes through from birth through to early adulthood is phenomenal. This growth requires abundant energy and good vitality. One of the best things to remember when making choices for your kids is that “children are not little adults.” Kids are sensitive, they are still growing and have their own needs and requirements as they follow their own trajectory of development. We should try to minimise ‘adult’ environmental conditions before our children are old enough to handle them. This is true of everything from the dosage of medication, exposure to processed foods to television shows, the news, and other adult topics of conversation. 

Developmentally, a child’s organs do not reach maturity until the teenage years. As such, they are less effective at handling toxins, through the kidneys or liver.  So when it comes to medicines and foods, wherever possible we should consider safe and natural options like homeopathy for children. Supporting children’s health naturally with gentle medicine options and quality nutritious foods gives them the best start in life.


Why Homeopathy For Children And Infants Is So Popular

Like all plants and animals, our bodies have an innate intelligence or natural capacity to heal and self-regulate. This inner power or vital force is understood and harnessed in all-natural health traditions and is seen to govern growth and development as well as healing and repairs of the body.  So long as the environment is favourable to our body, this innate vital force does a great job of keeping us healthy. The environment is everything from the food we eat, to our sleep quality, our home life, and relationships. So when children are sick, we must identify where the imbalance has occurred and endeavour to make changes to allow the body to heal.  Consider for example, whether there is enough nutrition being provided, whether sufficient sleep is being obtained or whether there is too much screen time or stress and disharmony in the home. An imbalance that leads to symptoms and illness can often be remedied by making necessary changes in the environment. 


Homeopathy For Children And Infants

In some cases, additional natural medicines can be offered that can help support faster healing or strengthen the constitution and can be especially useful when the environmental conditions are difficult to change or will take some time to be effective. Homeopathy for children is a great tool to support children’s health naturally. Homeopathy has a natural affinity with children and offers a very safe and effective option for many health complaints.


Homeopathy was founded by Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor who, by a chance experiment, discovered that some plants could cause a range of symptoms, but when the same plant was used in a much smaller diluted dosage, it could treat the same symptoms. This came to be known as the Law of Similars, or ‘like cures like’. Broader principles of homeopathy were developed along with foundations of natural medicine practice, giving rise to the homeopathic tenets that remedies should be gentle, do no harm, have a rapid impact on symptoms, and deal with the underlying root cause of the disease. A reason homeopathy for children and infants is so popular.


Homeopathy has continued to be a popular medicine and despite modern medicine’s focus on powerful drugs and big profits, new scientific understanding of energy and the quantum field suggest that the body has many layers from the physical to the vibrational/energetic, and thus homeopathic medicines can work on the more subtle layers to effect change right across the body.


Homeopathic medicines come from many different natural substances, including minerals, plants, and animals. They aim to treat the whole person, and thus symptoms are evaluated on both the physical body level as well as the level of the mind in order to find a remedy that matches closely. Finding a remedy that displays as many similarities to the symptom picture gives the best chance of it working. There are remedies for just about every health complaint, and many symptom pictures can be found in more than one remedy, so honing in on the best one, with the best match to the child’s illness picture is important. 


Popular Homeopathic Remedies For Children

Some popular homeopathic remedies for children’s health complaints include Pulsatilla for cold, coughs, and clinginess, Chamomilla for teething and diarrhoea, and Arnica for bumps, sprains, and bruises. When selecting a remedy, a process called repertorising is used by a homeopath, where all the symptoms are listed in as much detail and then cross-referenced with the remedy picture to ensure the correct remedy is found.


Homeopathic medicines are normally dispensed in small sucrose pilules that have the remedy absorbed into them or they are suspended in liquids. They are easy to administer to children and they are very safe as the physical substance has been diluted and there is no risk of overdose. Remedies come in different potencies, from very low potency which is closest to the physical substance, through to very high potency that has a higher frequency imprint of the medicine. Generally speaking, the lower potencies are used for more physical health issues, while the higher potencies are used for more emotional and mental symptoms. A popular mid-range potency is 30c, which means the remedy has been diluted and potentised 30 times.  


Homeopathic First Aid Kits And Remedy Books

While simple homeopathic first aid kits and remedy books are available and useful for administering at home for straightforward conditions, it is important to always have the backup of a medical professional to support and guide you in managing your child’s health, and serious health issues should always be treated and managed by a qualified health professional or doctor. Next time your child is struggling with a health issue, step back and see what is out of balance, make some healthy changes to their diet or lifestyle and consider using some homeopathic medicines to support your child’s return to health and vitality. Meanwhile, check out Karen’s Homeopathic First Aid Kits and Kids Healthy Lunchbox Book

Help Boost Your Kids Health

with these Nutritious And Tasty Lunch Ideas For Kids by Naturopath & Medical Herbalist Karen McElroy

Kids Healthy Lunchbox Ideas Ebook


About Karen McElroy

Karen McElroy ND, BHSci (Nat), BA, MNHAA, MCMA.

Karen is a qualified naturopath, with over 20 years of clinical experience specialising in women and children’s health.She offers both in-person consultations at her clinics on the Sunshine Coast,  Australia as well as offering online video or phone consultations for people internationally. Karen also speaks at conferences and runs a range of popular courses, workshops, and retreats. Visit her website for more information about homeopathy for children and adults at



Living With Hyperacusis – Noise Sensitivity

Living With Hyperacusis – Noise Sensitivity

The Challenges Of Living With Hyperacusis ( Noise Sensitivity)

The Challenges Of Living With Hyperacusis. What is Hyperacusis?  And why is hyperacusis such a misunderstood and extremely challenging condition?

So What Is Hyperacusis?

Hyperacusis is an abnormal sensitivity to sound. For those suffering from severe hyperacusis, especially very painful hypersensitivity, it can be an extremely debilitating hearing condition that doesn’t just cause discomfort but for someone like myself at times horrendous pain. Now sadly some people confuse Hyperacusis with Misophonia which is a dislike to particular sounds. There is also a perception that the person is experiencing just sensitivity and uncomfortableness but for some of us the pain can be literally so painful it can feel like someone is stabbing you in the ear.

My Own Story Living With Hyperacusis

I was always slightly more aware of sounds than my siblings I would wake up with noises that other people would sleep through. But noise sensitivity only started to become a life-changing condition over 8 years ago after I ended up in ICU with sepsis. Caused by a dental complication that led me to have nerve damage, lockjaw, and osteomyelitis. Now I had previous weakness in this area, previous nerve damage, and trauma from an injury, and a rare medical condition that left me quite vulnerable to temporomandibular issues.

My Own Story Living With Hyperacusis  I was always slightly more aware of sounds than my siblings I would wake up with noises that other people would sleep through. But noise sensitivity only started to become a life-changing condition over 8 years ago after I ended up in ICU with sepsis. Caused by a dental complication that led me to have nerve damage, lockjaw, and osteomyelitis. Now I had previous weakness in this area, previous nerve damage, and trauma from an injury, and a rare medical condition that left me quite vulnerable to temporomandibular issues. But anyway after recovering from sepsis, which left me with a lot of weakness, and nerve damage down the right side of my face, neck, and body. I developed a lot of problems with certain levels, and types of sounds to my right ear, that would literally cause me to lose my balance. I also had developed a complex movement disorder and what is regarded as non-epileptic seizures which all seem to be seriously triggered by vibration and noise.

But anyway after recovering from sepsis, which left me with a lot of weakness, and nerve damage down the right side of my face, neck, and body. I developed a lot of problems with certain levels, and types of sounds to my right ear, that would literally cause me to lose my balance. I also had developed a complex movement disorder and what is regarded as non-epileptic seizures which all seem to be seriously triggered by vibration and noise.

Now the level of noise sensitivity and pain in my right ear became so unbearably painful that I couldn’t handle so many everyday sounds. My ear and jaw would become very warm and at times the muscles in my jaw would twitch. The horrendous pain was one thing the effect on my conscious and my functioning was something else. It would be like this weird surge of electrical energy in my bring that would like short circuit.  I would end up in pain for days. But despite this level of disability, no Doctor would send me to get my ear checked or tested.

Now initially there was more focus on the cause of other issues, I had the complex movement disorder, non-epileptic seizures, and other neurological issues I had, fine motor skill issues I had. But no one could give me any answers. From the beginning, I believed the pain inside my ear alongside the amount of muscle weakness and the nerve damage I had was creating a vicious circle. But I was simply told there was nothing we can do for you, you just have to live with your conditions. Issues which made me housebound because I would have no control over my body. My body would go into constant violent jerking and spasms so I wouldn’t be able to walk outside etc. And the pain in my ear would be so painful as Tom Maholchic in the video Hyperacusis with Pain describes the sound “explodes in my head” and as another person says in this video is “like an ice pick in my ear”

My Diagnosis Of Hyperacusis

Now to get a proper diagnosis of hyperacusis one of the tests you need to get is a ULL uncomfortable loudness level test. But in many areas sadly this is not readily available from the NHS and well even more challenging is that many doctors don’t even realise that Hyperacusis is an actual real condition, my G.P. didn’t. So despite noise sensitivity for years, increasing levels of pain, and seizures, and doing everything I possibly could to help myself I still hadn’t been seen by an audiologist.

It was only when I discovered I could get a private hearing testing at home which would include a ULL test that things changed. The audiologist was very surprised at what the ULL test showed in relation even to the decibels that correlate with normal speech. For this reason, the audiologist sent a letter to my GP recommending further testing. But even when I finally saw an ENT specialist and the audiologist couldn’t complete the test because of the harm it was having on me. The Dr had no interest in trying to help me,  he was extremely dismissive.

I was then sent to a Tinnitus Clinic, given information sheets and recommendations to treat tinnitus, with only a tiny paragraph that mentioned a bit about hyperacusis. At least in this clinic the practitioner actually asked me a lot of questions especially around my underlying medical conditions, the injury I had, and she was also very interested in the research that I had done. She was honest that the clinic didn’t really treat hyperacusis, she commented they knew nothing about Lyme Disease which is known to cause hyperacusis and other neurological issues and my particular issues were very rare. So I had to find my own solutions in how to live with hyperacusis, how to reduce and treat my sound sensitivity/

The Difficulties Of Living With Hyperacusis

The biggest problem I believe living with hyperacusis for many is that firstly many Doctors and medical professionals don’t actually realise that is a real condition one that can be extremely disabling. A seriously under-researched condition, and as MD Timothy Hain suggests one most in audiology appears to have very outdated views.

Many sufferers living with Hyperacusis are neglected and discriminated against because of myths around sound sensitivity. Some people might find some noises annoying, uncomfortable while others suffer tremendous pain like me. Those few hyperacusis with pain rarely get any help, support, or treatment. Although there is a lot more types of treatment available in the United States.

The facts are sound sensitivity is not something that is well researched or something that many neurologists or audiologists actually study. And then even worse some confuse hyperacusis with misophonia ( fear of loud sounds). Now I also have Parry Romberg’s Disease and I have also have had more than a few diagnoses of different conditions some that are including in my list of different causes of hyperacusis.  I have a lot of underlying complex challenges other than injury actually known to be linked with Hyperacusis so it was very surprising that I had to wait so many years to get a diagnosis.

Different Causes Of Hyperacusis

According to Timothy Hain MD, it is considered Hyperacusis may be associated with damage to the inner ear but there is a lot of debate around that. We do know there are many different conditions and causes linked to hyperacusis these include

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders, Aspergers
  • Chronic Noise Exposure, such as a noisy working environment
  • Central Nervous System Disorders, Brain stem issues
  • Deficiencies – Magnesium
  • Disrupted attenuation reflex as seen in Bells Palsy, M.S,  Menieres Disease
  • Medication – Certain medications for example the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin, psychoactive drugs  LSD, methaqualone, phencyclidine (angel-dust)  have been associated with hyperacusis.
  • Head Injury Of Trauma
  • Late- Stage Lyme Disease
  • Nerve Damage, Facial Nerve Palsy
  • Surgery To The Ear
  • Williams Syndrome, a genetic disorder where hyperacusisis a symptom.
  • Toxicity, Oxotoxicity one reason why you should avoid the overuse of ear drops, get the right medical treatment for ear infections, and ear wax removal.

The reality is according to Haines it is time the audiology community starts realising that hyperacusis sufferers are not the cause of their disease. For a long time, Hyperacusis was viewed by some as psychologically when it is simply an area of medical science that we don’t know enough about.

Different Treatments For Hyperacusis

Although presently there is no technical standard treatment for Hyperacusis especially for those of us with severe pain. There are many who have sound sensitivity that benefit from de-sensitization programs or relaxation therapy. I personally tried de-sensitization the first few years it made things worse. In fact for me the more I removed myself from the pain, the less pain and other complications I aid. I actually have been a stress management trainer, meditation teacher, and coach for many years, and I actually teach relaxation therapy.

The Doctor who appeared to have no interest in helping, initially told me to stop using earphones or earbuds. But this was completely impractical as exposing myself to even everyday sounds caused me to lose my balance, fall, lose control of my body, have seizures, and be in horrendous pain for days. I couldn’t even walk out the door myself. I could only expose myself to certain sounds for small periods in a healthy way when the inflammation and pain in my jaw, nerves, and ear were reduced.

Now although I am still predominately housebound, I am getting better slowly. I can now listen to the TV if it’s down very low. I can handle normal speech if it’s not at a high pitch, without jerking about or feeling is if I am being stabbed in my ear.

Luckily for me, I have found a combination of things that have helped me reduce the constant high levels of pain. I still can’t go out on my own and certain sounds and pitches cause me to have all sorts of issues but I am getting there. These are a few of the things that I found helpful

  1. Dub Earbuds which reduce the decibel of sound in your ear/ears – Invaluable at the initial stages helped me be able to talk on the phone and work online.
  2. Herbal Treatment For Bacterial Co-Infections  Associated With Lyme Disease
  3. Better Denture – I have a lot of TMJ and rare teeth issues, the better the denture the better support for your mouth
  4. Mouth Guard – A well-fitting mouthguard really helped to reduce pain in the jaw and nerves
  5. Craniosacral Therapy – I found craniosacral helpful at releasing a lot of cranial pressure, nerve issues
  6. Magnesium, Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine) – Some suggest magnesium and B6 deficiency can be a cause of hyperacusis
  7. Muscle Therapy, Physiotherapy exercises to support the neck and head muscles.
  8. Meditation – Thank goodness I learned meditation many years ago, a life safer to cope with extremely challenging situations and of course reduces anxiety and stress.
  9. Relaxation Therapy – Helps to relax the muscles, nerves as much as I can  luckily this has been one of my areas of expertise for many years and has helped me cope
  10. Visit a Chiropractor to help solve any alignment and trauma injury to the body, this can make a huge difference to many people.

Common Recommendations For Hyperacusis

  • Use Of White Noise Machine
  • Medical Treatment For Any Ear Infection
  • Proper Ear Wax Removal- – Don’t ever use cotton buds.
  • Meditation – I am lucky to have been a meditation teacher for many years and thankfully this helped me keep sane.
  • Relaxation Therapy – I have taught Relaxation Therapy for many years and for most people with stress-induced hypersensitivity relaxation techniques can be very helpful.
  • Stress Management – Stress will increase symptoms of hyperacusis so it is important to manage your stress.
  • Trauma Therapy – There is a wide range of trauma therapies available that can be helpful to some types of noise sensitivity or sound intolerances.

Also, it should be a must that if you have any sort of ear pain that you do get it checked, that you get treated for an ear infection and that you always get ear wax removed by a professional.







Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Is Your Health Your Responsibility?

Is your health your responsibility, or is your health your Dr’s responsibility?

Are we as a society giving over too much responsibility and control around our health to allopathic medicine and governments? Should governments or medical professionals be able to force medical interventions or take away a persons right to choose?

Is Your Health Your Government’s Responsibility?

One of the things we are seeing around the world today is situations where governments are forcing their people to have medical interventions, more specifically vaccinations without the right to choose.

Is this a step too far in taking away our human rights and body autonomy?

Could this be a step towards a more serious agenda where governments start to take more control over what they think is right for your health and wellbeing?

As someone who has been on more than one occasion being a victim of damage from mainstream medical intervention. And as a therapist who sadly has worked with a variety of people harmed by modern medicine.

I find it extremely disturbing how much control over your health is being pushed, advised by governments officials and advisors, some who are not really the most qualified to do so.

So many top Scientists, Virologists and Immunologists around the world are being censored or being silenced from sharing their alarming concerns or opinions. Concerns on not just how this so called Pandemic has been dealt with but questions around the statistics, the testing, the choice of therapeutic interventions and the psychological media that has accompanied this.

I could go more deeply into my concerns around not just the lack of expertise by some of these people behind the decisions. But perhaps the most serious concerns should be the money trails, the conflict of interests by many who have shares or received financial gifts in some form or another by the companies that are being used to roll out their preferred management of this pandemic.

Such as the choice of testing, the experimental vaccines that they cannot possibly guarantee is safe or that will be effective in the long-term. Especially when certain types of disease was excluded from the first phases of trials and the fact we don’t or can’t possibly know the long-term effects in a few months, few years and a few decades.

The reality is most decisions at the moment are not being made right now by the most qualified people in their field but by people in power or who will make financial or other types of large gain from these decisions.

Sadly by too many people in power who have horrendous reputations for putting their own agendas first.  A situation where millions around the world are having their human rights, their rights of personal autonomy being taking away from them. Too many being forced, manipulated, even shamed and bullied into have an experimental vaccine who are at an extremely very very low risk of dying from Covid 19 from a situation according to one paper in the Lancet is more asyndemic than a pandemic.


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Should We Trust Recommended Or Forced Jabs?

Should we ever allow our governments to force any sort of medical treatment or medical invasive intervention without someone’s agree consent and permission?

And should we be informed honestly about the possible risks. So many of the family and friends that I have spoken to had no idea that we were still in trial phases.

Even medical professionals I know are shocked at how many of their co-workers are ill informed.To me our health is mostly our responsibility, our health choices is our responsibility, we all should have choice. I mean you choose if you eat healthy or you don’t? You choose if you exercise or if you don’t? You can choose to have an operation or not.

The reality is we keep getting told about the facts, we keep getting implications that getting the vaccine is more safe, But it is? How can we possibly know so early on. Sadly I personally know of one person who has had a very serious reaction to one of vaccines one and a friends aunt who felt very ill after the vaccine and then died.

In this case they could not prove it was the vaccine like many cases even though the person had no health issues before. Now I know we are faced with difficulties choice there is a virus that is life threatening to some, especially to those with certain types of pre-existing conditions.

But I also wonder why people are not being given other options, why our governments ae not looking at other medical interventions. Or even providing everyone with supplements that are known to support the immune system.Why has our government never mentioned throughout this

Pandemic the basic fundamental importance of good nutrition, healthy eating? Do our governments really want to promote health and wellbeing or do they just want to promote big pharma interventions, especially at a time when profits in big pharma were starting to decline. Especially when so many government officials who make these decisions actually have shares or links to these companies.


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So Should We Totally Trust Big Pharma?

Now the reality is yes many scientists, will have worked very hard, made many sacrifices in their own life to create these vaccines. But the reality is these vaccines have been fast tracked, most are still in experimental stage till 2023. But many people don’t realise that, they don’t actually realise they in many ways they are part of the experiment. Most people have no idea of the amount of scientists in this field who have had deep concerns about these vaccines and that some of these jabs are created with a new type of new science that has never been used before.

Unfortunately we know governments and modern medicine have made horrendous mistakes throughout the years. I became shocked on my own journey on how little many Doctors and Nurses knew about the medication they prescribed and the vaccines they promoted, Most never do their own research, most only check out the information they are told by their supervisors or basic information provided because they trust the NHS and trust that these companies have the patients interests at heart. But what is more important in the world today health or money? Also is saving money on certain types of treatments put before what is actual more safe or best for someone’s health?

The wiser more experienced Doctor who has sadly seen the other side of the coin tends to do their own medical research. They tend to ask questions and challenge what they are told.  But even that today has become harder in approx October 2019 google started to lower the SEO rankings of many medical research papers and holistic research papers that didn’t suit certain agenda. Meaning it would be much harder for people to find certain articles and medical papers that didn’t align with what the medical and pharmaceutical industry wanted you to read. So basically it became even harder for the patient, the clinician and even experts to find information that wasn’t pharmaceutically or politically bias.

Well lets say they took that bias to a whole new level in 2020 and 2021 through such unbelievable censorship that we have come to question if we are indeed living in a communist country. We just need to see the amount of censorship on Social Media and TV, to see the amount of influence our governments and organisations linked to pharma have on the media and the narrative they want to serve.

But should we be surprised? Perhaps more alarmed we all know that big pharma has a certain reputation for being more about profit than genuine public health interest. And its attempted cover ups of so much harm and damage throughout the years, the source of the Opioid Crisis, and so many cover ups in vaccine damage especially in 3rd world countries. And even more horrendous involvement in human experimentation during World War 2. The “statistically significant correlation between Thimerosal exposure via vaccines and several neurodevelopmental disorders ” and the deaths Of Indian Girls who got the HPV Vaccine that was again attempted to be covered up.

Is Your Health Your Responsibility or your Dr's responsibilityWhy Your Health Is Your Responsibility And Your Choice

I believe your health has to start as your responsibility and it is so important to become informed about your health and wellbeing so you can make educated choices. After a long list of horrendous medical experiences on my own journey. I came to realise how little many medical professionals know about the possible harm and damage of many of things they prescribe or use in modern medicine, And in the modern world we give our power over to many times to people we assume know best.

So how much does your medical practitioners honestly know about the dangers, allergies and serious side effects of so many medical interventions and vaccines today? Many don’t ever see the correlation, the short- term and long-term damage. But sadly some of my work involved supporting families dealing with children disabled by vaccine damage.

Most people have no awareness today how much vaccine damage there is and actually more concerning how much is not reported or published. I know through personal experience that most Doctors rarely report serious allergies or harm by medication or medical interventions using the yellow card.

The Biggest Causes Of Disease Today

We know the biggest causes of disease today are lifestyle choices and toxins. So what you eat, what you do or don’t do, what you drink, smoke or how you manage your life and stress will impact your health and wellbeing. Alongside things like poverty, bad housing, certain occupations, education, culture and environment can all impact our health. But many chronic health challenges today that makes us more vulnerable to certain diseases that are caused by own health choices and our exposure to modern day toxins.

In-fact in our modern world many people are under nourished simply because of poor and unhealthy eating. They have a poor immune system, inflammation, digestive issues because of what they consume and don’t consume. Many diseases today can be eliminated by a more healthy clean diet and lifestyle, so yes the medical system are often trying to treat the symptoms rather than prevent the most life-threatening diseases.

These words and thoughts are only my thoughts and wonders around my experiences and many of the people I have worked with. Experiences of my own, my clients, colleagues and friends in the holistic industry, the Dr.s, Nurses, Pharmacists and Scientists who have left mainstream modern medicine who believe in Do No Harm First.

Modern medicine, modern science is an incredible thing, modern medicine says millions of life’s every day.  There are many government officials, doctors and nurses who genuinely care are faced with many difficult dilemmas and challenges every single day. But I believe when we give our body, our health autonomy to anyone else, especially our government, or medical field we are basically handing over our personal freedom, our personal human rights. A very very frightening step towards giving them so much more control to do as they will.



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3 Top Pure Essential Oils For Meditation

3 Top Pure Essential Oils For Meditation

Best Pure Essential Oils For Meditation.

My Top Recommended Pure Essential Oils For Meditation. The best essential oils to help you get into deep stages of meditation, calm, and peace. grounding and Sacred Essential Oils To Help You Achieve Deep Meditative States.

Benefits Of Essential Oils For Meditation

As both a Meditator for 30 years and a qualified aromatherapist I understand how highly effective high-quality pure essential oils can be in helping meditators achieve deep meditative states. For anyone who struggles to relax, switch off, is new to meditation, or for those who think they cannot meditate, these right incense or essential oils during meditation can help set the scene, create the right atmosphere, and help you get more centered and grounded.

Most people underestimate the power of certain essential oils on the mind, body, emotions, and spirit and how much scents can change our mood and mental state.

These 3 Pure Essentials Oils are grounding and Sacred Oils used by Meditators worldwide.

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3 Of The Best High-Quality Pure Essential Oils For Meditation

These 3 Pure Essentials Oils For Meditation are grounding and Sacred Oils used by Meditators worldwide.

Frankincense For Meditation

Frankincense (Boswellia sacra) is a resin oil that has been extracted from the gum of the Frankincense Tree typically grown in Africa.

Frankincense has been used for centuries for religious, spiritual, and therapeutic practice.  It is known by some as the “King Of Oils” for its wide versatility, its physical and spiritual value, we know Frankincense was given to the baby Jesus. Frankincense is used as an incense, perfume, skincare, and embalming due to its preservative properties as far back as the Ancient Egyptians and today.

In many Asian countries, the Frankincense Resin is regarded as edible and is used to treat a variety of bronchial conditions. In China, the Frankincense Resin is used for a variety of mouth, gum, and teeth issues. Indian frankincense (B. serrata), is widely used in Ayurvedic Medicine to help treat wounds, arthritis, balance female hormones, and for purification purposes.

Frankincense inhaled and or applied as a massage blend with a carrier oil to the body is deeply calming, deeply grounding, and very relaxing. I find Frankincense one of the best essential oils for meditation it is so deeply grounding, so deeply calming, and centering.

Frankincense Scent: Frankincense has a warm woody resin scent.

Buying Frankincense: When buying Frankincense Essential Oil make sure you choose from a high-quality product such as NYR Organics or doTerra. For those in the UK, I would highly recommend NYR Organics  for quality and price.


Myrrh Oil For Meditation

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is a resin oil that has been extracted from the gum of the flowering trees of the genus Commiphora in Somalia, Arabia, and Ethiopia.

Myrrh has also been used for centuries, widely used by the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries, and was another gift to the baby Jesus. Myrrh used to be regarded as a very valuable commodity but no longer has the high financial value it used to have.

Like Frankincense, Myrrh has also been widely used for embalming, perfume, incense, and as an antiseptic throughout the ages.

Myrrh was widely used in many purification and religious rituals. And another one of those commonly used essential oils for meditation and sacred rituals.

Myrrh is mixed with Frankincense for many of the Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Oriental, and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Mentioned as a rare perfume in the bible by the Hebrews.

In Chinese Medicine, Myrrh is regarded as “blood moving” and in Ayurvedic has rejuvenating and restoring properties.

Myrrh is said to help support spiritual opening, when used in inhalation or an aromatherapy blend it is said to work directly with the hypothalamus, pituitary, and amygdalin glands to reduce stress and anxiety.

Myrrh Scent: Very Earthy, Liquorice Type Notes. It blends well with frankincense, marjoram, and rose.

Buying Myrrh: When purchasing Myrrh Essential Oil make sure you choose from a company that only purchases high-quality grade Myrrh Resin such as NYR Organics or doTerra.

Sandalwood Oil For Meditation

Sandalwood (Santalum album) is extracted from the Sandalwood Trees and Roots, in the genus Santalum through distillation. The Sandalwood tree is regarded as one of the most worthy trees in the world.

Sandalwood is another one of my favourite essential oils for meditation, to help me get more grounded, and add it to my bath, and skincare products. I love the strong woody masculine aroma of Sandalwood. Sandalwood is the base note for many aftershaves and perfumes. It acts as a common fixative in perfumes for more volatile scents such as citrus, exotic, and floral scents to help increase the longevity of the scent.

The Australian Aborigines have used their local sandalwood trees for food;  nuts, fruit, and seed kernels. Indian Sandalwood is regarded as extremely sacred and is known in Sanskrit as chandana in Hindu Ayurveda. East Indian Sandalwood is greatly used in Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sandalwood is a popular meditative scent in certain Buddhist practices, and why Sandalwood Incense is a popular gift to Budda.

Sandalwood is widely used in traditional and modern medicine for a variety of skin issues, being anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-proliferative. It is commonly used for colds, chest issues, dry skin, mental issues, UTIs.

Sandalwood Scent: A deeply grounding, rich woody aroma that blends well with Frankincense and Rose.

Buying Sandalwood: When buying Sandalwood for therapeutic properties ensure you are buying your Sandalwood Pure Essential Oil from a high-quality distributor such as NYR Organics.

Want to learn more about Aromatherapy and Essential Oils?

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